On the advice of the elder took an onion, went to the hallway and cleaned the house of swearing, spoilage and troubles.
The power of the bow is great. Yes, you are not mistaken, without this wonderful vegetable, not only will not do any first meal, but also the house. On the advice of the elder took an onion, went to the hallway and cleaned the apartment from swearing, spoilage and trouble.
Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how cleanse regular onions. He will drive all evil out of the place where you live.
Ordinary onions are often used in folklore fighting evil spirits. An old man told me how you can clean your home or office of dirty energy with a regular bulb.
First, let me say a few words about where this dirty energy or negativity comes from. For example, you work in a team. There are different people and different energies. All day long, you pick up energy and naturally bring it home.
Or you walk, say, down the street, someone looked at you with admiring eyes, or it may turn out that a person has a bad eye, but he does not know about it, he does not even know. Again, this dirty energy is carried home by you or someone in your family.
Or maybe your neighbor's mood spoiled or quarrels in the family affected the atmosphere in the house, and take the negative energy and accumulate in the corners of your home. And then, over time, it grows like a snowball and big problems grow out of small troubles.
Therefore, any room requires cleaning. Not to mention the fact that “good people” sometimes make linings and spoils that we may not know about.
So what do we do? Write down this simple one, but methodIn the evening, regardless of the lunar phase, take the onion and at home, in the hallway, in the area of the front door, holding the bulb in your right hand, to utter the following conspiracy against it: “You take away the unclean force, but swallow the dashing trouble.” Peace in the ground. Truly.
After that, place the bulb in the hallway so that it does not catch the eye. Let the onions lie there for 3 days. At the end of the time, throw it on the ground or on the snow, under which the ground.
If necessary ritual in 3 months. This tool is simple, but working!
The ritual described above should be performed regularly. Everyone comes to the house often with guests. But they are not always friendly. And with the help of onions, you can get rid of negativity in time before they have time to harm you.
I also suggest you find out what the red thread is capable of, the strongest talisman from evil. Not only do I wear it on my hand, but I hang it everywhere!
The power of bows in the modern world is undeservedly forgotten, and in vain. Onions have been used by magicians since ancient times. After all, he takes on all the negativity, evil eye, damage and many other misfortunes.
Previously, housewives never used for cooking the onions that were cleaned in the evening and not immediately used. After all, it was believed that during the night he absorbed entities from the other world, bad energy, and eating it was already forbidden.
How do you feel about cleaning? flat-house? Will you try to do it?
Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how cleanse regular onions. He will drive all evil out of the place where you live.

Ordinary onions are often used in folklore fighting evil spirits. An old man told me how you can clean your home or office of dirty energy with a regular bulb.
First, let me say a few words about where this dirty energy or negativity comes from. For example, you work in a team. There are different people and different energies. All day long, you pick up energy and naturally bring it home.

Or you walk, say, down the street, someone looked at you with admiring eyes, or it may turn out that a person has a bad eye, but he does not know about it, he does not even know. Again, this dirty energy is carried home by you or someone in your family.
Or maybe your neighbor's mood spoiled or quarrels in the family affected the atmosphere in the house, and take the negative energy and accumulate in the corners of your home. And then, over time, it grows like a snowball and big problems grow out of small troubles.

Therefore, any room requires cleaning. Not to mention the fact that “good people” sometimes make linings and spoils that we may not know about.

So what do we do? Write down this simple one, but methodIn the evening, regardless of the lunar phase, take the onion and at home, in the hallway, in the area of the front door, holding the bulb in your right hand, to utter the following conspiracy against it: “You take away the unclean force, but swallow the dashing trouble.” Peace in the ground. Truly.
After that, place the bulb in the hallway so that it does not catch the eye. Let the onions lie there for 3 days. At the end of the time, throw it on the ground or on the snow, under which the ground.

If necessary ritual in 3 months. This tool is simple, but working!
The ritual described above should be performed regularly. Everyone comes to the house often with guests. But they are not always friendly. And with the help of onions, you can get rid of negativity in time before they have time to harm you.

I also suggest you find out what the red thread is capable of, the strongest talisman from evil. Not only do I wear it on my hand, but I hang it everywhere!

The power of bows in the modern world is undeservedly forgotten, and in vain. Onions have been used by magicians since ancient times. After all, he takes on all the negativity, evil eye, damage and many other misfortunes.
Previously, housewives never used for cooking the onions that were cleaned in the evening and not immediately used. After all, it was believed that during the night he absorbed entities from the other world, bad energy, and eating it was already forbidden.
How do you feel about cleaning? flat-house? Will you try to do it?
Instead of gratitude, the rich put the health worker behind bars, but justice prevailed.
I do conservation for money, share a quick method of sterilizing cans.