Gen. Soviet cities. Nostalgia
Everything is so dear ...
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Dmitry Komarov again visited Kharkiv and told how the city lives today
The history of the Soviet filmstrips (15 photos)
The heroism of Soviet sailors (12 photos)
Arctic Circle: Severe Murmansk
Uranus on the Angara
Cathedral, where coronations of the French throne (39 photos)
Valery Chkalov
House of the Soviet elite (48 photos)
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Dmitry Komarov again visited Kharkiv and told how the city lives today
The history of the Soviet filmstrips (15 photos)
The heroism of Soviet sailors (12 photos)
Arctic Circle: Severe Murmansk
Uranus on the Angara
Cathedral, where coronations of the French throne (39 photos)
Valery Chkalov
House of the Soviet elite (48 photos)
Beginning of the third world?
Ghost town in the suburbs