Walking around a sick mother-in-law, quarreled with her mother

When a loved one is in a difficult situation, you will break into a cake, but you will certainly help him. Often, problems in the life of one of the relatives become a problem for the whole family.

Sometimes you have to spend the last effort and money to support your loved ones. But, unfortunately, such sacrifice can become a cause for disagreement. This is what happened in the family of Tatiana, the heroine of our new history. Helping her mother-in-law, she quarreled with her mother. How this is possible, read further in the article.

My father left me and my mother to fend for themselves. I was only 7 years old and didn’t know much. But even then, I knew that acting like him was inhuman. The Pope took out half the apartment, repeating that all these things belonged only to him. As a result, my mother and I were left with literally nothing.

My father wasn't very interested in my life. I paid a penny alimony and occasionally congratulated me on my birthday if I remembered it. I saw how hard my mother was. I tried to help as much as I could. But in return, she demanded more.

The older I got, the more my mother told me she had done everything for me, spent the best years of her life on me. I always felt like I owed her. And as I grew up, the guilt in front of her only increased. But at some point I made a strong-willed decision to live not only for her, but also for myself.

I got married and moved into my husband’s apartment. We are now raising two children together. Although I haven’t been living with my mom for a long time, I haven’t stopped helping her, and we often call and meet. My mom barely communicates with anyone, and since my dad left, she's closed in. She was able to contact my husband’s parents.

We had a fight with our mother, and we were fine until recently. My mother-in-law was hospitalized. She was in the hospital for more than two weeks. Of course, my husband and I helped her financially, although I can’t say that we have the capacity to do so. Anyway, when a loved one finds himself in a difficult situation, you will do everything for his good.

My mother often visited my mother-in-law. She brought her fresh homemade food. One day she found out how much money we spent on treatment, and she was stunned. She has never been to the hospital since. Soon my mother called me and said, “You’re telling me you don’t have enough money for anything.” I thought I raised a daughter who would help her mother, not a stranger!

We never reconciled after this fight. My mother won't listen to my arguments. She thinks I'm a traitor for spending so much money on my mother-in-law. Does she not understand that helping loved ones in such situations is normal?

It is obvious that the mother of the main character could not forgive her ex-husband. All her life, she blamed her child for abandoning them. That’s why she treated her daughter so much when she was a child and a teenager. And so she still feels obliged. The situation with the mother-in-law was just another reason for accusations and resentment.

Do you think their relationship will improve and what needs to be done? Boldly share your thoughts in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!


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