Russian Orthodox alternative backward Skype
Each time, I increasingly admire the ability of journalists "news" with a serious face bear full nonsense. Just remember Zaharovskaya Baron Munchausen by Oleg Yankovsky, it says that all foolishness done with this expression on his face.
At this time, "Vesti" distinguished, posted a video titled "The Russian appeared an advanced alternative to Skype». It makes you want to take a pen and finish writing directly on the screen - "backward Skype». Right pride brother Slavs takes - another triumph of technology.
The professionalism of journalists delighted with the first sentence: "In Russia, have developed a more advanced version of Skype." Skype - it, for a moment, the brand and the new version can develop only its owner. But the head of journalists' news "together in a bunch of horses, people and video conference, so for them any videsvyaz on the internet - this is Skype. As small children.
Actually, they are before our eyes bright as much as two alternatives presented Skype. The first - a handful of "advanced" equipment, the main management tool that serves deshёvenky-looking touch pad. Support system right up to the 16 full members of the conference, even two hundred and fifty can pry. One set of equipment for this "videozvonilki" worth more than 3 million US dollars. A pittance, ugh.
The main advantage of this system is called the journalists almost complete absence of delays. This is achieved by monitoring changes in the "width" available channel, and adjust the signal quality for the available connection speed. For reference - Skype is able to always make good use to this day.
But let's see how this feature works in this beautiful national system. Unwind 1:32 mark on the video clip. A voiceover asks in the monitor head: "You hear me well?". Silence ... Silence ... Seconds after three head finally answers: "Yes." Three seconds delay, guys! Well, let the two. That is the speed! Skype smokes on the sidelines, giggling nervously.
Of course, I do not rule out that the head of the monitor is simply bad and thinks the fact to formulate the answer is "Yes", it took three seconds. Then it is obvious that on the other side of the screen should be planted more savvy head. But we all know that it's much easier, and two or three seconds - this is the usual communication delay. Probably for the Russian system is really very little. Hmm ...
imageVtoraya "alternative" presented in the video, all under the table, I dropped. It is a system for field video. With a convenient carrying handle. A sort of a heavy suitcase, which, according to the bearded deputy director of the development company, may be not only video terminal, but also a full-fledged computer. Congratulations, guys - you come up with the laptop!
Probably exactly looked notebooks in the 80-ies of the last century. Take a look at the thickness of the device. At first I thought it was inside hides the real picture tube. But looking more closely, I decided that it's more the system unit. The full-size system unit, prisobachenny to the notebook. Note the elegant twisted cord stretched from the device to a folding keyboard; on comfortable hefty keys.
And now attention. Drumroll. This bag is worth 400 thousand rubles. It is more than 14 thousand dollars, according to Google. Curtain. I'm sure you and I can not think of a way for a lot less money to organize a field relationship and field computer that is more powerful and easier development of the Russian Orthodox in bazillion times.
Journalists of "news" could be called the video somehow different. For example, "Curious IT-industry" or "These do not take into Skolkovo". Then it would have had no complaints. But the guys have made their report in the classic soviet "news from the fields," talking seriously about these mossy and useless Russian "innovation" and presenting them as cutting-edge.
It's not my - Habra taken from
At this time, "Vesti" distinguished, posted a video titled "The Russian appeared an advanced alternative to Skype». It makes you want to take a pen and finish writing directly on the screen - "backward Skype». Right pride brother Slavs takes - another triumph of technology.
The professionalism of journalists delighted with the first sentence: "In Russia, have developed a more advanced version of Skype." Skype - it, for a moment, the brand and the new version can develop only its owner. But the head of journalists' news "together in a bunch of horses, people and video conference, so for them any videsvyaz on the internet - this is Skype. As small children.
Actually, they are before our eyes bright as much as two alternatives presented Skype. The first - a handful of "advanced" equipment, the main management tool that serves deshёvenky-looking touch pad. Support system right up to the 16 full members of the conference, even two hundred and fifty can pry. One set of equipment for this "videozvonilki" worth more than 3 million US dollars. A pittance, ugh.
The main advantage of this system is called the journalists almost complete absence of delays. This is achieved by monitoring changes in the "width" available channel, and adjust the signal quality for the available connection speed. For reference - Skype is able to always make good use to this day.
But let's see how this feature works in this beautiful national system. Unwind 1:32 mark on the video clip. A voiceover asks in the monitor head: "You hear me well?". Silence ... Silence ... Seconds after three head finally answers: "Yes." Three seconds delay, guys! Well, let the two. That is the speed! Skype smokes on the sidelines, giggling nervously.
Of course, I do not rule out that the head of the monitor is simply bad and thinks the fact to formulate the answer is "Yes", it took three seconds. Then it is obvious that on the other side of the screen should be planted more savvy head. But we all know that it's much easier, and two or three seconds - this is the usual communication delay. Probably for the Russian system is really very little. Hmm ...
imageVtoraya "alternative" presented in the video, all under the table, I dropped. It is a system for field video. With a convenient carrying handle. A sort of a heavy suitcase, which, according to the bearded deputy director of the development company, may be not only video terminal, but also a full-fledged computer. Congratulations, guys - you come up with the laptop!
Probably exactly looked notebooks in the 80-ies of the last century. Take a look at the thickness of the device. At first I thought it was inside hides the real picture tube. But looking more closely, I decided that it's more the system unit. The full-size system unit, prisobachenny to the notebook. Note the elegant twisted cord stretched from the device to a folding keyboard; on comfortable hefty keys.
And now attention. Drumroll. This bag is worth 400 thousand rubles. It is more than 14 thousand dollars, according to Google. Curtain. I'm sure you and I can not think of a way for a lot less money to organize a field relationship and field computer that is more powerful and easier development of the Russian Orthodox in bazillion times.
Journalists of "news" could be called the video somehow different. For example, "Curious IT-industry" or "These do not take into Skolkovo". Then it would have had no complaints. But the guys have made their report in the classic soviet "news from the fields," talking seriously about these mossy and useless Russian "innovation" and presenting them as cutting-edge.
It's not my - Habra taken from
