September 30 in the old days called "Babies name day", how to spend the women's day of Faith, Hope and Love
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are examples of women with strong unshakable faith in God. September 30 in the old days was called "baby name day", it was believed that the more tears shed on this day, the better for the soul. And, of course, on this day you need to congratulate all women, and especially birthday girls. Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia.
Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how women's day Faith, hope and love. Traditions and signs of the holiday!
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia The history of the holiday is difficult. Faith, Hope and Love, daughters of the wise Sophia, suffered for their faith. At that time, many Romans were pagans. Sophia was a faithful Christian and taught her daughters the same.
When the brutal persecution of Christians began in 137, the mother and daughters were put behind bars and sent to trial before the emperor Hadrian. He wanted to see the three sisters and their mother. First, the emperor demanded that the Christian family renounce the faith. But no one was able to shake the Christian beliefs of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.
The girls were severely tortured, and then their mother Sofia passed away. The Church listed the sisters and their mother as saints. The relics of the martyrs since 777 are kept in Alsace, in the Church of Echo.
Despite this terrible story, the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia was always perceived with joy. The girls and their mothers have shown that the grace of the Holy SpiritDeficiencies of bodily strength do not prevent the manifestation of strength of spirit and courage.
It has long been believed that on the Day of Faith, Hope and Love, women need to cry at the top of their voice in the morning about their hard part and remember their friends in tearful prayer. This rite used to be called the most powerful amulet in Russia! After him, women should bake birthday cakes and pretzels for their relatives.
But to worry about the house on this day women are undesirable. Weddings and engagements should not be arranged on September 30. But this is a very favorable day for matchmaking. The people say, “In faith, hope, love are matched, and on the cover of the day the wedding is played.”
In the past, young people used to celebrate this day. Women who had a family would visit the temple that day. There they bought 3 candles, with 2 of them placed near the image of Jesus Christ, and one was taken home.
At 12 o'clock in the morning, they lit one candle, which was placed in the middle of the loaf. They prayed over the candle and asked that all bad things should bypass their home and family. In the morning, the family had to eat this caravan.
But Father Alexander from the church I visit says this: “On this feast, if possible, visit the church, pray to the holy martyrs.” They are the patrons of the family. Ask the saints for well-being in married life, help in the upbringing of children, health to all loved ones.”
Also, the clergy recommend to refrain from quarrels, clarification of relationships and other problems in the family. Spend a day of faith, hope and love in a warm family circle for prayer and goodness. Talk heart-to-heart. And, of course, this day is worth it. birthday congratulations Women who bear the names of saints.
There are and folklore September 30th. Our ancestors said that if you see flocks of cranes on Faith, Hope, Love, then it will be cold on Pokrov (October 14), otherwise winter will be late. Usually, after faith, hope and love, the first frosts begin.
If thunder strikes on September 30, it means that autumn will last a long time and be warm. A bad omen was considered to hold a wedding, engagement. Weddings on the 30th of September are not required. If it rains on September 30, we can expect early spring next year.
I also suggest you find out what prayers are worth reading on the day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia were strong and great women. Don't forget Congratulations on September 30 Wish them all the blessings of the day, peace and blessings.
May faith, hope, love and wisdom be with you! May the saints protect you from evil and ailments.
Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how women's day Faith, hope and love. Traditions and signs of the holiday!

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia The history of the holiday is difficult. Faith, Hope and Love, daughters of the wise Sophia, suffered for their faith. At that time, many Romans were pagans. Sophia was a faithful Christian and taught her daughters the same.
When the brutal persecution of Christians began in 137, the mother and daughters were put behind bars and sent to trial before the emperor Hadrian. He wanted to see the three sisters and their mother. First, the emperor demanded that the Christian family renounce the faith. But no one was able to shake the Christian beliefs of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.
The girls were severely tortured, and then their mother Sofia passed away. The Church listed the sisters and their mother as saints. The relics of the martyrs since 777 are kept in Alsace, in the Church of Echo.
Despite this terrible story, the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia was always perceived with joy. The girls and their mothers have shown that the grace of the Holy SpiritDeficiencies of bodily strength do not prevent the manifestation of strength of spirit and courage.
It has long been believed that on the Day of Faith, Hope and Love, women need to cry at the top of their voice in the morning about their hard part and remember their friends in tearful prayer. This rite used to be called the most powerful amulet in Russia! After him, women should bake birthday cakes and pretzels for their relatives.

But to worry about the house on this day women are undesirable. Weddings and engagements should not be arranged on September 30. But this is a very favorable day for matchmaking. The people say, “In faith, hope, love are matched, and on the cover of the day the wedding is played.”
In the past, young people used to celebrate this day. Women who had a family would visit the temple that day. There they bought 3 candles, with 2 of them placed near the image of Jesus Christ, and one was taken home.
At 12 o'clock in the morning, they lit one candle, which was placed in the middle of the loaf. They prayed over the candle and asked that all bad things should bypass their home and family. In the morning, the family had to eat this caravan.

But Father Alexander from the church I visit says this: “On this feast, if possible, visit the church, pray to the holy martyrs.” They are the patrons of the family. Ask the saints for well-being in married life, help in the upbringing of children, health to all loved ones.”
Also, the clergy recommend to refrain from quarrels, clarification of relationships and other problems in the family. Spend a day of faith, hope and love in a warm family circle for prayer and goodness. Talk heart-to-heart. And, of course, this day is worth it. birthday congratulations Women who bear the names of saints.

There are and folklore September 30th. Our ancestors said that if you see flocks of cranes on Faith, Hope, Love, then it will be cold on Pokrov (October 14), otherwise winter will be late. Usually, after faith, hope and love, the first frosts begin.
If thunder strikes on September 30, it means that autumn will last a long time and be warm. A bad omen was considered to hold a wedding, engagement. Weddings on the 30th of September are not required. If it rains on September 30, we can expect early spring next year.

I also suggest you find out what prayers are worth reading on the day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia were strong and great women. Don't forget Congratulations on September 30 Wish them all the blessings of the day, peace and blessings.
May faith, hope, love and wisdom be with you! May the saints protect you from evil and ailments.
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