Love and Freedom
"All the doors in the spirit world open in the opposite direction"
Vyacheslav Gusev
When you want love...
Want reflected in the grace and pleasure of another person. Happiness which is to be next to you — it's called acceptance.
In acceptance you dissolve. Dissolving you relax and can without fear look around and to savor the fact that I can perceive.Relaxed, as a thirsty traveller, you will only perceive this love as "the longed-for moisture". It is the greed of self-love... perception.
You absorb a flood of sympathy and feelings aimed in your direction. In fact, you collect shards of a broken childhood "mirror-self". Those forgotten childhood replica, and injuring the baby's heart-chilling silent views dear and close friends, who by negligence and ignorance sometimes took it to "the mirror", but the glance of a lover — sees dignity. The words "you're beautiful" and the piece returned; "good" — and again a piece primantis, fell into place; "Oh you have undiscovered abilities"... and you take that as objective knowledge about yourself.
We are not made of negative categories, we are positive qualities or those whom we had not yet mastered enough, but sometime in the future will certainly prevail for once.
And the one who is able to give you the coveted love to you, already perceives you beautiful and that he accepts you. Such you, with all the bumps and hollows, which he touches, not afraid of the word, is the joy of you both, showing you your self-esteem. So, you gain detailed knowledge of their own nature. This is called recognition. So, more clearly and distinctly, you gain its internal form and external quality.
Through acceptance comes clarity, who you really are. You, as would appear from a fog of extraneous opinions about themselves, become alive, confirmed recognition of your virtues. Becoming more confident that you "all right," and even more than that, you're fine. You have value when you are loved.
So it? Your story? Your wish?
If Yes, then you need the acceptance (recognition for experience its value). The lack of these sensations, called "need for love". Actually, "love" here is the need for acceptance and recognition, which returns a man of integrity. But to love, as such, is still far away. It is far to voluminous and multidimensional mutually directed big Love, but that is near self-love. The most important thing for wanting of love is the perception of your value, which I want to fill by counter-partner.
want Love (want Acceptance + Recognition + Values) = to want to have you filled.
When you want Freedom...
You want to spread your wings, how long to run and stay in the desert or on top — it does not matter! Are you tired of the importance and fragility valuable, very tired. You want to rest from all this excitement "of importance". You want the void space in the void. Where people do not live, you can finally stop running and make a big stop. What a pity people can't fly — so would have stamped her foot, and they "PUR-RRR..." and fled.
To escape, he felt the power of his speed and the strength of his bones and tendons. To run and stop. General description to feel like heaving your chest, like a long long breath introduces the sounds of his heartbeat and the wind — your unselfish friend, a lonely, enjoying the traveler in the vastness of Eternity. Looking up, you finally hear clearly and vividly the sounds of I, and here suddenly realize how much freedom and time. Yes, all the time the world is yours and always has been, but in order to remember it, you needed to stop. All, you ran away, flew away, pulled away, made a big stop.
You're free, you don't owe anyone anything. Not even wanting you to recognition and acceptance of their values, thus justifying their hopes. Now you may be asking yourself: "what do you expect?" This is an important question. Now, when you wanted and got freedom, you might ask yourself this question and you can listen to the answer. To hear, you need not only time but also space in which you feel that all the time in the world yours.
"Freedom from" or "freedom for"?
"Freedom from"... in order to longed alone to hear myself. The whole world in front of you and you're there, reliable as the Sun. You ran away and brought yourself. Managed to miss him. In the communication different, you are lost from yourself, and now, the joy of meeting... happiness!
Ticking heart beats on the dial of the body, the shooter is not. You can't be late, not in time, not doda. There is no one to measure you and have nothing to measure yourself... happiness! Happiness not to be obliged. Can afford to just float on the stream of eternity.
You dream to grow up and become independent or do you wish grew all your children, husbands and wives... and also became independent, it doesn't matter. It is important that the receptors of your attention on the external world tired. Tired of the noise and you want peace, to turn the receptors of perception inward. You'll be looking around as if in a window on the world as a quiet observer, but still you scanned your gut. Because ain't nobody distracted, not pulling and not annoying. Now you have me.
You want Freedom, right?
Want to hear yourself without overlapping fields and words with anyone. Want serenity and timelessness. It is also about "stop".
To want Freedom is to want the right to Rejection, Doubt, stop for Awareness.
Yes, it is possible to enjoy these qualities. Rejection and doubt you can really enjoy. You can savor different probabilities, because the question nothing is determined for sure. A complete flight of fancy and absolute potential freedom, a sense of vsevozmozhnoy. Be aware of all this, there is the sweet treat for free. To belong — to find your value in the relationship.
But free is not enough stimuli to identify different facets of his nature, if they have no relations and then comprehension of volume does not happen.
As a "right"?
Symbolically, people can be divided into those who more inclined is committed to his love and those who more inclined wants to be free. We can say that those who are looking for Love, Freedom is in abundance relative to their energy level. Those who aspire to Freedom, usually, of Love as self-worth, in abundance. However, concepts such as True Love and True Freedom cannot exist separately from each other. And this is precisely the valuable relationships that make a person more free and powerful than without them. In such a relationship and love and freedom are equivalent. They are confirming and reinforcing one another.
That is feeling their freedom and enjoy it, man is able to love. Such love poured out, it is not the consumer "I want to be loved", it gives the emitted light. This Love is the result of Goodwill. What is the Good Will, not freedom ready to serve faithfully to their conscious choice. Full-blooded Freedom is not the absence of commitments, responsibilities, and dependencies, and the free right to choose what to love, what to depend and what to serve.
The service combines the alpha and omega — Love and Freedom.
But people still tend to prefer the either — or. They are concerned when a lot of freedom, then terrified of being alone. When a lot of love — afraid of the lack of freedom — the feeling of duty before relationships. So torn man choosing. Torn between these categories: Love is now actual or Freedom? We can safely say that this is the basis of the internal conflict of the modern neurotic.
And what to do about it?
To comprehend the beauty of opposites, until they become one.
Nothing above, nothing below.
The answer to the last question in the beginning of the article. published
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves,
as a feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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Author: Natalia Walicka
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: valitskaya.com/wp/
Vyacheslav Gusev
When you want love...
Want reflected in the grace and pleasure of another person. Happiness which is to be next to you — it's called acceptance.
In acceptance you dissolve. Dissolving you relax and can without fear look around and to savor the fact that I can perceive.Relaxed, as a thirsty traveller, you will only perceive this love as "the longed-for moisture". It is the greed of self-love... perception.
You absorb a flood of sympathy and feelings aimed in your direction. In fact, you collect shards of a broken childhood "mirror-self". Those forgotten childhood replica, and injuring the baby's heart-chilling silent views dear and close friends, who by negligence and ignorance sometimes took it to "the mirror", but the glance of a lover — sees dignity. The words "you're beautiful" and the piece returned; "good" — and again a piece primantis, fell into place; "Oh you have undiscovered abilities"... and you take that as objective knowledge about yourself.

We are not made of negative categories, we are positive qualities or those whom we had not yet mastered enough, but sometime in the future will certainly prevail for once.
And the one who is able to give you the coveted love to you, already perceives you beautiful and that he accepts you. Such you, with all the bumps and hollows, which he touches, not afraid of the word, is the joy of you both, showing you your self-esteem. So, you gain detailed knowledge of their own nature. This is called recognition. So, more clearly and distinctly, you gain its internal form and external quality.
Through acceptance comes clarity, who you really are. You, as would appear from a fog of extraneous opinions about themselves, become alive, confirmed recognition of your virtues. Becoming more confident that you "all right," and even more than that, you're fine. You have value when you are loved.
So it? Your story? Your wish?
If Yes, then you need the acceptance (recognition for experience its value). The lack of these sensations, called "need for love". Actually, "love" here is the need for acceptance and recognition, which returns a man of integrity. But to love, as such, is still far away. It is far to voluminous and multidimensional mutually directed big Love, but that is near self-love. The most important thing for wanting of love is the perception of your value, which I want to fill by counter-partner.
want Love (want Acceptance + Recognition + Values) = to want to have you filled.
When you want Freedom...
You want to spread your wings, how long to run and stay in the desert or on top — it does not matter! Are you tired of the importance and fragility valuable, very tired. You want to rest from all this excitement "of importance". You want the void space in the void. Where people do not live, you can finally stop running and make a big stop. What a pity people can't fly — so would have stamped her foot, and they "PUR-RRR..." and fled.
To escape, he felt the power of his speed and the strength of his bones and tendons. To run and stop. General description to feel like heaving your chest, like a long long breath introduces the sounds of his heartbeat and the wind — your unselfish friend, a lonely, enjoying the traveler in the vastness of Eternity. Looking up, you finally hear clearly and vividly the sounds of I, and here suddenly realize how much freedom and time. Yes, all the time the world is yours and always has been, but in order to remember it, you needed to stop. All, you ran away, flew away, pulled away, made a big stop.
You're free, you don't owe anyone anything. Not even wanting you to recognition and acceptance of their values, thus justifying their hopes. Now you may be asking yourself: "what do you expect?" This is an important question. Now, when you wanted and got freedom, you might ask yourself this question and you can listen to the answer. To hear, you need not only time but also space in which you feel that all the time in the world yours.
"Freedom from" or "freedom for"?
"Freedom from"... in order to longed alone to hear myself. The whole world in front of you and you're there, reliable as the Sun. You ran away and brought yourself. Managed to miss him. In the communication different, you are lost from yourself, and now, the joy of meeting... happiness!
Ticking heart beats on the dial of the body, the shooter is not. You can't be late, not in time, not doda. There is no one to measure you and have nothing to measure yourself... happiness! Happiness not to be obliged. Can afford to just float on the stream of eternity.
You dream to grow up and become independent or do you wish grew all your children, husbands and wives... and also became independent, it doesn't matter. It is important that the receptors of your attention on the external world tired. Tired of the noise and you want peace, to turn the receptors of perception inward. You'll be looking around as if in a window on the world as a quiet observer, but still you scanned your gut. Because ain't nobody distracted, not pulling and not annoying. Now you have me.
You want Freedom, right?
Want to hear yourself without overlapping fields and words with anyone. Want serenity and timelessness. It is also about "stop".
To want Freedom is to want the right to Rejection, Doubt, stop for Awareness.
Yes, it is possible to enjoy these qualities. Rejection and doubt you can really enjoy. You can savor different probabilities, because the question nothing is determined for sure. A complete flight of fancy and absolute potential freedom, a sense of vsevozmozhnoy. Be aware of all this, there is the sweet treat for free. To belong — to find your value in the relationship.
But free is not enough stimuli to identify different facets of his nature, if they have no relations and then comprehension of volume does not happen.
As a "right"?
Symbolically, people can be divided into those who more inclined is committed to his love and those who more inclined wants to be free. We can say that those who are looking for Love, Freedom is in abundance relative to their energy level. Those who aspire to Freedom, usually, of Love as self-worth, in abundance. However, concepts such as True Love and True Freedom cannot exist separately from each other. And this is precisely the valuable relationships that make a person more free and powerful than without them. In such a relationship and love and freedom are equivalent. They are confirming and reinforcing one another.
That is feeling their freedom and enjoy it, man is able to love. Such love poured out, it is not the consumer "I want to be loved", it gives the emitted light. This Love is the result of Goodwill. What is the Good Will, not freedom ready to serve faithfully to their conscious choice. Full-blooded Freedom is not the absence of commitments, responsibilities, and dependencies, and the free right to choose what to love, what to depend and what to serve.
The service combines the alpha and omega — Love and Freedom.
But people still tend to prefer the either — or. They are concerned when a lot of freedom, then terrified of being alone. When a lot of love — afraid of the lack of freedom — the feeling of duty before relationships. So torn man choosing. Torn between these categories: Love is now actual or Freedom? We can safely say that this is the basis of the internal conflict of the modern neurotic.
And what to do about it?
To comprehend the beauty of opposites, until they become one.
Nothing above, nothing below.
The answer to the last question in the beginning of the article. published
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves,
as a feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
Put LIKES and share with your FRIENDS! www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
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Author: Natalia Walicka
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: valitskaya.com/wp/
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