How to transfer windows to winter mode to save on heating
Plastic windows are no longer a novelty, they stand in almost every second house or apartment. With their help, it is possible to isolate the house well from moisture, noise and cold. However, few people know that such windows can be adjusted depending on the season. In this article, the editorial board "Site" Tell me what it is. winter mode on plastic windows.
In addition to winter, there is naturally a summer mode for windows. The difference between them is the density of closing and docking seams of plastic windows and doors. By default, wizards install plastic windows in a neutral position – something between winter and summer. Therefore, windows can pass a little air if they are not put on the winter mode.
By the way, all types of plastic windows have these modes. Therefore, there is no difference - you can configure the same plastic windows of any manufacturer.
How do you set up the windows? First, we need a hexagonal key, which is suitable for eccentrics in windows. An eccentric is a small detail in the frame of a window (or door) that adjusts the position of the window with the help of rotation. If you spin the eccentrics in the windows, they will more or less fit tightly in the area of rubber seams.
Secondly, you need to find the number of eccentrics in the window. Here everything is different: in the doors they can be 3-4, in the window 4-8 things. It is necessary to inspect the entire perimeter of the window frame. Eccentrics can be located both on the part of the frame where the handle is located, and on the section of the frame where the window is attached to the common frame.
Now that we have selected a suitable hexagonal key and found what to twist, we will proceed to adjust. Each eccentric has a special serif. We need to turn the eccentric so that this serif is directed towards the street. Approximately the angle of rotation is 90 degrees, in addition, you can even visually determine which direction to turn. However, it is easier to focus on the serif - it was invented for this by manufacturers of plastic windows and doors.
For the summer regime, the opposite is true – the serif should be in the direction of the “home”. In summer, we often open windows, turn the handles, so it is easier to open them. In winter, the windows are tightly pressed against the seams, so it will be more difficult to open them. In winter, it is better to open them less often, so as not to disturb the density between the seams.
If you have any additional questions on this topic, we suggest you watch a video in which you can see in detail how to adjust the windows to winter mode.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=75XE57zdk4Q
Also, to check how hard the window is pressed, you can use a piece of paper. You need to press it with a flap and then try to take it out. If the sheet is difficult, the window was successfully adjusted. I hope this article will help you understand and properly adjust the windows for winter mode. Good luck!
In addition to winter, there is naturally a summer mode for windows. The difference between them is the density of closing and docking seams of plastic windows and doors. By default, wizards install plastic windows in a neutral position – something between winter and summer. Therefore, windows can pass a little air if they are not put on the winter mode.
By the way, all types of plastic windows have these modes. Therefore, there is no difference - you can configure the same plastic windows of any manufacturer.
How do you set up the windows? First, we need a hexagonal key, which is suitable for eccentrics in windows. An eccentric is a small detail in the frame of a window (or door) that adjusts the position of the window with the help of rotation. If you spin the eccentrics in the windows, they will more or less fit tightly in the area of rubber seams.
Secondly, you need to find the number of eccentrics in the window. Here everything is different: in the doors they can be 3-4, in the window 4-8 things. It is necessary to inspect the entire perimeter of the window frame. Eccentrics can be located both on the part of the frame where the handle is located, and on the section of the frame where the window is attached to the common frame.
Now that we have selected a suitable hexagonal key and found what to twist, we will proceed to adjust. Each eccentric has a special serif. We need to turn the eccentric so that this serif is directed towards the street. Approximately the angle of rotation is 90 degrees, in addition, you can even visually determine which direction to turn. However, it is easier to focus on the serif - it was invented for this by manufacturers of plastic windows and doors.
For the summer regime, the opposite is true – the serif should be in the direction of the “home”. In summer, we often open windows, turn the handles, so it is easier to open them. In winter, the windows are tightly pressed against the seams, so it will be more difficult to open them. In winter, it is better to open them less often, so as not to disturb the density between the seams.
If you have any additional questions on this topic, we suggest you watch a video in which you can see in detail how to adjust the windows to winter mode.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=75XE57zdk4Q
Also, to check how hard the window is pressed, you can use a piece of paper. You need to press it with a flap and then try to take it out. If the sheet is difficult, the window was successfully adjusted. I hope this article will help you understand and properly adjust the windows for winter mode. Good luck!
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