Going to the corporate party without me, the husband was angry and shouted that all wives are normal, only I have such a woman.

There were various rumors about Katenka from the second entrance, but most of all, evil tongues liked to say that devils are found in a quiet pool. And she was just that: quiet, timid, always on her mind. Katya came from a good, but poor family, so her parents often dressed her in second-hands and markets. This could not escape the attention of peers. Moreover, it was fueled by outright envy, because Katya had a truly unique beauty. Who would have thought that this quiet girl would one day make the neighbors gasp in surprise? Now she is beginning a new chapter in her life, and everyone in the city would like to say a word with her.

But this transformation was not easy for Katerina: she had to face both hypocrisy and betrayal. And it all started with an innocent photo shoot for one of the magazines with care products. The ones with perfumes, shampoos and smelly pages.

With what effort a new chapter in life is being given - Cut, don't regret it, Katya said, clasping her teary eyes and waiting for the hairdresser's scissors to snap with a characteristic sound. But the master still did not raise his hand: it was a sin to cut such a braid. But it was she who brought Katya to fame. But she wanted a new chapter in her life to begin.

No one in the city had such beautiful hair, that was her highlight. A heavy braid, as thick as a fist, descended to the waist. As a child, her grandmother told Katya that her main strength lies in her hair. And in part, it even turned out to be true.

In her second year, she was invited to take part in a promotion and work as a model for advertising a new shampoo. She would not have gone, but she was persuaded by her classmate Arina:

- This chance can only come once in a lifetime! Imagine yourself on the cover of a fashion magazine, isn't it wonderful? How wonderful it would be to become a model, and all the doors to the world are open.

Arina offered to go with her friend to support her, because Katerina was very doubtful that she would succeed. But there was a friend and another goal, which very soon became apparent. The fact is that she would not have refused the career of a model herself, but only she did not receive offers. Therefore, once in the studio, she immediately chose a target – a junior photographer, around whom she began to walk like a butterfly above a candle.

She did not forget to give advice to her friend:

- Why are you hunched? Straighten your back, chin forward! And your hair, your hair.

From these words Katya was completely confused and embarrassed, but the pictures still turned out good. The attention of the main photographer Arina did not achieve, but with the younger they exchanged numbers and very often began to appear together. Things quickly went uphill, and she still broke into the modeling business, as she dreamed. That same photographer introduced her to many people in an advertising agency, and then Arina met the director himself! To whom she hastened to marry, arranging her life once and for all.

Unlike her friend, Katerina resented camera flashes and increased attention. Very soon, she began to be recognized on the street because of the very advertising, the poster with her face and luxurious hair adorned in cosmetics stores and even on billboards. However, Katya realized that the modeling business does not attract her at all. Besides, my grandmother said that it's like making money with the body and pride in it is not enough. Despite the fact that she was invited to shoot a couple of times, Katenka never appeared in front of the cameras.

She realized that instead of a career model she prefers working with children. After graduating from medical university with honors, she went to work as a pediatrician in a children's clinic. They haven't contacted Arina in a long time. She had no boyfriend, only a job and a home. The salary at that time was small, so she decided to work part-time therapeutic massage for children. Then the city again talked about her: a man has golden hands! And little by little, Katerina's pediatrician had a queue for a month ahead.

Then came her old friend from the university. Arina called to find a place in the busy schedule for her baby to come and do a massage at home. Out of an old friendship, Katya agreed. It was a new chapter in life.

Arina lived in a luxurious private house, as befits the wife of an advertising director. They had a wonderful garden with a barbecue, wooden swings and even a miniature artificial pond with water lilies. About such beauty Kate did not dream, but she had her own two-bedroom apartment, which she got from her grandmother, and she did not complain about anything. After entering the living room, she almost collided at the door with a young man, he was just leaving the room.

Fatal meeting: the beginning of karmic relations - Katenka, meet, this is David! You probably don't remember him. He was on your first shoot, working as a studio intern. Now he's a photographer himself. So we decided to take a picture of our baby. Who knows, maybe he'll be a model in the future, like his mom? - Arina was glowing with happiness.

And Katya was embarrassed, because she really did not remember any David, so much worried on the first shoot. And when an hour later Katya finished her therapeutic massage, Arina took out the money and said:

By the way, I gave your number to David, he heard that you are a very good specialist, and would like to use your services.

At first, Katerina was outraged that her friend gave her number, because she massaged only children, and she had never worked with adults. Especially with men. But Arina hinted that David was ready to pay a triple salary, and Katerina liked him very much. And that if Katya ignores such a chance, she may still be an old maid.

The pediatrician thought about this proposal for a long time, but decided to agree. In some ways, the friend was right: she never had the opportunity to meet a decent man, and everyone who came to the children's clinic was already married, with children. And David looked very representative: a young promising man, also on a good account with the director of the company.

So little by little, communication began, of course, not immediately. Arina was very happy for her friend and always encouraged her to be more open with David. And David never tired of admiring the beauty of Catherine, her modesty and talent. Six months later, the photographer proposed to the girl, and soon they signed. Immediately after that, the man moved to Katya’s apartment, because he had no housing. They both continued to work at their jobs: David encouraged Katya to work as a masseuse, because this income was a good bonus for their family budget.

But David himself at work somehow did not stick: then the project will fail, for which he has been preparing for months, then they will choose another photographer for the session. His own failures made David irritable and detached. Then he began to stay late, often coming home drunk. It's an employee's birthday, then I went to a bar with a friend on the way home, then a corporate party.

When he was in a nourished state, he could often say something rude and disliked answering his wife's questions about where he had been, how his day had gone. Just shrugged off and went to bed. I apologized the next morning and promised that it would never happen again. Katya tolerated everything and hoped that some long-running project was about to appear and her husband would finally get out of this crisis.

But everything only worsened: very soon her husband's income fell completely, and Katenka only added work. Now he almost did not appear at home: then the shooting of the wedding, on which he worked, then corporate parties. And, of course, he didn't give up alcohol at all those events.

After finishing the next massage to Arina’s child, Katerina received an invitation from her to a corporate party in the same advertising agency. After all, she was the wife of one of the employees, and a good friend of the director’s wife. Encouraged, she began to gather on the appointed day at the same time as her husband. And he said,

- Where are you going?

Hearing that she was walking with him, David literally freaked out:

- You're out of hand! If I did something at home, what kind of company? Everyone's wives are normal, only you are. Look at you, you've completely abandoned yourself. Here is your friend Arina is completely different: she regularly goes to the hall, wears beautiful makeup and couture clothes, and you? It's a shame to have such a wife in public.

And he left with the door slammed. At this point, all hopes of Katya that their marriage will improve, dispelled like an air castle. She couldn’t believe that she had spent years on such a person. Trying not to cry, she decided that something in life needed to change, urgently. She didn't want to be herself anymore, she didn't want to be at all.

- Cut, don't regret, she said, sitting on a swirling chair in a barbershop, clamping her eyes to avoid seeing her heavy braid cut. But I was surprised to hear only a slight chising. Opening her eyes, she stared at the master, who, shaking his head, said:

- I'm just cutting your tips. Cutting hair like that is a sin. You're going to have to go to another master because my hand just doesn't go up.

At that moment, Katerina remembered the words of her grandmother about the braid, about beauty, about the importance of being herself. After whispering a short "thank you," she decided the barber was right. And she doesn't need to change anything, the problem isn't her, and it's definitely not her braid.

Returning home the next morning, David found all his belongings neatly stacked in boxes and waiting for him right at the entrance.

- What is this? he asked, not realizing what was going on.

- Your stuff. You're right, you don't have to live with a wife like me anymore. But the apartment is mine, and I'm not sharing the living space with you. And thanks for the presents.

- What gifts?

- I thought I'd buy some couture stuff like you wanted, and I paid with your card. She freed up her work schedule and signed up for Pilates. You're right, I've had so much work lately that I completely forgot to take care of myself. Don't worry about the papers. I'll file for divorce myself.

David cried for a long time, descending to the most vile humiliations, and then in his hearts ran out of the apartment, slamming the door. When he came to his senses, boxes of things were already outside the door, and no one opened them. He did not expect this from his always quiet and gentle wife, but no matter how he asked for forgiveness through the door, no matter what he called, he received no answer.

That same evening, Katya bought a bottle of pink champagne and, sitting in a new terry coat, raised a toast in her honor. Bubbles hit the nose, a new chapter in life began. Very soon, she received the position of head of the children’s department, and she continued to engage in massage for children as a favorite hobby. She was now a respected doctor and an enviable bride who had learned to value herself and her time.


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