Collected a generous harvest of cabbage, it's time to prepare petals with mustard grains, the whole point is in a good brine.

Autumn is a harvest season for vegetables and fruits. Generously mutilated cabbage? So, it’s time to remember about a delicious, healthy and bright snack “Cabbage pebbles”. The Ukrainian word “pellet” means “petal”. And “Cabbage pebbles” is cut with frames with a side of 3-4 centimeters, traditionally marinated with beets, so it is painted in a bright ruby color. Both the shape and color of the pieces of cabbage resemble the petals of a flower. Like roses or malts.

There are many recipes that help prepare a snack "Cabbage pebbles". We offer a choice of two of them.

Cabbage with baked beets Necessary vegetables:
  • 1–1.5 kg of cabbage
  • 1 beet
  • 5-6 teeth. Garlic

For marinade per 1 liter of water:
  • 3-4 tbsp of sugar
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 3-5 peas of pepper black and fragrant
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 100 ml of 9% dining vinegar (if fruit vinegar, take 150 ml)
  • 1-2 pcs of bay leaf

If you cook more marinade, increase the amount of salt and sugar in proportion to the volume of water.

  1. Heating the oven to 180° With and washing beets, pierce it in several places with a fork, wrap it in foil and bake for one and a half to two hours, depending on the size of the root crop.
  2. Cabbage, mature white-colored - not early, cut squares, previously freed from the cap (early will not turn crispy). Cooled beets - half circles or straws. Peeled garlic crush the flat side of the knife. Put vegetables in layers consistently: cabbage, beets, garlic and so on.

You prepare a marinade from water, salt, sugar, and spices. When the water boils, and the salt and sugar dissolve, pour vinegar and remove the pan from the stove. Let it cool, but only slightly. The bay of vegetables with a hot marinade, which should cover them, add vegetable oil on top. It forms a film that will protect the snack from the reproduction of bacteria and mold. After three to five days in a dry dark place at room temperature, the snack is ready to eat. You keep it in the fridge. They say it will be good in two months. But, believe me, so much time "Cabbage pellets" will not stand. Eat it for a couple of dinners. Especially with friends. And cooking this delicious, as you can see, is simple. And it can be until the new spring...

The next recipe is about a type of cabbage snack. No beets, mustard.

The name of the snack comes from the word “goose” – “cross”. After all, for croaking, the head of cabbage is cut with a cross - into four parts. From vegetables, cabbage and garlic are needed, one or two teeth for each quarter. And the amount of cabbage depends on the volume of the pan in which you prepare the rattle, and on the availability of utensils convenient for storage in the refrigerator - containers or trays.

For marinade you need less sugar - a tablespoon for each liter of water. Enough 100 milliliters of grape or apple cider vinegar. The amount of salt and spices is the same as in the previous recipe.

The highlight of the goose is mustard grains, which will give the dish aroma and spiciness. On one and a half kilogram head of cabbage, take one or two tablespoons of mustard grains to your liking.

  1. You make boiling water in a big pot. Removing, as always, the upper leaves, cut the cabbage into four parts and put in boiling water. Like blueberries. About ten minutes. The main thing is not to digest! Remember that the jack is cooked with a cap so that the leaves do not break up.
  2. Cabbage is removed from hot water and must be cooled under the lid, so as not to ventilate. Marinade is cooked as described above in the previous recipe. 487462.

Getting to the highlight of the recipe mustard seeds crushed in a mortar. And if it is not, you roll the seeds between the sheets of parchment with a roller. Peeled garlic cut into slices with which you spike every quarter. Then rub the cabbage with mustard grains, put tightly in a deep and wide enameled or glass bowl or pan, pour still hot marinade. You put a wide clean plate on top and put pressure on it. It could be a can of water. By the way, you can save on marinade: an excellent pouring for gooey is obtained from brine from pickled tomatoes. Bring to a boil a delicious brine and pour. Three days in a cool place stood snack - it's time to go to the refrigerator.

When serving on the table, cut each quarter towards the pocket into several plates, lay on a plate, sprinkle with chopped greens and pour vegetable oil. You can crush a couple of cloves of garlic into the oil.

It's cold! Especially baked potatoes. Save and treat your friends to an old dish. Cheers!


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