Progress does not stand still, but some people still yearn for things that were better in the USSR than they are today.

Ask yourself, How to go back in timeThoughts would move us smoothly into childhood. Let’s go together on a nostalgic journey to distant, but such native shores of the Soviet era.

It is human nature to idealize your past and claim that “before it was better.” Through the prism of time, the USSR appears to be the most reliable and safe place where they lived carefree and stable. We will not argue that the Soviet way of life in everything was the limit of dreams. However, some things can really be called the standard of quality.

Good, eternal and infinitely soulful paintings of the Soviet era are forever woven into our cultural code. Tens of years will pass, and we will watch the films of Leonid Gaidai, Eldar Ryazanov, Igor Maslennikov, Georgy Danelia and other talented directors for the first time. To watch and wonder how gracefully written dialogues and characters, laugh and cry over the ever-present situations and stories.

The USSR Cinema was very fertile and made a quality product. Many modern filmmakers have failed to tell Soviet stories in a new way. Society condemned every attempt to infringe upon the holy. That is why “Queen of the gas station – 2”, “Office romance”. Our Time, The Irony of Fate. Continuation and other remakes failed miserably at the box office.

If we could get into the past, the first thing we would look at the grocery store to collect Soviet delicacies. In those wonderful times, the marking of GOST guaranteed high quality products. Whether it was regular bread, canned food or scarce sausages, the food industry was trusted selflessly.

If you approach the issue of GOST more picky, in fact, these standards do not guarantee the benefit of the product itself. They only inform the consumer that the products were manufactured in compliance with all the standards prescribed in the documentation.

Only the lucky few can afford a full summer vacation in our rebellious age of workaholism and self-employment. You have to make money and run a marathon with your tongue on your shoulder. Vacation is for weaklings, and long live perfectionism!

In the Soviet Union, decent work was awarded with a decent rest. The working class went to sanatoriums, boarding houses and recreation centers. Trade unions repaid up to 90% of the cost of vouchers, and employees of harmful and dangerous industries received material support in advance and could rest at the expense of the state a little longer.

A rare lucky man could afford to buy or rent his own housing in the era of the USSR, so communal houses and hostels were not empty. One way or another, the rent was paid by everyone, regardless of the place of residence.

Utilities tariffs in every corner of the Soviet Union were set on the same principle and have not changed for decades since 1928. Payment was taken only for living rooms without taking into account auxiliary rooms - kitchen, pantry, bathroom and corridors.

This leveling has sometimes produced paradoxical things. For example, a resident of an elite spacious apartment in Stalinka and Kucei of close Khrushchovka paid the same for an equal living area.

However, the advantages were more, and one of them is modest by today’s standards tariffs. A family with at least two working people who lived in a 2-3-room apartment spent about 6% of their earnings on rent. With an average national salary of 150 rubles, the family budget was about 300 rubles, which means that the costs of housing and communal services were more than lifting.

There was also a system of discounts for pensioners, veterans and citizens whose housing did not meet the level of accepted standards.

How to get into the past: Soviet childhood was held in the fresh air in fun and catch-up. The guys gathered in large friendly companies and disappeared in the yards until late in the evening, playing “Svetofor”, blind spots, spots, “Cossacks-robbers”, “Forged chains”, “Silently go – you will continue.”

No one complained about overweight, scoliosis and flat feet: the games were mobile, developed coordination, imagination and thinking.

These wonderful memories will warm our hearts for a long time. We suggest you add to the list: write us what things of the Soviet era, in your opinion, were better than today.

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