Husband begged 10,000 euros for car, but neighbor reported what he does

“My husband called and said he needed money for a car. And what can I do? – complains Tatiana. The woman is temporarily living abroad, she is internally displaced. She left with her daughter to be safe. But while she's not home, strange things happen. What the husband of the heroine did, read further in the article.

When it all started, my husband insisted that I pack and leave. My daughter needs to be rescued. But I didn't want to go anywhere. Bula is sure that in a couple of weeks it will be quiet and calm. But things were just getting worse.

My sister has been living in Italy for a long time. She agreed to take me in with her daughter. So we became internally displaced people. For the rest of my life I will be grateful. Not only did she put us in her home, but she also helped with the paperwork and got me a job. Not a bad job, though. It helped that I know English well and started learning Italian a year ago.

Anyway, I'll be honest, we've done well. And my husband couldn't help but notice. At first he wanted to help us financially. But very soon I started giving up money, citing my salary. I didn't want Misha to deny herself anything for us. He's all alone there.

As time passed, the house was no safer. I finally got involved in the Italian rhythm of life, although it seemed very alien to me. It was easy to live with my sister, and my daughter loved it. And it would be fine if my husband hadn't called one day and said he needed money for the car.

Misha said that someone offered him a car at a very competitive price. And he's been dreaming about it for years. He said he was short of 10,000 euros. Like, I have to send them to him because I'm doing great here. I wonder where I got so much money.

All the secret becomes clear We have a great quarrel on this ground. My husband said I could borrow from my sister. But how does he imagine it? I'm already living with her for free. She always helps us without asking for anything in return. It's a lot of money. I don't think Julia would agree to that.

Besides, I don't know when we'll be able to give that money back. There is no confidence in tomorrow. After that conversation, my husband did not call me for several days and did not answer my calls. I was very concerned about what happened, so I decided to call my neighbor. We have a good relationship.

I wish I hadn't called her. “Tanyusha, honestly, I didn’t know what to do. But since you called, I'm telling you. Someone comes to him all the time. I hear everything behind the wall, you know our soundproofing in the house!

It was like something broke inside me. I've long felt that our marriage was breaking at the seams, but I was afraid to admit it. A neighbor said she saw a woman coming out of our door early in the morning. She was returning with her dog from a walk.

Now I understand why my husband insisted so much that my daughter and I leave. Maybe he doesn't need the money for the car at all. I don't know what to do now. I don't want to give up everything and go home to sort things out. Doing it from a distance is even worse. And why did he choose such a difficult period of our lives for treason?

The most surprising thing in this story is not betrayal, but the fact that the man did not bother to even hide it. He knew that in the house where his family lived, someone could see a stranger. Or maybe he wanted it to be that way?

One way or another, Tatiana can only be sympathetic. Live in limbo away from home and learn about what the closest person cheats. It hurts! What would you do if you were a woman? Would you go home?


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