Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (part 2) ...
Spirits of spinning, weaving, embroider
Mythical creatures like to do spinning and weaving, but most practical benefits it brings. "From frights not wait yarn" - the saying goes. People's memory has retained more stories about the bad old "Exodus" Spinning spirits: see spinning Kikimora - to death in the house; when the dummy is booming bobbins - be trouble. However, if the spirit of the spinning wheel sets (especially in the important days of the year, favorably disposed to the owners), the consequences are favorable - the spirit can "napryast" wealth, health, luck ...
More often than not spinning, the spirit of sentences and whispers wish Charu yarn, households, livestock. In order to "play it safe", try not to leave needlework in a conspicuous place in time to finish the job, and, by and large, do not quarrel with the spirits.
In spinning (knitting, braiding, weaving, sewing, embroider) spirits often recognizable deity, predetermining the fate of the future: the spirits and people coexist ...
Among goddesses Spinning best known Mokosh, Ma-kosh means "Mother of lots" (Sanskrit words found kac - bind, kac - «be visible, manifest»).
Rozhanitsy, the goddess of "predestination", instead of yarn spun the fate of people, giving them happy or unhappy lot. One measures the virgin life, another cuts the thread of fate, the third eldest, says the word destiny. (Cult rozhanits gradually merged with the cult of domestic spirits). Sometimes Rozhanits match "spinner conspiracy" localized on the mountain (stone on the river (sea), under the tree (on the pole), where "three girls ... they spin, vypryadayut, patterns gaining» ...
Similar functions carried goddess of fate and share Nedolya (Srecha and Nesrecha) ...
Brownie (or domozhiriha, female hypostasis houses), house keeper, the ancestor of the genus.
Mara (ghost, ghost, glamor, looking like a little, "zapechelnaya" old lady), there is a moonlit night. Sometimes it takes the form pryalochnogo wheel, sometimes ripping yarn and tow that serves a specific symbol - (in the form of the goddess of death) Mara takes the soul leaving the body ...
Hobgoblin (variations mara / wife brownie looks like a woman of any age with severe physical deformities associated with the cult of the dead) loves to spin alone - sometimes helping a good housewife and negligent harming ...
Mermaids (uniting in the popular imagination of all female nature spirits, and died an unnatural death of women) love to sew. In mermaid week they left on the trees canvas, thread, clothing ...
"Forest wife" give people tangles "non-decreasing" thread ...
Komoha (personification fever) - in addition to the possession of different tools (cut with a knife, sharpening) still spinning ...
Baba Sereda (spin and helps whiten canvases)
Mythical spinner, who lives in the "hut on kurey leg, spun on the heel ... silk spinning, sewing Sucitu long, spindle turns ..." (according to the description of Baba Yaga, or the old woman / sorceress). Spinner spindle twists, turns hut, the thread is twisted into a ball - and that helps to overcome the tangle of time and space hero who seeks his destiny.
Woman Otherworld to help someone in the world is human - using magical powers she animates cloth / embroidered linens, creating harmony between the worlds - the lower, the higher and the median.
It is assumed that initially each day of the week was associated with being spinning-weaving, even the name "day" cognate with the verb "to weave" - "that which is woven" (s'tki). Months of the year is also encrypted in Russian "pryadelnoy" puzzle "is a house in windows 12 / Each box 4 girls / Every girls on spindles 7 / Each spindle his name ..."
Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (part 1) ...
Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (Part 3) ...