What it means to be a loving and caring husband

Many books have been written about true love, an infinite number of films have been shot. However, life sometimes tells stories that no writer or screenwriter would have thought of. True love is more than words and images.

Today's edition. "Site" I'm going to tell you a story about what it really means in grief and in joy.

The story of the couple began in 1956, when Mr. and Mrs. Kuroki married. They bought a small piece of land. Eventually they built a house and a dairy farm. For many years they worked on a farm and kept a herd of 60 cows. All in order to retire to go on a trip to Japan.

Years passed, the couple lived soul to soul, raised children and continued to work. When they retired and saved up enough money, things didn’t go according to plan. At the age of 52, Mrs Kuroki became blind due to illness.

For a woman, this was too much of a test. She didn’t want to live like that and was devastated that all her plans were ruined. Mrs. Kuroki became self-contained and fell into severe depression. She locked herself in the house and refused to talk to her husband.

Mr. Kuroki was saddened that his beloved wife was suffering so much. They wanted to go on a trip to the country... However, he could not accept the situation and decided to act.

Both in sorrow and joy, He decided that since she could no longer see the beauty of the world, it was necessary to help her feel it. Mr. Kuroki spent two years building a magical garden for his wife. He cut down trees, closed down a dairy farm and planted flowers. For his garden, he chose fluxes - pink flowers with a delicate aroma.

After a couple of years, their plot turned into a real carpet of flowers. As the man expected, it soon attracted visitors from all over Japan. Although he and his wife could not travel to Japan, Japan was able to visit them. Now Mrs. Kuroki is always smiling.

Soon, Mrs. Kuroki began going out into the garden to enjoy the aromas of the flowers and relax in the garden. She was interested in communicating with visitors. They told her some of their stories. It was as if she had traveled the world herself. Today, their garden is visited by about 7,000 people a day.

Look at this beautiful couple in the video!

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=aVXpBqj67BY

Thanks to her caring and loving husband, Mrs. Kuroki has a desire to live. Isn't that true love? Stay with your loved one, keep fighting for them and keep doing things for them. What do you think?


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