Before going to bed, say these two words so that the ailments pass you by.

Faster, higher, stronger! In this mode, millions of people live and every day give a piece of health to work and everyday life. And for some reason, neither status items nor liters of coffee add strength. And even insomnia is tormented, such an infection!
Wise people will tell you the answer: if the energy is at zero, be sure to say special words before bed, dear, and be healthier than all the young. They hold the key to your inner peace and vitality. Check and see for yourself!

Rich and successful people know that evening is just as resourceful as early morning. It's preparation for a new day. It is greatly underestimated in terms of thought transformation. Performing special evening rituals, you can acquire useful habits. Simple actions will help the body and mind store energy, and you will wake up in a great mood, cheerful and ready to act!

To sleep well and deeply, it is important to unload the brain. Our eternal worker does not stop working for a moment during the day. And if something bothers you (an unpleasant conversation with a colleague or the thought of an upcoming performance does not give rest), then there will be no restful sleep. It's nervous to go through memories all night long, to come up with answers and not close your eyes until dawn. Familiar?

So, how to “ventilate” your thoughts and throw away the waste of your day? There are a lot of techniques, but today we will look at 2 working and proven. To begin with, we live the day backwards, and then whisper an important message for the night to our beloved brain. Here we go!

The technique of purifying the mind in the evening is quite simple. You need to spend your day in reverse. Start replaying events from the moment you go to bed until you wake up. Remember everything in clear detail. The more detailed the better.

When you watch this movie, do the following. Imagine your day as a piece of paper. Now put it in the ball and throw it in the trash. The ball can be flushed down the toilet or burned. I mean, destroy it by any means necessary. You will immediately feel a pleasant “zero” in your thoughts, acute experiences will lose their clarity. Soon sleep will cover you with a warm blanket.

Psychiatrists and somnologists claim that what you think about at the time of falling asleep gives a direct command to the subconscious. If you have to go to sleep with them in the morning, you will be overwhelmed. Finding sores in yourself and spinning such thoughts before bedtime is extremely harmful!

Meanwhile, our body is able to cope with any ailments on its own. Brain programming is one such skill. Use the following affirmation to improve health and set the body up for self-healing.

What should I do? Before going to bed, lying in bed, take a deep breath and exhale several times. Imagine that your body is filled with golden energy and envelops each organ, healing it. Feel that life sends you all the tools to be healthy.

Then they say, “I’m grateful.” As you fall asleep, keep repeating it to yourself. In the morning, after waking up, take a minute of this affirmation. Say it loudly, clearly and with a surge of strength enter the new day.

Perform this simple, pleasurable ritual every evening and enjoy the pure light energy of health. These words before bed will help overcome or ease annoying ailments and fill you with joy and taste for life.

Here’s another application of knowledge about how the brain works to make your day more productive. Before going to bed, think about what you're going to do tomorrow. Clearly voice to yourself every task: for example, pass a report, take the car for repairs, pick up a dress from dry cleaning. As long as you enjoy the sweet dreams, your subconscious mind will figure out how to accomplish each task in the best way possible.


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