At the bottom of the depression

Scientists have found at a depth of nearly 11 thous. m. of the Mariana Trench "carpet" of microorganisms. "Litter" includes whisker "bush" on underwater rocks - they obviously supply these microorganisms "chemical" edu.

Researchers believe that there should look for the roots of metabolism - something like that could cause a chemical process that led to the birth of the earth, and possibly alien life, and in the solar system. This is the conclusion scientists have come, explore a unique video footage and samples obtained during the mission deepwater Hollywood director James Kemerona.

From the bottom of the Mariana Trench have raised about 20 thousand. Microorganisms, as well as countless giant amoebas - the simplest organisms, which are among the largest single-celled. "Found" will analyze uchenye.

According to recent data, the length of the Mariana Trench, which lies in the western Pacific Ocean, about 2, 5 thous. Km, depth - 10 thousand. 994 m
Source: inpress.ua/ru/society/4204-na-dne-marianskoy-vpadiny-nashli-zhizn