This mistake is made by everyone who has a backache! To make the lower back look like a new...
What mistakes do people make when they have back pain? People. stop moving! People lie there thinking it will get better. But it doesn't work that way. Movement is life, and even if there is pain and discomfort, you need to move anyway.
Because of the sedentary lifestyle, for most of us, especially those who constantly work at the computer, back pain has become common. This applies to people of all ages! We sit a lot, move a little, unconsciously warp our spine, ducking into smartphones and tablets.
The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to devote much time to our health. At first, we try not to pay attention to the former. signs. However, when the pain becomes severe, simple means will not help. It is always better to avoid health problems by warning them.
Complex exercises for the spine in this article "Site" I have prepared for you 6 simple but very effective spinal and backs, which do not require much time and special physical training, but at the same time give very good results!
Be sure to do these 6 simple exercises, and you will forget about problems with the spine and back, as a terrible dream. Don't be lazy!
Let this article help you. healthierStronger body and spirit. If you like the material, tell others about it!
Because of the sedentary lifestyle, for most of us, especially those who constantly work at the computer, back pain has become common. This applies to people of all ages! We sit a lot, move a little, unconsciously warp our spine, ducking into smartphones and tablets.
The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to devote much time to our health. At first, we try not to pay attention to the former. signs. However, when the pain becomes severe, simple means will not help. It is always better to avoid health problems by warning them.
Complex exercises for the spine in this article "Site" I have prepared for you 6 simple but very effective spinal and backs, which do not require much time and special physical training, but at the same time give very good results!
- Starfish
Tired after work? You can not just relax, but also help your back! To do this, you just need to lie down on the floor, spread your arms and legs to the sides and lie down a little in this position. Then it will be very pleasant to perform twists: hands and shoulders turn to one side, thighs turn to the other. Then we return to the starting position and do the same in the other direction. We do everything very slowly and relaxed! - Reclining stone
And again, the lazy exercise! You'll need a chair to do it. Lie down on the floor, preferably on a warm carpet, and throw your feet on the chair. Exercise helps to restore proper blood flow throughout the body, and the back will be able to rest after daily exertion. - Flexible snake
The youth of a person is determined by the mobility of his spine. This exercise is based on the behavior of the snake, an animal that is distinguished by its flexibility. In ancient times, sages observed nature and then applied certain positions borrowed from animals in physical exercises. The Flexible Snake is a yoga asana, but don’t worry, this exercise is available to everyone. Just lie down on your stomach, rest your toes on the floor and lift the body on your hands as high as you can. The main thing is to feel muscle tension, but not overdo it. - embryo
Feel yourself in your mother's tummy again - lie in the embryo position. To do this, lie down on your back, bend your legs and pull them to your stomach, wrapping them with your hands. Stay in this position from 30 seconds to a minute. You can do this exercise even by watching your favorite TV series! Just lie down on the floor. - Stand in the corner
The main purpose of this exercise is to relax all muscles. In order to make such a "roller coaster" you will need fitball, if you do not have it, the back of the sofa or a chair will come to the rescue. - My legs are woven.
This exercise is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but it does not require strong physical training and is available to everyone. Lie on your back, bend one leg and put the other under her knee. Grab the bottom, slowly pull it to yourself, lifting the leg that is above. Just stay in that position, literally half a minute. Do eight sets for each leg.
Be sure to do these 6 simple exercises, and you will forget about problems with the spine and back, as a terrible dream. Don't be lazy!
Let this article help you. healthierStronger body and spirit. If you like the material, tell others about it!