Vladimir Drevs' opinion on what is happening now
Do you like the world you live in now? Let's be honest, hand on heart, if you look at everything that's going on: Do you like it? War, the application of sanctions and their consequences, the destruction of the environment and the abuse of animals. I'm sure that's not very popular.
Why did God create such a world that there was suffering and why did he allow it? The answer is actually on the surface!
Today's edition. "Site" He offers to get acquainted with the opinion of the spiritual practitioner and connoisseur of the Vedas, charismatic Vladimir Drevas, about what is happening now. It is also worth considering when the destruction of the world will end. Is heaven possible on earth?
Implementing sanctions almost always choice. To live in this place or another, to eat this food or another, to destroy or create.
A simple example: you have a house – new, clean, beautiful. You can maintain this beauty, improve, make even more comfortable repairs. Or you can paint the walls black, start breaking furniture and contaminating it.
In vedaThat man is a part of God. And in fact, as a creator, we can create beauty around us, but we can also destroy everything.
If given a choice, any sane person would happily choose a happy life. But there are people who are interested in controlling and manipulating others, controlling them like a herd of sheep.
There is also a mention in the Vedas that originally human life was given to us in order to raise our consciousness, develop our best aspects, reveal the facets of the soul, receive complete liberation. Human life gives freedom of choice. It is up to you to choose degradation or progress.
In order to degrade It is enough to keep him in the dark. This can perfectly cope with the education system, which equalizes all, as they say, under the same comb.
“Why don’t we learn psychology: how to understand yourself, how to communicate with others, how to find the causes of burnout, or why you can’t find yourself?” But we all studied tangents and cotangents, which few people used! – says Vladimir Drevs.
“Or, for example, how to manage your body. When we buy a washing machine – a brochure with instructions goes to it, we also study driving in driving school. But how to do so that for a long time to keep your body, your temple of the soul healthy, strong we do not always know. That's not what we were taught in school.
How can you use your talents to serve people? And not just to earn money, but to do, do something good and get a good fee for it.”
According to Dreves, the root of all our problems is ignorance. If you know how to build a good relationship, make money, how to keep your health and how to be happy that you are not manipulated, you just do not make money. And to be human. earn He needs to understand nothing. Then you can sell him anything. Roughly said, but it is.
Another factor to destroy the world is the importance of preserving and transmitting information from elders. But this older generation is increasingly being destroyed by war. Also artificially introduced into the norm disrespect for the older generation. That's how culture is lost!
And, of course, attachment - from bad habits and not only. Remember: the more attachments and dependencies a person has, the easier and easier it is to manage them!
Science progresses, develops, only loods do not become happier, and wars have been and are happening.
The king must lead his people to awakening! But where is that now? We wear masks and paint it in the colors of the flag. For example, if you are German, you must behave like a German. Let’s paint the mask with Christian, Jewish, Krishna, no matter what. It is important that the person begins to behave as it should for this mask.
And as soon as we put on such a mask (nations, religions...) we are simply manipulated, led, controlled. People have expectations, limitations.
Only here. stripped You can understand who you really are. The answer to this question gives you the power to be unable to control others.
War is business. The consumer economy sooner or later comes to a standstill. You don’t need 50 computers, 20 houses. What do we do?
How about we destroy it? With wars, for example! You can destroy the homes and economies of other countries. And then we have to rebuild it! So some work, spin, fuss, spend their energy and energy to buy a new one, and others sell it. Everything is in its place.
Turnover: money, consumer, money saved. Some work, spending their youth and strength on imaginary dreams, while others get richer and relax. How's that for you?
I'll draw your conclusion! How wonderful that there are people like Vladimir Drevs! I want to believe that awakened people around the world are becoming more and more. People are slowly waking up, but slowly. We may not be able to save Mother Nature.
Unfortunately, a lot of those people who have a black hole in their chest and they have little and little, all rowing and rowing under themselves, destroying and not thinking about what will get the next generation. But their time is passing, it just can’t go on!
We live in an era of great change! I suggest that you read Vladimir Drevs’ good advice on how to prepare for these changes correctly.
Wars, all kinds of ailments, pandemics, hunger, poverty were in all ages. And even sanctions. And they were artificial, man-made. It is easier to govern peoples and it is more profitable for those who have reached power and imagine themselves as an elite.
The trouble is not that evil exists, the trouble is that it necessarily wants to appear good. However, it is also worth remembering that evil will never overcome those who goodness. The choice is always yours, dear reader.
What do you think of Vladimir Drevs’ thoughts on this topic? Do you agree with what he's saying?
Why did God create such a world that there was suffering and why did he allow it? The answer is actually on the surface!
Today's edition. "Site" He offers to get acquainted with the opinion of the spiritual practitioner and connoisseur of the Vedas, charismatic Vladimir Drevas, about what is happening now. It is also worth considering when the destruction of the world will end. Is heaven possible on earth?

Implementing sanctions almost always choice. To live in this place or another, to eat this food or another, to destroy or create.
A simple example: you have a house – new, clean, beautiful. You can maintain this beauty, improve, make even more comfortable repairs. Or you can paint the walls black, start breaking furniture and contaminating it.

In vedaThat man is a part of God. And in fact, as a creator, we can create beauty around us, but we can also destroy everything.
If given a choice, any sane person would happily choose a happy life. But there are people who are interested in controlling and manipulating others, controlling them like a herd of sheep.
There is also a mention in the Vedas that originally human life was given to us in order to raise our consciousness, develop our best aspects, reveal the facets of the soul, receive complete liberation. Human life gives freedom of choice. It is up to you to choose degradation or progress.

In order to degrade It is enough to keep him in the dark. This can perfectly cope with the education system, which equalizes all, as they say, under the same comb.
“Why don’t we learn psychology: how to understand yourself, how to communicate with others, how to find the causes of burnout, or why you can’t find yourself?” But we all studied tangents and cotangents, which few people used! – says Vladimir Drevs.

“Or, for example, how to manage your body. When we buy a washing machine – a brochure with instructions goes to it, we also study driving in driving school. But how to do so that for a long time to keep your body, your temple of the soul healthy, strong we do not always know. That's not what we were taught in school.
How can you use your talents to serve people? And not just to earn money, but to do, do something good and get a good fee for it.”

According to Dreves, the root of all our problems is ignorance. If you know how to build a good relationship, make money, how to keep your health and how to be happy that you are not manipulated, you just do not make money. And to be human. earn He needs to understand nothing. Then you can sell him anything. Roughly said, but it is.
Another factor to destroy the world is the importance of preserving and transmitting information from elders. But this older generation is increasingly being destroyed by war. Also artificially introduced into the norm disrespect for the older generation. That's how culture is lost!

And, of course, attachment - from bad habits and not only. Remember: the more attachments and dependencies a person has, the easier and easier it is to manage them!
Science progresses, develops, only loods do not become happier, and wars have been and are happening.
The king must lead his people to awakening! But where is that now? We wear masks and paint it in the colors of the flag. For example, if you are German, you must behave like a German. Let’s paint the mask with Christian, Jewish, Krishna, no matter what. It is important that the person begins to behave as it should for this mask.

And as soon as we put on such a mask (nations, religions...) we are simply manipulated, led, controlled. People have expectations, limitations.
Only here. stripped You can understand who you really are. The answer to this question gives you the power to be unable to control others.

War is business. The consumer economy sooner or later comes to a standstill. You don’t need 50 computers, 20 houses. What do we do?
How about we destroy it? With wars, for example! You can destroy the homes and economies of other countries. And then we have to rebuild it! So some work, spin, fuss, spend their energy and energy to buy a new one, and others sell it. Everything is in its place.
Turnover: money, consumer, money saved. Some work, spending their youth and strength on imaginary dreams, while others get richer and relax. How's that for you?

I'll draw your conclusion! How wonderful that there are people like Vladimir Drevs! I want to believe that awakened people around the world are becoming more and more. People are slowly waking up, but slowly. We may not be able to save Mother Nature.
Unfortunately, a lot of those people who have a black hole in their chest and they have little and little, all rowing and rowing under themselves, destroying and not thinking about what will get the next generation. But their time is passing, it just can’t go on!

We live in an era of great change! I suggest that you read Vladimir Drevs’ good advice on how to prepare for these changes correctly.

Wars, all kinds of ailments, pandemics, hunger, poverty were in all ages. And even sanctions. And they were artificial, man-made. It is easier to govern peoples and it is more profitable for those who have reached power and imagine themselves as an elite.
The trouble is not that evil exists, the trouble is that it necessarily wants to appear good. However, it is also worth remembering that evil will never overcome those who goodness. The choice is always yours, dear reader.
What do you think of Vladimir Drevs’ thoughts on this topic? Do you agree with what he's saying?
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