VS humorous self-esteem
In Kavazsky reserve at one time brought a pack of baboons. The place is beautiful - at the junction of the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia. And, although the harsh winter primates - tails got frozen, but survived, rogue, and literally staged terror local. Raids on local villages began to organize in search of grub, arranged pretty serious fight with local men (and the only joy of additional entertainment). Well, acquired in these battles appropriate skills of unarmed combat.
Do not shun hairy aliens and treats. Visitors something in a rush to communicate with exotic creature, a no goodies to feed, so they graciously and allowed to feed themselves. And what? Crown, tea, will not fall down.
And sprightly boy from another group of tourists stands feeds impressive size alpha male. Females, as expected in the pack, huddle aloof pending the resolution. All permission does not arrive, because the male cool basement - not only did it treat candy, and it is delicious on its own, so more aesthetic component is present. Each candy in a nice wrapper. And treated before another swallow, unwraps her with an expression of indescribable bliss on his unshaven face.
And suddenly the boy was bored just treat drained. He decided to have a little fun. Say, what to feed something for nothing. And instead of a regular candy brings male dummy. Just beautifully wrapped wrapper. Baboon with dignity takes. Unfolds. Several times in disbelief looks at the guy from the paper, not wanting to believe that he had been treated in this way. Then he drops a piece of paper and well established in clashes blow sends the joker in a knockout. Then slowly rotated and removed presipolnenny dignity towards females.