Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (Part 3) ...

The appearance of spinning spirits confined to a specific time - in "transitional" moments when worlds are close to each other, spinning is not home character and fateful. Therefore, the "mere mortals" at this time can not touch a magic tool creation blade life - woman relaxing and goddesses, spirits and "knowing" spun by acting on human life and the universe. In the "watershed" time can not weave ropes, twist the thread reel balls, tie knots, weave, bend ... People are unaware of the hidden connection of things (as above - so below), can easily destroy the delicate balance, allowing the forces of chaos to get into "ordered" the world, bringing disharmony and asymmetry.
Hence arise horror stories about punished spinner, despising the ban - in their lives or something breaks, or confused, or goes awry, askew, or has an impact on the weather or my family and having children, of course, in a dysfunctional way. If a person, to intervene in the process "weaving nevovremya" realized that now comes under his hands something bad must cut created thing apart, in order to "restore the universe to its original state».
You can not spin during the solstice (winter - was associated with the cult of the dead, hence the custom to dress up, to come to each other's homes and mummers spin sitting on the bunk, as if it were not for women, and frights, driving while talking about the fate of the younger generation), on mermaid week (transition from spring to years on Fridays ...
Ritual spinning yarn accounted for specific calendar date: This is separately specified a) the time of day: before sunrise or during the day or night; b) the place spinning: on the threshold of the house, "on the water" on the fly by the window; c) cast (women, old women or girls with "runt", often never to this point has not spun). It was necessary, and adherence to ritual purity performers. Sometimes magical yarn spun left arm with torsion spindle "from themselves" (counterclockwise) ...
Season of "spinning" and flax processing begins with the onset of winter (October). On the girls' get-togethers and zapryadkah (literally. "New yarn"), women and girls were talking, dreaming, spun (and the female magic requires the ability to dream - to create, nurture and bring forth desired) ...
On the night of the winter solstice, when the boundaries of the worlds thinner, past-present-future are nearby, spun thread programming.
Spinning ended March 26 (in style), by this time was supposed to complete the final yarn, or make "will not go for the future» ...
Clothing was established in the year meant a significant renewal and rebirth ...
Used in the spinning material - mostly wool, flax, hemp, although sometimes in the course are chicken feathers (dummy and Mara) and hair hosts (Mokosh). Using wool / feathers / hair spirits manipulate the focus of the life force of humans and animals, so these "threads" have more impact. Perfume-spinner themselves often can turn around tow, and then spun is not just hair, and their hair - as a combination of life and magic power transmitted canvas. Simultaneously spinning spirits whether women whether slander on his work wishes ...
Unlike ordinary mortals spirits still doing their "job" knowingly, they exist on a subtle level - and see the subtle weaving - where they started, as related than end: so they "weave" flows as easily as for people thread.
To achieve the goals not only used a different material for the yarns (wool, linen, silk), but different colors (red, white, tough, black) as well as a different number of threads (one, three, or more).
A method of tying threads on the human body can be correlated with various ornaments: round neck thread is associated (or replaced later) necklace on hand - bracelet on her finger - ring at the waist - belt.
Also important was the way to fix the thread on the body: tying or criss-cross ...
Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (part 2) ...
Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (Part 4) ...