Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (part 1) ...
Images of goddesses of fate are often associated with the image of the filament, spinning wheels, spindles. People female needlewoman dealing with cloth and thread, also endowed with understanding the nature of things secret and skillfully use their knowledge. With the help of yarn affect all spheres of life: "What is the thread, so is life." The destiny of man is perceived as a thread on the spinning wheel vypryadennaya deity, and then design (already by human hands) as a symbolic sewing, knitting magic, weaving, etc. - With a view to the future designs of the newborn, or to correct already predetermined fate. Deity can change the destiny of man in moments of ritual death, ie, at initiation, marriage, renunciation, and so kind ...
Spinning wheel was a wheel of time (or understanding of cyclical processes in nature to be there to explain simply by rotating the wheel) - birth, life and death, and the symbol of the circle signifies the sun, eternity, images of God and the world as a reference point. Wheel and symbolic figure of 0 - a vicious circle, infinite, the beginning and the end, the symbol of the absolute. Patterns on the spinning wheel binds human life with the mythical act of weaving the universe. In the east-central part of the Slavic culture spinning wheel in contact with the tow, often decorated with signs, symbols of the sun and the diurnal cycle. Spinning wheel - the life-spun yarn, the sun across the sky rolls.
Time mythology conceptualized as a specific objective element - tow for the spinning wheel, the shuttle or the fabric on the machine gods. In some traditions, a certain period of time is called "yarn" ("woman's account on yarn») ...
If the thread (read - in direct for force / life / energy) fastened knot, it changes the desired flow. In some cases, nodules on the filaments could act as a talisman against disease and harm to others - on the contrary, evidence of damage to the mouse (for example, at birth). Snarling or twisting thread - similar action was transferred to a person's life, snarling, knocking, or vice versa - straightening. Creating a product with a thread weave their desires, promises and dreams. Craftsmen tying knots in the thread to change the life / seobytiya called nauznikami and witchcraft themselves knotted thread - nauzami ...
Spellbound thread spun for change (correction) of fate, ie change something in the present and the future. Sometimes, however, to change the future, we must go back to the past - in the ritual is performed weaving twists counterclockwise (ie open locking barriers spinner is in the flow of time). At this point, it creates a new send / desire, and weaves it into the fabric of reality materialized.
The importance of spinning in human life was reflected in the division of the huts on to the "spinner" and "nepryahu (if the oven is located at the entrance to the right of the door of her mouth was drawn to the light - chalet" spinner ", if the oven is placed on the left of the entrance - chalet" nepryaha ") ...
There are women in the Austrian selenium
Magic spinning, knitting, weaving among the Slavs (part 2) ...