Travel to the bottom of the Earth! Unknown and mysterious world of the Mariana Trench.
What do you know about the Mariana Trench? If you're not a geography teacher or oceanographer, then surely your knowledge is limited to the curriculum that you had forgotten. In general, I am no exception, so I decided that would be nice to think a little bit about the deepest places on Earth.
To begin with talk about the title. Here, everything is very simple. Mariana Trench is named after the islands, which are located nearby.
Absolutely exact depth of the trough is still no one can be called. I remember in my school map was written 11 022 m. This number, which is obtained by measuring at a Soviet research vessel "Vityaz" in 1957. And for the first time the depth of the Mariana Trench was published in 1951. Englishmen aboard the "Challenger" intends to 10,863 m. After that there were many different options. The latest official measurement date from the year 2011. Their result - 10 994 ± 40 m. As you can see, even now, using modern technology, scientists reserve the right to error. In general, whatever it was, and is fully fit Everest (height, of course, not in size), more and more kilometers of water from the top left.
To date, only three people were on the bottom of the Mariana Trench. In 1960, the US Air Force Lieutenant John Walsh and Swiss explorer Jacques Piccard reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the bathyscaphe "Trieste". And in 2012, director James Cameron became the first person to single-handedly sank into the deepest place on our planet. He was helped in this unit Deepsea Challenger.
But the most interesting - is the fauna that inhabits the Mariana Trench. Previously it was believed that life at a depth of more than 7 km away is simply impossible, but even Picard saw the bottom cavity of fish, similar to flounder. There are several stories about what various researchers faced with unknown prehistoric creatures, which, for example, attacked their probes, but today we'll show a small selection of photos of the inhabitants, who live exactly in the Mariana Trench.
So, there are different on the beauty of fish and sea snails ...
Several species of octopus ...
... and other strange creatures. View some of them still can not identify. B>
Here is this place. It still keeps many secrets, because it has not been studied. If you liked our stuff, then tell about it to your friends using social networks.
via ofigenno ru
To begin with talk about the title. Here, everything is very simple. Mariana Trench is named after the islands, which are located nearby.
Absolutely exact depth of the trough is still no one can be called. I remember in my school map was written 11 022 m. This number, which is obtained by measuring at a Soviet research vessel "Vityaz" in 1957. And for the first time the depth of the Mariana Trench was published in 1951. Englishmen aboard the "Challenger" intends to 10,863 m. After that there were many different options. The latest official measurement date from the year 2011. Their result - 10 994 ± 40 m. As you can see, even now, using modern technology, scientists reserve the right to error. In general, whatever it was, and is fully fit Everest (height, of course, not in size), more and more kilometers of water from the top left.
To date, only three people were on the bottom of the Mariana Trench. In 1960, the US Air Force Lieutenant John Walsh and Swiss explorer Jacques Piccard reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the bathyscaphe "Trieste". And in 2012, director James Cameron became the first person to single-handedly sank into the deepest place on our planet. He was helped in this unit Deepsea Challenger.
But the most interesting - is the fauna that inhabits the Mariana Trench. Previously it was believed that life at a depth of more than 7 km away is simply impossible, but even Picard saw the bottom cavity of fish, similar to flounder. There are several stories about what various researchers faced with unknown prehistoric creatures, which, for example, attacked their probes, but today we'll show a small selection of photos of the inhabitants, who live exactly in the Mariana Trench.
So, there are different on the beauty of fish and sea snails ...
Several species of octopus ...
... and other strange creatures. View some of them still can not identify. B>
Here is this place. It still keeps many secrets, because it has not been studied. If you liked our stuff, then tell about it to your friends using social networks.
via ofigenno ru
Travel to the bottom of the Earth! Unknown and mysterious world of the Mariana Trench.
She was only 9 years old, and she has done more than many adults in my entire life ...