How to Become a Potential Longevity Person

How many times have we all wanted to live to be 100? And although only a few people manage to celebrate such an honorable anniversary, we continue to dream about the development of science and medicine, about new technologies that will allow, if not to live forever, then at least longer to enjoy earthly days.

And today's edition. "Site" talk, how to live a long life And what signs indicate that a particular person has every chance to live to the 100th anniversary.

If 100 years ago, the life expectancy of men, for example, in the United States was about 50 years, today the same indicator has grown to 76 years. American women live to the age of 81 on average. In this example, you can see that life expectancy has increased by about 50%. Surprisingly, scientists don’t think this is the limit.

Of course, in developed countries, longevity has become possible due to improved living conditions, as well as progress in medicine. But you can live long and have good health in any part of the world. And this is what distinguishes a potential longevity.

  1. Optimism
    If you think positively and do not dwell on even serious problems, then you get more pleasure from life, experience less stress. Scientists believe that optimism helps to avoid not only heart and vascular problems, but also reduces the likelihood of cancer.

  2. Healthy sleep.
    One of the habits of centenarians is called daytime sleep. Even half an hour of rest at lunch significantly reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease. And if you do not get enough sleep every day, then get the habit of resting in the middle of a white day.
  3. Consumption of fruits and vegetables
    Proper nutrition helps the body stay healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to eat at least a little fruit and vegetables every day.

  4. Seafood consumption
    Problems with the heart and blood vessels are much more likely to bypass those who regularly include seafood in their diet. The abundance of omega-3 fatty acids helps the proper metabolism. This is especially important in old age.
  5. The feeling of youth
    If you think less about the numbers in your passport and feel younger than you really are, then you have a high chance of living a long life. And if the unexpected question about your age you try to say a smaller number, that's a good sign.

  6. Activity
    Over the years, the physical capabilities of the body deteriorate. We are not as strong, not as fast, not as hardy as in our younger years. But this is no reason to exclude physical activity altogether. And the more a person moves, the more interests he has, the more time he spends in the fresh air, the better moral and physical condition he is.
  7. Plenty of friends
    Sociable people live not only more interesting, but also longer. Staying in society saves from depression, gives a sense of demand, improves mood. Loneliness and isolation are very rarely inherent in centenarians. And it is important that the circle of communication consisted not only of peers, but also of younger people.

  8. Slim figure
    It's hard to stay slim for life. And yet, scientists have noticed that people of slim build are more likely to live longer than those who have an excessively wide waist (more than 80 cm in women or more than 90 cm in men).
  9. Water adoration
    It is important to drink enough clean water every day to maintain proper metabolism. Our body is made up of about 70% water, so a regular shortage of this fluid will definitely not help you live longer. It is important to give preference to water over coffee, tea and other drinks.

Of course, there are many other factors that determine lifetime. Genetic predisposition, intellectual activity, a rich spiritual life and much more play a role. But still pleases the fact that much depends on ourselves, and therefore with due diligence you can live not only interestingly, but also for a long time.


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