I'm 40 years old, I'm not 16, short tomatoes help out, they don't need to step-child every day.
How to learn how to grow stubby? Never thought about it? Well, it's totally in vain. The case is extremely simple, as it turns out, and absolutely everyone can. Some varieties of tomatoes can be placed on an ordinary balcony and enjoy fresh vegetables at any time.
Peels short tomatoes Main advantage stubby in their height. Due to the fact that such tomatoes do not grow rapidly upwards, they do not need to be tied. There is no need to bother with supports for your plants and the appropriate height of the greenhouse. Small tomatoes do well in ordinary plastic cups, while they are in the role of seedlings.
Moreover, in the process of growing short tomatoes, you do not need to bother with stepsoning. The limitation in the number of new cuttings is justified by the fact that the plant spends all its strength on the formation of the fetus. Although it is worth noting that tomatoes can not always be tied. If they touch the ground, they risk losing the beautiful presentation.
To grow seedlings of short tomatoes you can just on the floor in an ordinary apartment. Often, seeds in pots are located on the windowsill, but this is not entirely correct. Temperature changes, from which windows and window sills are not insured, can harm seedlings. But on the floor, in a specially designated place, they are not in danger.
Move over window-sill It is possible only when it grows well and grows stronger. Of course, the temperature on the street should also not drop to minus indicators. For seeds, prepare the required number of plastic cups with a volume of 0.5 liters. Fill them with peat and put in a glass of 10-15 seeds. As soon as the seedlings begin to grow, plant each tomato separately in a 100 g glass.
The peat substrate will allow preserve for some tomato ailments. In addition, it is more convenient to take out cups tempered. For example, in an unheated greenhouse. First you need to leave the seedlings like this for a short time. But somewhere 2 weeks before landing in the ground, you can leave seedlings in the cold for the whole night. Watch the weather forecast. If there is a risk of frost, then it is better to cover tomato crumbs with agrofiber.
You can plant seedlings on beds when you are sure that frosts no longer threaten. This usually occurs in late April or early May, depending on geographic location. Ideal intervals for short tomatoes: 1 m for between rows, 30 cm for the nearest neighbors on both sides.
I need watering. situationalize. The very first watering is produced during planting seedlings in the ground, and it is the most abundant. Next, see if you need to adjust the amount of liquid for tomatoes. Perhaps there is enough rainwater, but in dry times you can not do without regular watering by hand. Just don't overdose the tomatoes. They don't like it either.
The organization of supports and tying of tomatoes depends on the desire of the owner. If the bushes are not very much, then there is time to bother. So you will be sure that vegetables are not afraid of dirt, diseases and small pests like slugs. For those who want to grow tomatoes for sale, supports are highly desirable.
Peels Short-sized tomatoes on the balcony At home you can try to grow tomatoes. These babies are best placed in suspended grooves on the balcony, terrace, patio. It will be possible not only to collect vegetables for healthy salads, but also to decorate your apartment with an unusual live decor. Such plants are as compact as possible and mature quite quickly.
We understand that small varieties of tomatoes may not appeal to everyone. You have to work too, and the vegetables are tiny. But we assure you, stubby It is no worse than their great counterparts. Be sure to write in the comments, do you grow anything on your site? It will be very interesting to read useful recommendations from skilled gardeners.

Peels short tomatoes Main advantage stubby in their height. Due to the fact that such tomatoes do not grow rapidly upwards, they do not need to be tied. There is no need to bother with supports for your plants and the appropriate height of the greenhouse. Small tomatoes do well in ordinary plastic cups, while they are in the role of seedlings.
Moreover, in the process of growing short tomatoes, you do not need to bother with stepsoning. The limitation in the number of new cuttings is justified by the fact that the plant spends all its strength on the formation of the fetus. Although it is worth noting that tomatoes can not always be tied. If they touch the ground, they risk losing the beautiful presentation.
To grow seedlings of short tomatoes you can just on the floor in an ordinary apartment. Often, seeds in pots are located on the windowsill, but this is not entirely correct. Temperature changes, from which windows and window sills are not insured, can harm seedlings. But on the floor, in a specially designated place, they are not in danger.
Move over window-sill It is possible only when it grows well and grows stronger. Of course, the temperature on the street should also not drop to minus indicators. For seeds, prepare the required number of plastic cups with a volume of 0.5 liters. Fill them with peat and put in a glass of 10-15 seeds. As soon as the seedlings begin to grow, plant each tomato separately in a 100 g glass.
The peat substrate will allow preserve for some tomato ailments. In addition, it is more convenient to take out cups tempered. For example, in an unheated greenhouse. First you need to leave the seedlings like this for a short time. But somewhere 2 weeks before landing in the ground, you can leave seedlings in the cold for the whole night. Watch the weather forecast. If there is a risk of frost, then it is better to cover tomato crumbs with agrofiber.

You can plant seedlings on beds when you are sure that frosts no longer threaten. This usually occurs in late April or early May, depending on geographic location. Ideal intervals for short tomatoes: 1 m for between rows, 30 cm for the nearest neighbors on both sides.
I need watering. situationalize. The very first watering is produced during planting seedlings in the ground, and it is the most abundant. Next, see if you need to adjust the amount of liquid for tomatoes. Perhaps there is enough rainwater, but in dry times you can not do without regular watering by hand. Just don't overdose the tomatoes. They don't like it either.

The organization of supports and tying of tomatoes depends on the desire of the owner. If the bushes are not very much, then there is time to bother. So you will be sure that vegetables are not afraid of dirt, diseases and small pests like slugs. For those who want to grow tomatoes for sale, supports are highly desirable.

Peels Short-sized tomatoes on the balcony At home you can try to grow tomatoes. These babies are best placed in suspended grooves on the balcony, terrace, patio. It will be possible not only to collect vegetables for healthy salads, but also to decorate your apartment with an unusual live decor. Such plants are as compact as possible and mature quite quickly.

We understand that small varieties of tomatoes may not appeal to everyone. You have to work too, and the vegetables are tiny. But we assure you, stubby It is no worse than their great counterparts. Be sure to write in the comments, do you grow anything on your site? It will be very interesting to read useful recommendations from skilled gardeners.
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