We live in an era of great changes, Vladimir Drevs told how to prepare for changes
Changing the world is inevitable. It has already begun according to the claims of many psychics, tarologists and numerologists. 2022 was the year of reference. Looking at the current events in the world, it is difficult to argue with this statement. Today we will analyze the information that Vladimir Drevs, a Vedas expert, gave us.
Drevs claims that every representative of mankind is now in a state of sleep.. We all sleep and we all see a piece of reality. That’s why people’s visions are so different. Every believer in a certain religion thinks that he knows the truth, but sees only a small part of the puzzle.
Peels Vladimir Drev tells figurative. Three people who have never seen an elephant are blindfolded and allowed to touch an elephant. They are asked to describe the animal. However, the question of what an elephant is, everyone answers differently. The person who touched the elephant's trunk says the elephant is a hose. The person who touches the side says the elephant is a barrel. The person who touches the tail says the elephant is a rope. Everyone is right in their own way, but they see only a piece of truth.
Vladimir Drevs believes that the main preparation for world changes is the awakening of consciousness. People who have attained this awakening get rid of attachment, greed, and everything else that stands in the way of peace and true happiness.
People who can become aware of their true self become indifferent to changes in the material world. What is the real essence of man? She is a part of God. It is eternal, it has never been born and therefore cannot cease to exist. It is important to realize that our material shell does not matter so much.
With the awakening comes fearlessness. People who realize that they are a part of eternity have little fear. Anything that can happen, It will not happen to them, but only to their material shell.. Fear goes away and a person begins to look at the world with different eyes. Exit gluttony, envy and other obstacles on the way to the present. A person begins to notice nature, trees and the natural world around him.
Vital wisdom and editorial advice Vladimir Drevs believes that awakening is about getting rid of the false ego. People who consider themselves gods are far from awakening as ever. They want to control everything, because they cannot live without control, unfortunately. A person who gets rid of this begins to love everyone. He sees them all with his brothers and sisters.
Vladimir’s view is very curious and undoubtedly deserves everyone’s attention. What do you think about waking up and how the world is changing? Should we really be afraid of something or not?
Drevs claims that every representative of mankind is now in a state of sleep.. We all sleep and we all see a piece of reality. That’s why people’s visions are so different. Every believer in a certain religion thinks that he knows the truth, but sees only a small part of the puzzle.

Peels Vladimir Drev tells figurative. Three people who have never seen an elephant are blindfolded and allowed to touch an elephant. They are asked to describe the animal. However, the question of what an elephant is, everyone answers differently. The person who touched the elephant's trunk says the elephant is a hose. The person who touches the side says the elephant is a barrel. The person who touches the tail says the elephant is a rope. Everyone is right in their own way, but they see only a piece of truth.

Vladimir Drevs believes that the main preparation for world changes is the awakening of consciousness. People who have attained this awakening get rid of attachment, greed, and everything else that stands in the way of peace and true happiness.

People who can become aware of their true self become indifferent to changes in the material world. What is the real essence of man? She is a part of God. It is eternal, it has never been born and therefore cannot cease to exist. It is important to realize that our material shell does not matter so much.

With the awakening comes fearlessness. People who realize that they are a part of eternity have little fear. Anything that can happen, It will not happen to them, but only to their material shell.. Fear goes away and a person begins to look at the world with different eyes. Exit gluttony, envy and other obstacles on the way to the present. A person begins to notice nature, trees and the natural world around him.

Vital wisdom and editorial advice Vladimir Drevs believes that awakening is about getting rid of the false ego. People who consider themselves gods are far from awakening as ever. They want to control everything, because they cannot live without control, unfortunately. A person who gets rid of this begins to love everyone. He sees them all with his brothers and sisters.

Vladimir’s view is very curious and undoubtedly deserves everyone’s attention. What do you think about waking up and how the world is changing? Should we really be afraid of something or not?
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