I had a chance to sell the apartment, so I decided to move to my son and daughter-in-law for a while, I regretted it very soon.
As popular wisdom says, The word is silver, silence is gold. Expectedly, but many do not take it seriously. It's a waste, actually. It is one thing when a certain company has a windshield whose mouth simply does not close. You can see why not. But it is quite another case if someone begins to annoy a new person, silent and with a bad sense of humor. It's fraught with unpleasant consequences.
Peels, by the way, the same applies to family ties. Within the family, when everyone communicates with each other every day, it is still half the trouble. Habit and mutual patience play an important role. But when someone is particularly talkative, it can be annoying. And now remember, for what reason do distant relatives most often meet? Wedding party. What is the “tradition” of all weddings? Good fight. Should I think about it?
When my husband and I were buying new homes 20 years ago, we had very little to choose from, because we didn’t have much money at that time. On the other hand, although the first floor, but a nice area and kind of thick walls. Believe me, when you move from a city “private house”, you do not have to choose much. A clay box near the river, without amenities or gas. When I remember, I'll flinch. I still can't forget that nightmare.
The apartment was sold to us by a Jewish couple who immediately went to America after the deal. I have nothing against other nations and races. But specifically for those people I have some complaints. Well, first of all, walls. Couldn't we not put noodles on our ears as if they were really fat? We'd still pick their apartment. Why just lie? And I was wondering why they'd only invited us to the screens in the morning. "Working late." Yeah, employees. Other residents are sleeping at this time.
Peels, by the way, about the other tenants. Only then, as the owners of the two-room Khrushchev, we personally met them. They were very colorful people. A whole family of professional slackers and chronic alcoholics. All but one grandfather. The oldest of that apartment. As far as I'm concerned, he was some sort of important military or something. But his pension was enough to support his daughter, son-in-law and even his brother-in-law in addition. As far as I know, food was not needed. This is the water of fire, which they can use at any time of the day.
This family and I had a hard time, it was something. You understand that the team there is not quiet, there are always some showdowns, quarrels, guests, movements. I would never have thought that such a contingent life is in full swing. That's right. By the way, I thought that in the morning these people sleep, so we were shown the apartment during this period. But no, my neighbors across the wall couldn't afford that luxury. They were picking bottles on the street. Yes, it was a relatively long time ago, now probably "part-time" is irrelevant, but what the hell is no joke.
But apart from the drinking family, who once almost burned down their apartment, we had enough rowdy neighbors. But with them at least briefly, but it was possible to agree. And then, one day, it just stopped. We were not very interested, but it turned out that the grandfather, who sponsored our whole troubled family, died. And his heirs made a strong-willed decision to sell their property, moving to a simpler square, without repair, but with a surcharge of living money. My neighbor told me two floors above. Well, great, now you can live.
Subsequently, the owners of that apartment changed often, but such problematic as before, of course, not even close. My only son grew up and moved to a separate apartment. His father and I decided to separate for personal reasons, and an apartment in the neighborhood was bought by a businessman for his office. I got older, learned to live alone, even made friends with some of the neighbors in the next house. I went to my son's wedding again. And everything seemed to go on as usual.
I don't really like to impose on my son and my daughter-in-law, to be honest. But not to call them a couple of times in the evening - without it I can not. And here's the news: my businessman next door, apparently, somewhere very well invested. So much so that he wants to expand his office, so he really needed my apartment. Of course not for free. And the man, as far as I understand, does not need money at all. Because he's offering me the amount I could buy a three-bedroom in the same house for. And bargaining - as well as repair, I'm sure.
So I had one plan, to sell my living space, but put cash on deposit and after some time to get more and interest. On the one hand, I can stay with my sister. I don’t have a husband either, but I’m a little uncomfortable with her. Faith is a sad person, always in himself. We never got along with her, and our age is not the same. There are habits. My kids have a two-bedroom apartment. I'll stay with them for a while. We'll get used to each other. I'll give them money later. My son will get an apartment, who else?
Neither my son nor daughter-in-law refused my offer. They are only at home in the evening. All day at work. They only use the apartment as a bedroom. I can cook and clean. There's no rush anyway. No grandkids either. That's great. All grown-ups, let's live sometime. But this is only in theory, in words everything is so easy and simple. But in practice, the problems began quite quickly, I did not even expect.
The daughter-in-law started accusing me of demanding a lot from her in the kitchen. Yes, I learned to cook in my life. Just like cleaning, washing. I have my own "branded" techniques. So why not share it with your son's wife? She still has to say thank you. For example, I advised her to cover the gas stove with foil. Well, just in case. She said, “Thank you, but I’m used to washing if it gets dirty.” Well, you can do more, and the foil is easier to remove. What kind of man is that?
My son, by the way, also testified to me that I was talking too much about his past. I don't understand. I'm his mother and his daughter-in-law is married to him. Don't be ashamed, people are kind. Well, there were embarrassments with a boy in early childhood, you think. It's been a long time. Then she told me how he was beaten by the guys from the yard. Oh, come on. So where is he now and where are they? Bottles are also collected in the morning. What is it like not to talk and live together? What the hell?
Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince them, so I was asked to spend some time with my sister. And the son decided to start repairing, although I understand why he started all this. Yeah, maybe their couple is uncomfortable living with another adult. But I don't wake them up at night screaming and screaming, do I? I don't ask you to give me milk every couple of hours, and I don't need to change my diapers. How will they deal with their grandchildren? I will not come to their aid, let them not hope. At least my sister wouldn't start setting her own terms for me. Thank goodness she's calm. Nothing, we'll help each other, it'll be fun. And then the bank will give me the money. You just have to be patient and not get into confrontation.

Peels, by the way, the same applies to family ties. Within the family, when everyone communicates with each other every day, it is still half the trouble. Habit and mutual patience play an important role. But when someone is particularly talkative, it can be annoying. And now remember, for what reason do distant relatives most often meet? Wedding party. What is the “tradition” of all weddings? Good fight. Should I think about it?
When my husband and I were buying new homes 20 years ago, we had very little to choose from, because we didn’t have much money at that time. On the other hand, although the first floor, but a nice area and kind of thick walls. Believe me, when you move from a city “private house”, you do not have to choose much. A clay box near the river, without amenities or gas. When I remember, I'll flinch. I still can't forget that nightmare.
The apartment was sold to us by a Jewish couple who immediately went to America after the deal. I have nothing against other nations and races. But specifically for those people I have some complaints. Well, first of all, walls. Couldn't we not put noodles on our ears as if they were really fat? We'd still pick their apartment. Why just lie? And I was wondering why they'd only invited us to the screens in the morning. "Working late." Yeah, employees. Other residents are sleeping at this time.

Peels, by the way, about the other tenants. Only then, as the owners of the two-room Khrushchev, we personally met them. They were very colorful people. A whole family of professional slackers and chronic alcoholics. All but one grandfather. The oldest of that apartment. As far as I'm concerned, he was some sort of important military or something. But his pension was enough to support his daughter, son-in-law and even his brother-in-law in addition. As far as I know, food was not needed. This is the water of fire, which they can use at any time of the day.
This family and I had a hard time, it was something. You understand that the team there is not quiet, there are always some showdowns, quarrels, guests, movements. I would never have thought that such a contingent life is in full swing. That's right. By the way, I thought that in the morning these people sleep, so we were shown the apartment during this period. But no, my neighbors across the wall couldn't afford that luxury. They were picking bottles on the street. Yes, it was a relatively long time ago, now probably "part-time" is irrelevant, but what the hell is no joke.
But apart from the drinking family, who once almost burned down their apartment, we had enough rowdy neighbors. But with them at least briefly, but it was possible to agree. And then, one day, it just stopped. We were not very interested, but it turned out that the grandfather, who sponsored our whole troubled family, died. And his heirs made a strong-willed decision to sell their property, moving to a simpler square, without repair, but with a surcharge of living money. My neighbor told me two floors above. Well, great, now you can live.

Subsequently, the owners of that apartment changed often, but such problematic as before, of course, not even close. My only son grew up and moved to a separate apartment. His father and I decided to separate for personal reasons, and an apartment in the neighborhood was bought by a businessman for his office. I got older, learned to live alone, even made friends with some of the neighbors in the next house. I went to my son's wedding again. And everything seemed to go on as usual.
I don't really like to impose on my son and my daughter-in-law, to be honest. But not to call them a couple of times in the evening - without it I can not. And here's the news: my businessman next door, apparently, somewhere very well invested. So much so that he wants to expand his office, so he really needed my apartment. Of course not for free. And the man, as far as I understand, does not need money at all. Because he's offering me the amount I could buy a three-bedroom in the same house for. And bargaining - as well as repair, I'm sure.

So I had one plan, to sell my living space, but put cash on deposit and after some time to get more and interest. On the one hand, I can stay with my sister. I don’t have a husband either, but I’m a little uncomfortable with her. Faith is a sad person, always in himself. We never got along with her, and our age is not the same. There are habits. My kids have a two-bedroom apartment. I'll stay with them for a while. We'll get used to each other. I'll give them money later. My son will get an apartment, who else?
Neither my son nor daughter-in-law refused my offer. They are only at home in the evening. All day at work. They only use the apartment as a bedroom. I can cook and clean. There's no rush anyway. No grandkids either. That's great. All grown-ups, let's live sometime. But this is only in theory, in words everything is so easy and simple. But in practice, the problems began quite quickly, I did not even expect.

The daughter-in-law started accusing me of demanding a lot from her in the kitchen. Yes, I learned to cook in my life. Just like cleaning, washing. I have my own "branded" techniques. So why not share it with your son's wife? She still has to say thank you. For example, I advised her to cover the gas stove with foil. Well, just in case. She said, “Thank you, but I’m used to washing if it gets dirty.” Well, you can do more, and the foil is easier to remove. What kind of man is that?
My son, by the way, also testified to me that I was talking too much about his past. I don't understand. I'm his mother and his daughter-in-law is married to him. Don't be ashamed, people are kind. Well, there were embarrassments with a boy in early childhood, you think. It's been a long time. Then she told me how he was beaten by the guys from the yard. Oh, come on. So where is he now and where are they? Bottles are also collected in the morning. What is it like not to talk and live together? What the hell?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince them, so I was asked to spend some time with my sister. And the son decided to start repairing, although I understand why he started all this. Yeah, maybe their couple is uncomfortable living with another adult. But I don't wake them up at night screaming and screaming, do I? I don't ask you to give me milk every couple of hours, and I don't need to change my diapers. How will they deal with their grandchildren? I will not come to their aid, let them not hope. At least my sister wouldn't start setting her own terms for me. Thank goodness she's calm. Nothing, we'll help each other, it'll be fun. And then the bank will give me the money. You just have to be patient and not get into confrontation.
To spoons and forks shine like new again, just leave them in this solution for an hour.
Spring is not far off, it’s time to choose a fashionable hairstyle for the sunny season.