Buy train tickets online | Convenient booking on Proizd.ua

How to buy a train ticket online: quickly and with a guarantee
Why Choose Our Service to Buy Tickets?
Plan your journey with Ukrzaliznica It's easier now! Our service offers:
- Online booking in 2 minutes
- Current. train schedule real-time
- Possibility to return tickets in 1 click
- E-tickets with QR code – no need to print
- Round-the-clock customer support

Popular routes by destination
Train TypeType Departure TimeAverage priceKyiv - Lviv Intercity+06:15, 12:00, 18:30 from 600 UAH Odessa - KharkivNight Express20:45 from 450 UAH Dnipro - UzhgorodRegional09:20 (daily) from 300 UAH

How to order a ticket in 4 steps
- Select departure and arrival stations
- Check. train schedule filtered by time and type of car
- Get an e-ticket with a card / Apple Pay / Google Pay
- Get SMS and email with booking details

Benefits of Online Booking
By ordering tickets through our service you get:
- Access to 98% of flights Ukrzaliznytsiaincluding seasonal routes
- Notification of schedule changes
- Up to 30% discount for groups of 4 people
- Possibility of choosing a seat in the car
Do not waste time in queues – plan your trip with us!
Choose a convenient way to travel – buy train tickets online at any time! Our service works even on holidays.
Security and reliability of transactions
We use 256-bit SSL encryption – the same level of protection as in banking systems. All payments are processed through Privat24 and LiqPay. Ukrzaliznytsia Officially confirms each booking within 3 minutes, and the e-ticket has legal force according to the Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 567.
Tips for Travelers
Lifehack: Book your tickets 30-45 days before your trip to get the best prices. For routes Kiev-Lviv and Kiev-Odessa, luxury cars with individual outlets and Wi-Fi are available. Don't forget to check train schedule 6 hours before departure – this is especially true in winter.
Service for regular customers
Registered users receive:
- 5% personal discount after 3rd purchase
- Access to closed ticket sales
- Ability to link card for instant payment
- History of all trips in the personal office
Mobile app - tickets are always at hand
Download our app for iOS and Android to:
- Buy tickets in 1 minute
- Get push notifications about train status
- Store all e-tickets in one place
- Planning routes with transfers