So that the vinaigrette does not turn into a beet mush, I chop it in advance and cover it with film, I serve in an exquisite way.
Even such a simple and familiar dish as vinaigrette, you can cook in different ways. Some people prefer the simpler option so as not to waste too much time. Someone is experimenting and working on a standard recipe for themselves. Preparation of vinaigretteIt can be said that the occupation is creative and even to some extent interesting.
Piabay Ingredients, the way they are prepared, the order - all this directly affects the taste and overall appearance. And so that you do not repeat other people's mistakes, not disappointed in the result, we have prepared for you a few tips. With them, your vinaigrette will always be the best and appetizing. The devil is in the details.
In order for the dish to turn out, you need to take a strictly accurate number of products. The "by eye" option is not suitable. It is best to get a kitchen scale and calculate how much to add, already on them. For example, take two parts of potatoes and beets. Add one part of carrots, cabbage and cucumbers. Then, if you want to.
An unusual additive can be canned beans, peas and even slightly salted herring. It should be based on the preference of the eaters. A drop of pickled onions also does not hurt.
Many of us are used to using pickled vegetables. It's, you might say, a classic. But we suggest replacing them with salty vegetables. There are several reasons for this. First, salty vegetables are much more profitable to taste. The same cucumbers from the barrel will be well expressed in a similar vinaigrette. And sauerkraut will not fail.
Secondly, such products can be prepared with your own hands: there is nothing difficult in pickling vegetables. It turns out that you will not need to waste time running around the shops and doubt the quality of the purchased goods.
No one likes the color of the beet. When beets with its juice color all the ingredients with one palette, the result is, at least visually, so-so. To prevent this from happening again, make it a habit to cut it separately and mix it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Butter film will not let the vegetable turn everything into a burgundy mess.
By the way, another lifehack: vinaigrette can be prepared separately from beets and stored in food film. And the beets themselves are beautifully poured on top already before serving. Thus, you do not have to add vegetable oil to the dish, and the appearance will also be preserved.
Baking foods in this way they will retain much more useful and nutrients. This is especially true of beets and carrots. When crushed, vegetables will retain their shape better, thus creating an interesting texture. And in general, vegetables, heat treated in this way, taste better. That's probably the main reason.
Garlic affects our olfactory sensors, increasing appetite. Besides, many people like its taste. It does not need to add too much: a couple of cloves will go well for the entire container with salad. But you need to act wisely: rub garlic and distribute it on the bottom of the plate. And then put out the salad. So even the biggest haters of this product will not wrinkle their noses.
We are used to the fact that vinaigrette should be filled only with vegetable oil. As they say, without much delight. But on New Year’s Eve, why not indulge? For example, take unrefined, fragrant oil. Quickly warm it up in a pan and add some feathers of onions. Now saturated oil can be poured directly into our salad. The taste will become richer and more interesting.
Thus, we guarantee that your vinaigrette will be praised by all guests present at the holiday. And, in fact, the work has not become much more. We just turned our attention to some details. Bon appetit!

Piabay Ingredients, the way they are prepared, the order - all this directly affects the taste and overall appearance. And so that you do not repeat other people's mistakes, not disappointed in the result, we have prepared for you a few tips. With them, your vinaigrette will always be the best and appetizing. The devil is in the details.
In order for the dish to turn out, you need to take a strictly accurate number of products. The "by eye" option is not suitable. It is best to get a kitchen scale and calculate how much to add, already on them. For example, take two parts of potatoes and beets. Add one part of carrots, cabbage and cucumbers. Then, if you want to.

An unusual additive can be canned beans, peas and even slightly salted herring. It should be based on the preference of the eaters. A drop of pickled onions also does not hurt.
Many of us are used to using pickled vegetables. It's, you might say, a classic. But we suggest replacing them with salty vegetables. There are several reasons for this. First, salty vegetables are much more profitable to taste. The same cucumbers from the barrel will be well expressed in a similar vinaigrette. And sauerkraut will not fail.

Secondly, such products can be prepared with your own hands: there is nothing difficult in pickling vegetables. It turns out that you will not need to waste time running around the shops and doubt the quality of the purchased goods.
No one likes the color of the beet. When beets with its juice color all the ingredients with one palette, the result is, at least visually, so-so. To prevent this from happening again, make it a habit to cut it separately and mix it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Butter film will not let the vegetable turn everything into a burgundy mess.

By the way, another lifehack: vinaigrette can be prepared separately from beets and stored in food film. And the beets themselves are beautifully poured on top already before serving. Thus, you do not have to add vegetable oil to the dish, and the appearance will also be preserved.
Baking foods in this way they will retain much more useful and nutrients. This is especially true of beets and carrots. When crushed, vegetables will retain their shape better, thus creating an interesting texture. And in general, vegetables, heat treated in this way, taste better. That's probably the main reason.

Garlic affects our olfactory sensors, increasing appetite. Besides, many people like its taste. It does not need to add too much: a couple of cloves will go well for the entire container with salad. But you need to act wisely: rub garlic and distribute it on the bottom of the plate. And then put out the salad. So even the biggest haters of this product will not wrinkle their noses.
We are used to the fact that vinaigrette should be filled only with vegetable oil. As they say, without much delight. But on New Year’s Eve, why not indulge? For example, take unrefined, fragrant oil. Quickly warm it up in a pan and add some feathers of onions. Now saturated oil can be poured directly into our salad. The taste will become richer and more interesting.

Thus, we guarantee that your vinaigrette will be praised by all guests present at the holiday. And, in fact, the work has not become much more. We just turned our attention to some details. Bon appetit!
The ever-popular board games
Takes three ingredients, crumbles, mixes, seasoning, twenty minutes later, guests get high over the salad.