How to increase organic tomato crop
Many gardeners have heard about the need pasynkovat tomatoes, but not everyone knows how and why this should be done. The purpose of this operation is the increase in yield of tomato. With pinching, you can achieve what Bush tomatoes do not spend extra forces to the tops, will not satanarsa and too grow.
Thereby, the farmer will limit the ovaries excess fruits and flowers, and all the power plants will go into production of the crop.
Many gardeners regret to prune off a branch in tomatoes, naively believing that thus it will be possible to achieve an abundant harvest. As the experience of a huge number of vacationers – everything happens exactly the opposite. The stalks of the tomato, which did not pasynkovo yield significantly less than their happy counterparts, which has removed unnecessary processes.
So what is a stepchild? It is nothing but escape, which grows from the lateral sinus, and directly above the leaves. Remove it carefully by prisypanija, leaving very little stump, the length of which shall not be less than an inch.
Thus, this place will not grow new stepson. It should be noted that it is not necessary to get rid of the stepson. They are very hardy and take root easily, if you put it in water, then a week later will be planted in the ground, a new Bush.
But in this process there are a number of features that are worth paying attention to. When you purchase seeds you should pay attention to the inscription, talking about the variety of tomato, namely, determinate or indeterminate it type growth.
If the first, meaning the tomato pasynkovat no, because every escape will end with the brush and vershatsi. Breaking off the side stems, you can be left with very little harvest, if suddenly something happens with the upper brushes.
The second type of bushes — with indeterminate type of growth — grow throughout the summer, so they pasynkovat. But it is not necessary to remove all the shoots and maintain a single-plant. You can divide it into two or even three Bush. To achieve this, it is necessary to leave the desired number of laterals directly under the brushes. (See. the article "the Formation of the Bush tomato")
However, if you want to grow tomatoes in a single trunk, however, at least a couple of laterals should be left. Since the deletion of all processes is very dangerous, you can completely lose a crop if the damage of the upper brushes.
So whether you want to pasynkovat tomatoes or not? Actually, it's a personal gardener, but the start of the tomato jungle is still not worth it, an abundant harvest will not give it exactly. Competent conducting of pinching will increase the number of fruit at times and let them gain strength.
Source: ayatskov1.ru
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