Texts of prayers that parishioners love to sing on holidays
I read “Symbol of Faith” at home every night. I know this prayer by heart. And when I go to church for service, I say this prayer together with the priests and the church choir.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what prayers you should know and sing. believer. Singing in chorus is inspiring!
There are many prayers that are said in the church during worship only by priests. These are prayers and prayers for prayers. Such prayers are called priestly or priestly prayers and are contained in the liturgical books.
But there are also things that parishioners should repeat. with the priests. As my grandmother says, the Creed Prayer is the password for entering heaven. You need to answer without hesitation!
The symbol of faith is not even a prayer, but a prayer. confession. That is why, as a testimony not just of faith, but of Christian faith, it is pronounced before Baptism and Communion.
I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, born of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from the true God, born, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created.
For the sake of us men and for the sake of our salvation came down from heaven and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontic Pilate, and suffered and buried. And he rose again on the third day, according to the Scripture.
He ascended to heaven and sat on the right side of the Father. He who comes again with glory to judge the living and the dead, his kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord who gives life, from the Father who proceeds, with the Father and the Son who is worshipped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets.
The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I accept one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Waiting for the resurrection of the dead. And the life of the next century. Amen.
I am sure that all Orthodox people already know the “Our Father” by heart, but not everyone knows the participative verse “The Body of Christ”, which is often pronounced at the Divine Liturgy. These are the words of prayer that are spoken during communion.
Wo communion The famous verse says: “Take the body of Christ, taste the source of the immortal.” Then the priest blesses everyone, saying, “Save God, your people, and bless your property.”
We have seen the true light, by receiving the Spirit of heaven, by finding true faith, we worship the indivisible Trinity, for it has saved us.
When we saw the true light and received the Spirit of heaven, we found true faith and worship the Indivisible Trinity because it saved us.
As Seraphim of Sarov said, “The grace of true Communion is so great that it is imprinted on the whole kind of communion.” The grace bestowed by Communion is so great that no matter how sinful a person may be, but only in the humble consciousness of his great sinfulness will he come to the Lord, the grace of Christ will be purified, more and more enlightened and saved.
I also recommend reading the Bible emergency numbers when it seems like God has left you. This will be good for every believer.
I am learning the Russian language with my son. “Our Father” he already knows by heart and repeats every night before going to bed.
These are prayers, before reading which it is better to tune in positive and calm your thoughts. It is undesirable to pronounce them mechanically, best of all with faith and soul.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what prayers you should know and sing. believer. Singing in chorus is inspiring!

There are many prayers that are said in the church during worship only by priests. These are prayers and prayers for prayers. Such prayers are called priestly or priestly prayers and are contained in the liturgical books.
But there are also things that parishioners should repeat. with the priests. As my grandmother says, the Creed Prayer is the password for entering heaven. You need to answer without hesitation!

The symbol of faith is not even a prayer, but a prayer. confession. That is why, as a testimony not just of faith, but of Christian faith, it is pronounced before Baptism and Communion.

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, born of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from the true God, born, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created.
For the sake of us men and for the sake of our salvation came down from heaven and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontic Pilate, and suffered and buried. And he rose again on the third day, according to the Scripture.

He ascended to heaven and sat on the right side of the Father. He who comes again with glory to judge the living and the dead, his kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord who gives life, from the Father who proceeds, with the Father and the Son who is worshipped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets.
The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I accept one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Waiting for the resurrection of the dead. And the life of the next century. Amen.

I am sure that all Orthodox people already know the “Our Father” by heart, but not everyone knows the participative verse “The Body of Christ”, which is often pronounced at the Divine Liturgy. These are the words of prayer that are spoken during communion.

Wo communion The famous verse says: “Take the body of Christ, taste the source of the immortal.” Then the priest blesses everyone, saying, “Save God, your people, and bless your property.”
We have seen the true light, by receiving the Spirit of heaven, by finding true faith, we worship the indivisible Trinity, for it has saved us.

When we saw the true light and received the Spirit of heaven, we found true faith and worship the Indivisible Trinity because it saved us.
As Seraphim of Sarov said, “The grace of true Communion is so great that it is imprinted on the whole kind of communion.” The grace bestowed by Communion is so great that no matter how sinful a person may be, but only in the humble consciousness of his great sinfulness will he come to the Lord, the grace of Christ will be purified, more and more enlightened and saved.
I also recommend reading the Bible emergency numbers when it seems like God has left you. This will be good for every believer.

I am learning the Russian language with my son. “Our Father” he already knows by heart and repeats every night before going to bed.
These are prayers, before reading which it is better to tune in positive and calm your thoughts. It is undesirable to pronounce them mechanically, best of all with faith and soul.
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