Beginning of the third world?
So now it looks Enphendo areas of the South Korean island that came under artillery fire from the territory of the DPRK. The number of victims of fire increased to four, according to Gazeta.ru. The bodies of two civilians who were considered missing, were found this morning.
The bombardment carried out by North Korean troops, sparked a large fire, which continues to spread, "Ekho Moskvy". Local residents, firefighters and military personnel are doing their best to stop the fire, but so far their efforts are futile. The situation remains critical. The fire destroyed many houses. Moreover, about 70% of the Enphendo on fire. Burning mainly forest and field, which is fraught with disaster for the island, whose inhabitants engaged in agriculture.
The bombardment carried out by North Korean troops, sparked a large fire, which continues to spread, "Ekho Moskvy". Local residents, firefighters and military personnel are doing their best to stop the fire, but so far their efforts are futile. The situation remains critical. The fire destroyed many houses. Moreover, about 70% of the Enphendo on fire. Burning mainly forest and field, which is fraught with disaster for the island, whose inhabitants engaged in agriculture.