The mistake that all amateurs make when switching plastic windows to winter mode, don't do that.
Before it gets cold, it’s time to think about preparing for it. There are many ways to increase the thermal insulation of the room. And one of the main ones is the windows. If no action is taken, up to 20% of the heat can be lost. We don't need that. Therefore, today we understand what the winter window mode is and how to install it correctly.
Editorial "Site" It tells you how to keep warm in the house. Getting ready for winter together!
To begin with, it is worth finding out the difference between summer and winter window mode. The whole point is in the density of closing and docking seams of plastic windows. By default, the windows are in a neutral position. In this mode, the windows can pass a little air. By the way, these modes are in all plastic windows. By one scheme, you can configure any windows. Let's figure out how to do it right.
All you need for this simple procedure is a six-sided key. Now look at the window carefully. You need to find all the eccentrics. What is this? A small detail in the frame of the window, which with the help of rotation adjusts its position. Simply put, if you spin the eccentrics, they will more or less fit tightly in the area of rubber seams.
YouTube is very important to find all these details. There could be different numbers. There are 4 to 8 in the window. Check the perimeter of the window frame. If you found all the eccentricities and found the right key, you can start adjusting.
On an eccentric, you'll see a serif. You need to turn the eccentric so that the serif is pointed towards the street. So the window will be tighter to the seams, the air will pass less.
Many people know about this way of adjusting windows. Every year we talk about winter and summer. However, there is one important thing you need to know about all this. There is no winter and summer window regime. It was all invented by Internet users, not window makers. We talked about it right away, didn’t we?
The method described is really working, it can be used. But not so radically. This system was designed to allow you to adjust the density of closing windows as needed. It happens that after installing the windows there is a gap between the frame and the window. Then you just have to adjust it to yourself. Of course, you need to make sure that there is no such gap, especially in the winter.
If you are interested in this information, we suggest you watch the following video. A man builds his own house and knows many nuances in this matter.
In fact, if plastic windows are installed correctly, they do not need any additional means of insulation. There are only a few rules to follow. It'll be much more useful. First, regularly inspect the windows, clean their dirt and lubricate the mechanisms. Secondly, monitor the seal and change it in time. And adjust the density of closing the valves only when necessary.
This is all you need to know about plastic windows. So don’t make the main mistake of amateurs and don’t believe everything that exists on the Internet. Do a thorough window inspection before the cold season and enjoy the warmth. Do not forget to check the radiators and stock up on additional means of heating. Winter can be cold, it is better to prepare for it in advance.

Editorial "Site" It tells you how to keep warm in the house. Getting ready for winter together!
To begin with, it is worth finding out the difference between summer and winter window mode. The whole point is in the density of closing and docking seams of plastic windows. By default, the windows are in a neutral position. In this mode, the windows can pass a little air. By the way, these modes are in all plastic windows. By one scheme, you can configure any windows. Let's figure out how to do it right.

All you need for this simple procedure is a six-sided key. Now look at the window carefully. You need to find all the eccentrics. What is this? A small detail in the frame of the window, which with the help of rotation adjusts its position. Simply put, if you spin the eccentrics, they will more or less fit tightly in the area of rubber seams.

YouTube is very important to find all these details. There could be different numbers. There are 4 to 8 in the window. Check the perimeter of the window frame. If you found all the eccentricities and found the right key, you can start adjusting.
On an eccentric, you'll see a serif. You need to turn the eccentric so that the serif is pointed towards the street. So the window will be tighter to the seams, the air will pass less.

Many people know about this way of adjusting windows. Every year we talk about winter and summer. However, there is one important thing you need to know about all this. There is no winter and summer window regime. It was all invented by Internet users, not window makers. We talked about it right away, didn’t we?
The method described is really working, it can be used. But not so radically. This system was designed to allow you to adjust the density of closing windows as needed. It happens that after installing the windows there is a gap between the frame and the window. Then you just have to adjust it to yourself. Of course, you need to make sure that there is no such gap, especially in the winter.

If you are interested in this information, we suggest you watch the following video. A man builds his own house and knows many nuances in this matter.
In fact, if plastic windows are installed correctly, they do not need any additional means of insulation. There are only a few rules to follow. It'll be much more useful. First, regularly inspect the windows, clean their dirt and lubricate the mechanisms. Secondly, monitor the seal and change it in time. And adjust the density of closing the valves only when necessary.

This is all you need to know about plastic windows. So don’t make the main mistake of amateurs and don’t believe everything that exists on the Internet. Do a thorough window inspection before the cold season and enjoy the warmth. Do not forget to check the radiators and stock up on additional means of heating. Winter can be cold, it is better to prepare for it in advance.
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