Heading "cause of the disease." .

Destructive thoughts.
Pride, selfishness (PART THREE).
Our consciousness is in the role of observer and evaluator of those life events that we presents our subconscious mind. Therefore, consciously can complain, but subconsciously situation must be taken. We create all the events of his life. External can only change when we change something within yourself.
Learn to forgive people and accept them for what they are. In fact, forgiving the person you forgive yourself. Remember that each person lives in his own world and creates his own unique world. This is what is determined solely and uniqueness of each human being. Imagine the human body. It trillions of different cells. What unites them together? Life! Striving for the whole, that is, service a single organism. At this level, all the cells are equal. No cell better or worse. Heart cells or brain nothing better than colon cells. They can not exist without each other. Any organism - a deeply balanced system. All cells are interconnected.
But each cell is unique, as it carries out its specific functions for the benefit of the whole organism. And if the cell copes with its responsibilities, it receives from the body all that it needs.
On a subtle subconscious level everyone - it's part of the Universe. And not just people, and every living creature that any object. And here we are all equal. Everything in this world are united by one common goal - the pursuit of the whole, that is, to God, the Universe, the Supreme Mind. Each brings its own unique contribution to the overall process of universal development. We all go in the same direction, but their separate ways. It is important that people feel their value, importance and uniqueness of this world, but not at the expense of rising above the others, because each person and the subject is important in its own way, but at the expense of awareness of its uniqueness in a single body of the universe.
There is another side of the pride that often goes unnoticed, even for religious leaders. After all, pride - is not only arrogant attitude toward the world, generating aggression directed outward, but it is also belittling himself, wrong attitude to himself, also breeds aggression. Various religious schools teach proper relation to other people, to the outside world, but pay little attention to the correct attitude to himself. Much to their teachings are based on guilt, fear and punishment for sin. They learn to love God, the First Cause of all things, a love for God begins with self-love, as part of God. After all, God is in the soul of each of us. And if a person, for example, berates herself for some action, he scolds God, and this is a manifestation of pride. "Love your neighbor as yourself" - as taught by Jesus Christ. Therefore, to comprehend the world and universal laws need to change attitudes to himself, and through self-transformation and self-improvement - and to the world.