What miracles to expect on the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and Their Mother Sophia
September 30 is an important day for Christian believers. On this day, the church honors Saint Sophia and her three daughters: Faith, Hope and Love. There is worship in the churches, and we congratulate everyone who bears these names. Faith, Hope and Love Day 2022 is a special day for all women. After all, this is the holiday when you can ask the saints about all the most important things: that there is peace and all girls, girls and women were safe.
Today's edition. "Site" He remembers the history of the holiday, and also shares with you texts of strong prayers.
The Holy Scriptures say that this holiday is special not only for those who bear the names of saints, but also for all women in 2022. The life of the saints teaches us to be faithful to what we believe. After all, the little girls named after the three Christian virtues gave their lives for their faith in Christ. They did not want to deny Jesus, for which they were tested. His mother also gave her soul to God.
However, the tragic fate on earth turned into eternal glory for the saints in the Kingdom of the Lord. Now we honor them as martyrs and offer them prayers. God’s faithfulness and faithfulness are an example to all believers. Now we all have to face difficulties. From them we can learn resilience. At the most difficult times, ask for help.
As in any Orthodox holiday, on this day you need to observe certain rules. The most important thing is to visit the temple and pray. There are also some prohibitions. For example, on this day it is forbidden to swear. By swearing on such days, a man defiles his soul. It is best to spend this day with your family. Pay attention to the children, treat them to sweets.
On September 30, you can not hold a wedding, celebrate a wedding or an engagement. It's considered a bad omen. Also, you should not load yourself with homework. Dedicate the day to yourself and your family. Otherwise, the same rules apply as on other Orthodox holidays.
Prayers on the Day of Faith, Hope, Love in 2022 Great Martyr Sophia asks for health for a sick child, they also pray for getting rid of female diseases, for the conception of a child. In the church, addressing the icon of the three holy martyrs, ask for strength to strengthen faith, health, prosperity and love. There is such a belief: if a woman sincerely and wholeheartedly prays on this day and asks for women’s happiness and long joyful days of life to her relatives, her request will be heard and life will begin to change for the better. The saints can be addressed with this prayer:
“O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Hope and Love, and the valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, to you now a friend with fervent prayer.” God’s Word is not about faith, hope, and love. These are the three cornerstones of virtue, in them the image called, the very thing you reveal! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and pastures He will cover us with His inexpressible grace, save us and preserve us, for there is also a lover of humanity.
To that glory, for the sun is not necessary, now in sight shining bright, help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities. May He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him we send glory with His Father without beginning and with His Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.
You, holy martyrs, Vero, Hope and Love, we glorify, magnify and please, but with wise matter, Sophia. We worship Him as the image of God’s mercy. Pray, St. Vero, the Creator of the visible and invisible, that faith will be strong, unblemished and indestructible. Pray, holy hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners. May His trust in His goodness not regurgitate us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, Holy Love, to the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows. May the sweetness of heaven come down upon our souls.
Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and with your wise material Sophia. Pray to the Lord God that He may keep His Holy Church under His cover. So we fervently pray for all of us in your warm intercession before God, that with you and with all the saints we may exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the pre-eminent Lord and the good Creator, now and forever and ever. Amen.
These strong words are best pronounced before the image of the saints. However, the power of prayer will not decrease if you say it at home. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the temple. But wherever you are and however you pray, the saints will hear you if your thoughts are pure. Do not forget this and spend the day of Faith, Hope, Love in 2022 in goodness and tranquility. May the saints protect you and your family!

Today's edition. "Site" He remembers the history of the holiday, and also shares with you texts of strong prayers.
The Holy Scriptures say that this holiday is special not only for those who bear the names of saints, but also for all women in 2022. The life of the saints teaches us to be faithful to what we believe. After all, the little girls named after the three Christian virtues gave their lives for their faith in Christ. They did not want to deny Jesus, for which they were tested. His mother also gave her soul to God.
However, the tragic fate on earth turned into eternal glory for the saints in the Kingdom of the Lord. Now we honor them as martyrs and offer them prayers. God’s faithfulness and faithfulness are an example to all believers. Now we all have to face difficulties. From them we can learn resilience. At the most difficult times, ask for help.

As in any Orthodox holiday, on this day you need to observe certain rules. The most important thing is to visit the temple and pray. There are also some prohibitions. For example, on this day it is forbidden to swear. By swearing on such days, a man defiles his soul. It is best to spend this day with your family. Pay attention to the children, treat them to sweets.
On September 30, you can not hold a wedding, celebrate a wedding or an engagement. It's considered a bad omen. Also, you should not load yourself with homework. Dedicate the day to yourself and your family. Otherwise, the same rules apply as on other Orthodox holidays.

Prayers on the Day of Faith, Hope, Love in 2022 Great Martyr Sophia asks for health for a sick child, they also pray for getting rid of female diseases, for the conception of a child. In the church, addressing the icon of the three holy martyrs, ask for strength to strengthen faith, health, prosperity and love. There is such a belief: if a woman sincerely and wholeheartedly prays on this day and asks for women’s happiness and long joyful days of life to her relatives, her request will be heard and life will begin to change for the better. The saints can be addressed with this prayer:

“O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Hope and Love, and the valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, to you now a friend with fervent prayer.” God’s Word is not about faith, hope, and love. These are the three cornerstones of virtue, in them the image called, the very thing you reveal! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and pastures He will cover us with His inexpressible grace, save us and preserve us, for there is also a lover of humanity.
To that glory, for the sun is not necessary, now in sight shining bright, help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities. May He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him we send glory with His Father without beginning and with His Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

You, holy martyrs, Vero, Hope and Love, we glorify, magnify and please, but with wise matter, Sophia. We worship Him as the image of God’s mercy. Pray, St. Vero, the Creator of the visible and invisible, that faith will be strong, unblemished and indestructible. Pray, holy hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners. May His trust in His goodness not regurgitate us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, Holy Love, to the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows. May the sweetness of heaven come down upon our souls.
Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and with your wise material Sophia. Pray to the Lord God that He may keep His Holy Church under His cover. So we fervently pray for all of us in your warm intercession before God, that with you and with all the saints we may exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the pre-eminent Lord and the good Creator, now and forever and ever. Amen.

These strong words are best pronounced before the image of the saints. However, the power of prayer will not decrease if you say it at home. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the temple. But wherever you are and however you pray, the saints will hear you if your thoughts are pure. Do not forget this and spend the day of Faith, Hope, Love in 2022 in goodness and tranquility. May the saints protect you and your family!
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The seller in the market persuaded to buy a large pumpkin and wrote down the recipe on a napkin, a magic delicacy