I add only pickled cucumbers to vinaigrette and olive, with salty ones the wrong taste.
In the summer, you need to prepare not only sleighs, but also conservation for the winter. After all, how nice it will be to crack a pickle for dinner! By the way, although whole gorishons look beautiful, it is easier to roll cucumbers in cubes. This method is convenient primarily because you can use overgrown, curved and unsightly fruits. In addition, the finished cut will save you time in the future when cooking vinaigrette, olive or brine. And the most important beauty of the method proposed below is that before sunset, you do not need to sterilize the banks.
YouTube ingredients
YouTube For conservation is best suited jars of 0.5 liters. One kilogram of cucumbers is enough for just four such cans.
Cut cucumbers with cubes the size you like. Pour 5 peas of black pepper to the bottom of the jar, add a bay leaf and cut a tooth of garlic. At the top, add some pod pepper, a sprig of dill with an umbrella and a horseradish leaf along with the petals. After that, fill the jar tightly with sliced cucumbers.
YouTube Boil a liter of water in the kettle. Pour cucumbers in jars with steep boiling water and cover from above with lids, with which you will then roll the cans. After that, wrap the cans tightly with a terry towel and leave for 20 minutes.
YouTube Ingredients for Marinade
After 20 minutes, drain the water from the cans into the pot in which you will cook the marinade. Share the remaining water from the kettle (the recipe is designed for a liter of marinade). Pour 50 grams of sugar and 70 grams of stone table salt. Bring the marinade to a boil and wait until the salt and sugar dissolve.
YouTube Then add 70 grams of vinegar and bring it to a boil again. Pour the marinade into a jar of cucumbers, then immediately roll the lid with a key. Turn the cans upside down, wrap it tightly in a towel and leave it until it's completely cool.
This recipe is designed specifically for further use in salads or brine, so the marinade is made very spicy. If you don’t like the harsh taste, then reduce the amount of salt, sugar and vinegar in the recipe by 10-20%. But remember that then you will have to pour cucumbers in banks with boiling water twice, and marinade for the third time.
And if you do not like pickled vegetables, then look at the recipes of salted or sauerkraut cucumbers.

YouTube ingredients
- 1kg cucumber
- 20 peas of black pepper
- 1 bay leaf
- 4 teeth. garlic
- 1 pod of hot pepper
- 1 poop dill
- 1 horseradish leaf

YouTube For conservation is best suited jars of 0.5 liters. One kilogram of cucumbers is enough for just four such cans.

Cut cucumbers with cubes the size you like. Pour 5 peas of black pepper to the bottom of the jar, add a bay leaf and cut a tooth of garlic. At the top, add some pod pepper, a sprig of dill with an umbrella and a horseradish leaf along with the petals. After that, fill the jar tightly with sliced cucumbers.

YouTube Boil a liter of water in the kettle. Pour cucumbers in jars with steep boiling water and cover from above with lids, with which you will then roll the cans. After that, wrap the cans tightly with a terry towel and leave for 20 minutes.

YouTube Ingredients for Marinade
- 1 liter of water
- 70g salt
- 50g sugar
- 70g vinegar

After 20 minutes, drain the water from the cans into the pot in which you will cook the marinade. Share the remaining water from the kettle (the recipe is designed for a liter of marinade). Pour 50 grams of sugar and 70 grams of stone table salt. Bring the marinade to a boil and wait until the salt and sugar dissolve.

YouTube Then add 70 grams of vinegar and bring it to a boil again. Pour the marinade into a jar of cucumbers, then immediately roll the lid with a key. Turn the cans upside down, wrap it tightly in a towel and leave it until it's completely cool.

This recipe is designed specifically for further use in salads or brine, so the marinade is made very spicy. If you don’t like the harsh taste, then reduce the amount of salt, sugar and vinegar in the recipe by 10-20%. But remember that then you will have to pour cucumbers in banks with boiling water twice, and marinade for the third time.
And if you do not like pickled vegetables, then look at the recipes of salted or sauerkraut cucumbers.
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