How to motivate yourself to succeed
The eminent psychoanalyst Erich Fromm was convinced of one thing: the nature of neurosis lies in the expression of moral problems, and its symptoms are the result of unresolved moral conflicts. The main problem of modernity, as Fromm saw it, is man’s indifference to himself.
Erich Fromm shows the need for a lifestyle change based on a person’s willingness to give up various forms of possession in order to be himself in the first place. Editorial "Site" prepared for you motivation in the form of quotes from the famous analyst, which will help to look at the world differently. Would that inspire you? Absolutely.
Motivation to succeed
Being yourself is the true purpose of man. The assertion of one’s own human self as the highest value of the ethics of humanism. Self-love or self-denial has nothing to do with self-love. The meaning of your life depends on how you unfold your powers. And you can only open them if you live productively. That's the most important thing. If you have the ability to live not in compulsion, not on an automaton, but with a degree of spontaneity, then you definitely realize yourself as a creative person and clearly understand that life has only one meaning - life itself.
You are what you have taught yourself and what others have taught you. Happiness is not God’s gift, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It lives on in your fruitfulness. Fill yourself with meaning and find happiness. The right to express our thoughts makes sense only if we are able to have our own thoughts. Joy and sadness. They cannot escape the fullness. sensitive. Unfortunately, the tragedies of life are inevitable.
A choice that wasn't made. This is the cause of most unfortunate fates. For such people, life is a burden, and deeds and worries are a means of protection from the torments of being. Know that it's never too late to change things. The concept of being alive is dynamic. The disclosure of all specific forces and their actualization is an innate property of all organisms. So is man: the realization of his potential is to be seen as the realization of the laws of nature. This, in turn, is the purpose of life. If you are experiencing in yourself what another person has experienced, then you can assume that in this experience you are unit. Everything you know about another person is based only on your experience of what he is experiencing.
You can't help anyone if you choose for them. The only thing you can do is truthfully and lovingly report the existence of an alternative. Illusions and sentiments in this case will be completely inappropriate. Life presents a difficult task for man. On the one hand, you must realize your individuality, on the other hand, transcend it and achieve universality. Only a fully developed personality can rise above his ego. Mature love is guided by the principle “I love because I love”. Immature love says, “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says, “I need you because I love you.”
Crazy obsession with each other does not show the power of love. It shows how deep and long the loneliness that preceded it was. If you love on the principle of possession, then it will not be superfluous to know that you seek to deprive your loved one of freedom and keep him under control. This kills the best feelings, which is a direct road to hatred. Most people believe that love depends on the object, not on their own ability to love. There is an attitude to the object, they say, love will be stronger if you love only him. If you can say to someone, "I love you," then you can also say, "I love everything in you," "I love the whole world in you, all people, I love myself in you."
The character of a child is a character that develops in response to the character of the parents. What paradigms you set, you get that response. A man can love fully if he loves himself. If a man loves only others, then he cannot love at all. It is believed that love is already love-pin. This is really just an opportunity to find love. Remember, you don’t accidentally become loved. Only your ability to love has a chance of mutual and deep feeling. Anyone who can’t create anything is likely to want to destroy everything.
The ability to be alone is a condition of the ability to love. It is important to avoid empty talk and toxic society. These are not only vicious and destructive people, but also those whose souls seem dead: talkers, gossipers, hollow talkers, expressing popular opinions. Look for yourself in your loved one, but don’t lose yourself in it. If other people don’t understand your behavior, then what? You're only supposed to do what they understand? It's actually an attempt to dictate to you. If someone doesn’t like it, it’s not your problem. They really hurt your courage to be yourself.
Man’s indifference to himself is the real moral problem. If things could answer the question, “Who are you?” the car would say, “I am a car.” And the table would say, "I am the table." Ask a man who he is and he will answer, “I am a doctor,” “I am a locksmith,” “I am a married man.” Just like if things answered you. The answer would mean the same thing. Man is the center of his life. His. high-end development of the individual and the entire internal potential. It cannot change or depend on other supposedly higher goals. Unless, of course, we are talking about the survival of humanity as a whole.
Motivation for every day It has nothing to do with the constant desire to be better and more versatile. This is from the series "How I'll Live Another Period of My Routine Life." Tune in to fill yourself up, and if you need to rest for a day or two, do it. In the meantime, share our article with others, let them begin to love themselves.

Erich Fromm shows the need for a lifestyle change based on a person’s willingness to give up various forms of possession in order to be himself in the first place. Editorial "Site" prepared for you motivation in the form of quotes from the famous analyst, which will help to look at the world differently. Would that inspire you? Absolutely.

Motivation to succeed
- Every person’s life task is to become what they can potentially be. Your own personality is the most important fruit of your efforts.
- You must not account to anyone or explain why you did so and not otherwise, as long as these actions do not infringe on the freedom of others. Your actions are the criterion of evaluation and reflect your true intentions. Free man It is explained only to itself and to the law, which requires explanation.
- If you love, then you are an active participant in the process. To love is not to be a spectator in a theater where drama is played.

Being yourself is the true purpose of man. The assertion of one’s own human self as the highest value of the ethics of humanism. Self-love or self-denial has nothing to do with self-love. The meaning of your life depends on how you unfold your powers. And you can only open them if you live productively. That's the most important thing. If you have the ability to live not in compulsion, not on an automaton, but with a degree of spontaneity, then you definitely realize yourself as a creative person and clearly understand that life has only one meaning - life itself.

You are what you have taught yourself and what others have taught you. Happiness is not God’s gift, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It lives on in your fruitfulness. Fill yourself with meaning and find happiness. The right to express our thoughts makes sense only if we are able to have our own thoughts. Joy and sadness. They cannot escape the fullness. sensitive. Unfortunately, the tragedies of life are inevitable.

A choice that wasn't made. This is the cause of most unfortunate fates. For such people, life is a burden, and deeds and worries are a means of protection from the torments of being. Know that it's never too late to change things. The concept of being alive is dynamic. The disclosure of all specific forces and their actualization is an innate property of all organisms. So is man: the realization of his potential is to be seen as the realization of the laws of nature. This, in turn, is the purpose of life. If you are experiencing in yourself what another person has experienced, then you can assume that in this experience you are unit. Everything you know about another person is based only on your experience of what he is experiencing.

You can't help anyone if you choose for them. The only thing you can do is truthfully and lovingly report the existence of an alternative. Illusions and sentiments in this case will be completely inappropriate. Life presents a difficult task for man. On the one hand, you must realize your individuality, on the other hand, transcend it and achieve universality. Only a fully developed personality can rise above his ego. Mature love is guided by the principle “I love because I love”. Immature love says, “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says, “I need you because I love you.”

Crazy obsession with each other does not show the power of love. It shows how deep and long the loneliness that preceded it was. If you love on the principle of possession, then it will not be superfluous to know that you seek to deprive your loved one of freedom and keep him under control. This kills the best feelings, which is a direct road to hatred. Most people believe that love depends on the object, not on their own ability to love. There is an attitude to the object, they say, love will be stronger if you love only him. If you can say to someone, "I love you," then you can also say, "I love everything in you," "I love the whole world in you, all people, I love myself in you."

The character of a child is a character that develops in response to the character of the parents. What paradigms you set, you get that response. A man can love fully if he loves himself. If a man loves only others, then he cannot love at all. It is believed that love is already love-pin. This is really just an opportunity to find love. Remember, you don’t accidentally become loved. Only your ability to love has a chance of mutual and deep feeling. Anyone who can’t create anything is likely to want to destroy everything.

The ability to be alone is a condition of the ability to love. It is important to avoid empty talk and toxic society. These are not only vicious and destructive people, but also those whose souls seem dead: talkers, gossipers, hollow talkers, expressing popular opinions. Look for yourself in your loved one, but don’t lose yourself in it. If other people don’t understand your behavior, then what? You're only supposed to do what they understand? It's actually an attempt to dictate to you. If someone doesn’t like it, it’s not your problem. They really hurt your courage to be yourself.

Man’s indifference to himself is the real moral problem. If things could answer the question, “Who are you?” the car would say, “I am a car.” And the table would say, "I am the table." Ask a man who he is and he will answer, “I am a doctor,” “I am a locksmith,” “I am a married man.” Just like if things answered you. The answer would mean the same thing. Man is the center of his life. His. high-end development of the individual and the entire internal potential. It cannot change or depend on other supposedly higher goals. Unless, of course, we are talking about the survival of humanity as a whole.

Motivation for every day It has nothing to do with the constant desire to be better and more versatile. This is from the series "How I'll Live Another Period of My Routine Life." Tune in to fill yourself up, and if you need to rest for a day or two, do it. In the meantime, share our article with others, let them begin to love themselves.
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