The yellowed enamel pan will shine white again if boiled with one simple remedy.
People who grew up and lived in a house where there is an enameled pan, sooner or later noticed that over time its inner surface becomes darker or even yellowish. And no matter how much it was then wiped with a sponge with a detergent or household soap, the plaque was not erased. There seemed to be no way to clean the pot to its original state. But it's not. In fact, there is a simple modern answer to the question of how to wash an enameled pan. And it's this.
Peels How to wash enameled pan Good we have modern technologies that make available any detergents. This applies to dishwashers. Many people know what they look like – in the form of small rectangular tablets. Usually they are simply placed in a dishwasher and then start the process of washing the dishes. And accordingly, those who do not have such a unit in the kitchen do not even think about buying such tablets. As practice shows, it's useless.
As it turned out, the easiest, cheapest and fastest way to wash enameled dishes is in just one such capsule for dishwashers. It doesn’t matter what quality or how much your pill cost. Even the cheapest will do. Fortunately, they're sold piece by piece.
So, in order to wash the pan from the inside, you need to pour hot water into it and put it on the stove. Then you need to lower there the means for washing dishes and bring the water to a boil. It takes 15 minutes to boil the solution. In this case, the fire should be small so as not to provoke any undesirable reactions.
Peels How to wash enameled pan After 15 minutes, the solution must be drained into the sink, so that at the same time it will also be cleaned. And then the pan should be thoroughly washed under running water, carefully removing with a sponge the remains of dirt and detergent.
Here is a simple and easy way to restore the original color of the inner surface of the enamel pan. To do this, you just need to go to the store and allocate up to 30 minutes in the kitchen. That's the life hack.
It is also worth saying that this life hack does not concern those who have a dishwasher. Since, apart from the presence of appropriate chemistry, the temperature of the water inside the device is much higher than a person can bear under the tap. That is why they simply do not have problems with enamel dishes.
If you have already used this method, share your impressions and experience in the comments. And if you are familiar with alternative methods, do not hesitate to share your wisdom.
The world of economy holds many opportunities. And with advances in science and technology, there are fewer and fewer unresolved cleaning and cooking issues. Isn't that wonderful?

Peels How to wash enameled pan Good we have modern technologies that make available any detergents. This applies to dishwashers. Many people know what they look like – in the form of small rectangular tablets. Usually they are simply placed in a dishwasher and then start the process of washing the dishes. And accordingly, those who do not have such a unit in the kitchen do not even think about buying such tablets. As practice shows, it's useless.

As it turned out, the easiest, cheapest and fastest way to wash enameled dishes is in just one such capsule for dishwashers. It doesn’t matter what quality or how much your pill cost. Even the cheapest will do. Fortunately, they're sold piece by piece.

So, in order to wash the pan from the inside, you need to pour hot water into it and put it on the stove. Then you need to lower there the means for washing dishes and bring the water to a boil. It takes 15 minutes to boil the solution. In this case, the fire should be small so as not to provoke any undesirable reactions.

Peels How to wash enameled pan After 15 minutes, the solution must be drained into the sink, so that at the same time it will also be cleaned. And then the pan should be thoroughly washed under running water, carefully removing with a sponge the remains of dirt and detergent.

Here is a simple and easy way to restore the original color of the inner surface of the enamel pan. To do this, you just need to go to the store and allocate up to 30 minutes in the kitchen. That's the life hack.
It is also worth saying that this life hack does not concern those who have a dishwasher. Since, apart from the presence of appropriate chemistry, the temperature of the water inside the device is much higher than a person can bear under the tap. That is why they simply do not have problems with enamel dishes.

If you have already used this method, share your impressions and experience in the comments. And if you are familiar with alternative methods, do not hesitate to share your wisdom.
The world of economy holds many opportunities. And with advances in science and technology, there are fewer and fewer unresolved cleaning and cooking issues. Isn't that wonderful?
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