To improve life in all areas, you need once a month to throw salt in the window, there are certain dates.

Our ancestors have long noticed that energy purification rituals work best on the waning moon. Their wisdom has survived to our days. We may not know what magic is and what its laws are, or believe in signs. But sometimes something shudders in the soul, when in the field of view there is a “turbid” person. You'll want to shake it off, wash it off. And then the old recipes will come to the rescue.

The moon affects our subconscious, emotions and strength levels. If you learn to live according to its rhythms, you can achieve success in many areas. Today. "Site" He will tell you how to help yourself get rid of heavy energy with the help of the lunar calendar and a pinch of salt.

Many miracles, which our great-great-grandmothers gave mystical meaning, today receive scientific justification. The same waning moon is strongly associated with the outflow of energy. We slow down, our reactions become a little slowed down. Therefore, this is a good time to qualitatively finish unfinished business, leave your old job and part with the past. And also to clean up your energy.

In this case, we will need a faithful magic assistant - salt. It is able to draw negative energy like a sponge, create a home amulet and restore peace to life. Anger, fear and jealousy have long feared these white crystals. Let's make a trap for the dark forces!

Preparing for the ritual of purification consists of 3 steps: properly prepare salt, choose the right day of the lunar cycle and read the conspiracy.
For everything to work properly, take the salt only from the new pack. It is best if it is a large-crystalline product, without aromatic and flavoring additives - calcium, iodine and the like.

On the last day before the new moon (the exact dates you will find below) go to the window and take a pinch of salt with your left hand. Blow the crystals off your hand and whisper these words: “Bright forces, ask for help for yourself and your abode.” I blow away all fears, problems and anxieties. I invite to life prosperity, peace and prosperity. I attract happiness and prosperity to myself. May help from Above come with me. Let it be fulfilled.

Many people note that after this ritual, they felt a noticeable relief, as if a heavy load had been removed from their chests. Even protracted quarrels and resentments will resolve themselves. You will feel negative energy begin to drop out of your life. It will be replaced by calm, lightness and peace.
What days is the most active phase of the waning moon? In the next 6 months it is: October 14, November 12, December 12, January 10, February 9 and March 9.

In addition to the lunar ritual, you can use salt daily to protect and purify your energy field. Try the following experiment and see how negative your thoughts and your home have been.

To do this, before going to bed, fill the glass with water and stir in it 2 tablespoons of ordinary salt. Put it under the bed at the foot, and in the morning carefully study the contents.

If the glass has an extravagance or bubbles, and the salt has darkened or settled tightly at the bottom - this is a wake-up call. Perhaps your head is heavy with unpleasant dark thoughts and worries. However, the salt fulfilled its task and drew on heavy energy. Pour the contents down the toilet, flush and repeat the procedure in the evening.

Thus, salt water will improve your mood and take away all the negativity that stuck to you during the day. You will not notice how much strength will become more and the mood will go uphill. And to get rid of insomnia, put a glass on the bedside table or on the floor at the headboard.

Use these tricks for your own good. Another thing to remember is that we attract what we radiate. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously choose what thoughts to keep in your head. Envy, anger and anger destroy the balance and attract even more squabbles and unhappiness to a person. Emotional hygiene is not only a fashion trend among meditation lovers, but also an important condition for a comfortable and peaceful life.


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