Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (Part 4) ...
Using yarn / tow / rope rites:
Mystery, magic sense of needlework appeared known not only to the gods, spirits, and "knowing" people, sorcerers, witches. Unlike ordinary people "know" engaged in deliberate and purposeful manipulation of the tow, yarn, thread, rope, etc. Handicrafts attributes. These actions are reflected in the oracle, and magical rites ...
1. Spinning "naopak" (reverse) the two strands - one bridegroom, the other - the bride, let them flooded with water pan, and look: converge, sovyutsya - be a wedding, and if diverge - no luck. Hence there can be the expression "to link their fate» ...
2. In the slogan, "thread break, I'm knitting / I look cute at all" traced the same idea - if the spinner can be related tearing thread, destiny will develop, manage to live together ...
3. Guessing on the Trinity, when the water let the thread (life-destiny, fate, death), and look - will sink or float ...
4. linen yarn wrap around the end of the torch, stuck between the floorboards and set on fire. In what direction torch slope, there and wait for the groom. Option: point where the remnants of fly dogorevshey on Lysina tow - to the door - expect matchmakers, from the door - on the shelf cuckoo ...
5. The attribute of divination performed and products from threads and yarns, such as a belt. Belt placed at the threshold of the church, and was the first centenarians "carrier behalf of the groom." For girls the same platted sash, the thread becomes crucial (perhaps if she wanted to change the fate, it was necessary to dissolve, cut the sash?) ...
6. Programming young life with the help of thread and so on. The girl before the wedding went to the bath with cleaver, holding on to the end zone. Before soar bride sorcerer bandaging the rest of her right hand belt, right leg and chest, saying: "Feet to the legs, arms in hand, to the sternum - to the east." This ritual is "tied" young, so they go hand in hand, did not miss and love one another. (Interestingly, while men were doing nothing of the sort?) ...
7. At weddings spun "thread long life", linking young "to happily» ...
8. Belt in the bath, put on a bride, had a certain number of nodes. According to the number of nodes the number of sons born.
9. According to the number of nodes for tying the umbilical cord counted how many children still bear a woman in labor ...
10. Curl wool thread, witch committed while crossing the road train Wedding modeled crossing the emerging family discord in it ...
11. newborn baby for the first time put into the cradle, okruchivaet shaky (cradle) threads, spun with prayers (plots) at the end of this thread then filmed with shaky, tied in a single thread and placed under the baby's head, thereby promising him a long and happy life ...
12. baby cradle put spindle for a girl or onions to the beat of wool for boys, in some places to the cradle append spindle / tow / kindling / scissors, believing that these items will distract the child from the spirits of the night (after spinning them often much more interesting) ...
13. The rite of "loosening". Seeking or wanting to return a lost / missing person / cattle, red thread (symbol of life) fasten a piece of canvas (as beings in general) ...
14. The thread-fate works in the new home to the fate of the owners of the house was strongly associated with the new abode, throwing a ball of yarn across the threshold, and then by seniority holding "clue" into the house ...
15. The rope serves as the image of the community (that is woven of many threads - but in fact is one) ...
16. Rope - a road between worlds (often, however, the lower world than the top) ...
17. yarn and equal human hair as the center of the vital force (soul). Death shirt embroidered hair in a shroud woven hair of the deceased - as embodied the idea of the existence of the afterlife and subsequent revival ...
18. woven fabrics (canvas, cloth, especially decorated with "fancy") is often associated with the road connecting the worlds, as well as the dead ancestors and future descendants