Heroism and selflessness of Kharkiv communal workers in conditions of war

The situation in Kharkiv today Much better than it was in the first months of the war. Ukrainian troops managed to push the enemy away from the city, which significantly reduced the risk of encirclement. It also helped reduce Russian artillery capabilities. Although, unfortunately, it is still unsafe for civilians to be in Kharkiv.

However, even in such a difficult time, when enemy shelling destroyed and damaged more than two thousand houses, the city is able to maintain order and cleanliness. It is amazing how the local authorities manage to do this.

After the full-scale invasion of the Russian army in Ukraine, the whole world saw how resolutely Ukrainians are ready to defend their country. Although initially the number of the Ukrainian regular army was about 250 thousand people, this was not enough to protect the vast territory.

In May, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the total number of Ukrainian troops is already 700 thousand people. And if necessary, the number of defense forces can increase to a million. And every defender of his land can be called a true hero.

However, the victory over a strong and insidious enemy is approaching not only the military, but also representatives of many other professions. Their contribution is made by utilities, who in the same Kharkiv managed even during the strongest enemy shelling conscientiously to perform their work.

Recently, the mayor of Kharkiv, Igor Terekhov, once again thanked city workers engaged in servicing the housing stock.

“A low bow to you from all Kharkiv people, from me.” For the work you do in the terrible conditions of war, under bombs, under bullets. You are doing the most important thing – ensuring the life of the city and instilling faith in Kharkiv residents, Terekhov said.

You can't argue with the mayor here. After all, from the first days Kharkiv suffered from enemy shelling especially strongly. Therefore, the concerns of utility workers were enough. These people actually had to work around the clock. And work in conditions of constant danger to life.

They dismantled debris, cleaned up in yards and playgrounds, took out garbage, repaired heating lines and water pipes, took out burned equipment, removed damaged green spaces, mowed grass and even planted flowers...

How much courage does it take to plant flowers to the sound of explosions? But when residents and guests of the city see this calmness, for sure they themselves become calmer. And faith in quick victory only grows stronger. How can you not win with such people?


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