A friend called Vic to become the godmother of her child, then the woman did not know that it would change her life.

Women's destiny It is very unpredictable and sometimes makes the most unexpected turns. She is able to present such surprises that you can begin to doubt the reality of what is happening.

I want to tell you a story that can serve as an example for unhappy and at the same time indecisive women. Of course, everyone has their own way of life. But do not forget that we choose the direction in which we move.

Vika grew up in a large family. Her parents lived together, but poor. After his father’s death, the money situation deteriorated. Therefore, the girl often had to wear dresses after older sisters. But she didn't complain: she understood how difficult it was for a mother to put five children on her feet.

Victoria was in high school when Valery started taking care of her. He was four years older and was thinking about getting married. No sooner had the girl graduated from school than the offer of a hand and heart came. The bride in love agreed, and they got married in May.

The newlyweds began life together in a one-room apartment that belonged to Valera's mother. A year later, Vika gave birth to a son, and her husband’s attitude towards her changed significantly. He started drinking and came home late. When his wife threatened to pack, the drunk man called her last words and reproached: “Who needs you and your child?” Then Vika put things in a knot and with the baby in her arms returned to her mother.

Six months later, Vika got a job in the store as a seller, because without education, it was difficult to find another job. They paid little, but there was nowhere to go until his son grew up. The family helped as much as they could, but there was not enough money.

After the birth of the child, Victoria became even more prettier, and there was no remission from the cavaliers. They were married and they were too young. Both of them swore in love and expected reciprocity. But there was no one to start a family with.

Time flew by, the son grew up and went to study in the capital. Victoria followed him. There, she rented an inexpensive apartment with another out-of-town girl and went to work in a nearby supermarket. The roommate's name was Alina. She turned out to be a very friendly person, and friendship was formed between the girls.

Alina was an interpreter and often had to accompany foreigners. Soon she met a young man from England who came to establish a business abroad. They fell in love and got married. Alina moved in with her husband.

When the young couple had their first child, Victoria was invited to the christening. The godfather was a family friend, David, who had flown in from England for the occasion. When the foreign guest was introduced to Victoria, the man showed an undisguised interest in the woman and did not take his eyes off her all evening.

The next day, David persuaded Alina to arrange a new meeting with Victoria. The woman also had to attend the date because her friend spoke very bad English. The young people spent several days together, and the man had to go home.

Three months later, the Englishman returned. That day Alina called Vika and asked her to come urgently. The girl did not understand the reason for the rush, but came as soon as she was released from work. When she entered the house, she immediately noticed David standing with a huge bouquet in his hands. He began to speak quickly and excitedly, but Victoria could not understand. Then Alina could not stand: “Agree!” He's asking you to marry!

Now Vika lives with a loving husband in England and wants to take his son to her. And we are boundlessly happy for our friend and wish her happiness!


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