Favorite mother-in-law taught to cook barley in the Kremlin, now even children ask for supplements
How to cook pearl porridge, so that even capricious children will happily eat it? Although the name pearl comes from the word pearl, which means pearls, few people are happy to see this jewel on their table. And for nothing! After all, from inexpensive cereals you can prepare a delicious and hearty lunch.
Recall that according to the content of trace elements, barley is in the top three among all cereals: it has vitamins of group B, A, D, E and PP. But the main wealth of barley is phosphorus. According to its content, this cereal is almost twice as large as the other cereals.
This trace element is not only necessary for normal metabolism and good brain function, but is also considered the main trace element for athletes. After all, it provides the speed and strength of muscle contractions.
The ingredients
Earlier we talked about dishes that can be prepared from pearl cereals. Pearl porridge with mushrooms and pumpkin, brine and chicken soup with barley. They will like even those who do not tolerate the usual pearl porridge.
Recall that according to the content of trace elements, barley is in the top three among all cereals: it has vitamins of group B, A, D, E and PP. But the main wealth of barley is phosphorus. According to its content, this cereal is almost twice as large as the other cereals.
This trace element is not only necessary for normal metabolism and good brain function, but is also considered the main trace element for athletes. After all, it provides the speed and strength of muscle contractions.
The ingredients
- 200g pearl cereal
- 1 tsp salt
- butter
- Well wash pearl cereal and pour water for 1.5 hours. Do not forget that barley is very hard to boil. From one glass of cereals, you can get up to 5-6 glasses of porridge, so it is important to choose a dish of the appropriate size.
- Pour the settled cereal with hot water from the kettle.
- Cook for 8 minutes, then drop it off.
- Fill the pot again with hot water from the kettle and boil for another 8 minutes.
- The whole procedure must be repeated 8 times. At the same time, the total cooking time will take about an hour.
- The last time you add salt to the water, and when you throw the porridge on the couch, add butter to it.
- Rumor has it that this way used to prepare barley for the first persons of the state. Whether it is true or not is unknown, but the porridge really turns out to be very tasty.
- Bon appetit!
Earlier we talked about dishes that can be prepared from pearl cereals. Pearl porridge with mushrooms and pumpkin, brine and chicken soup with barley. They will like even those who do not tolerate the usual pearl porridge.
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