Selection of salads from young spring cabbage to increase vitality
Finally, fresh greens appear on the markets, and with it young cabbage. Every day you need to eat 30 grams of fiber to be healthy. Fiber is found in vegetables and some fruits, but many of us do not eat enough vegetables. Cabbage contains fiber, water and vitamins, perfect for weight loss, because this vegetable has a low calorie content. Today we will tell you how to make a delicious salad of fresh cabbage for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We share 4 best recipes for salads from cabbage.
Vegetables should take up half a plate at each meal. To eat less food and feel full for a long time. Just sewing young cabbage and filling the salad with oil is already delicious, but sometimes this combination is boring. Then you need to add other vegetables, such as beets.
The ingredients
Red cabbage has a good effect on metabolism and has the same properties as a white relative. If you are tired of white cabbage, replace it with red. I advise you to prepare a salad with red cabbage and avocado for lunch. The peculiarity of this salad, no doubt, in the dressing. Salad lovers of spicy food will like.
The ingredients
Cabbage salad with sorrel is good for preventing anemia and cardiovascular disease, greens improve digestion and add a sour taste to dishes. If you like fresh salads, this recipe is for you.
The ingredients
Chicken salad with cabbage Protein salad is a light and hearty dinner. Thanks to protein, the body is saturated with a small amount of food, and in combination with fresh cabbage, lean chicken becomes an appetizing dish. Do not cook a few dishes, just make a salad if you are very tired.
The ingredients
If you count calories, remember that in a salad, the most caloric ingredient is dressing. It is worth adding a little more oil, and its calorie content will exceed the calorie content of vegetables by 2 or even 3 times. Athletes and supporters of proper nutrition recommend adding a small amount of oil and using different dressings for salads, so that vegetables do not get bored, because they are an important component of a healthy diet. What spring salads do you like to cook?

Vegetables should take up half a plate at each meal. To eat less food and feel full for a long time. Just sewing young cabbage and filling the salad with oil is already delicious, but sometimes this combination is boring. Then you need to add other vegetables, such as beets.

The ingredients
- 200g cabbage
- 200g beets
- 150g carrots
- 10g walnuts
- 2 tbsp yogurt
- 1 tooth. Garlic
- salt
- Clean the vegetables and rinse them under running water. Fill the cabbage with a knife, and sod the beets and carrots on a large grater.
- Grind the nuts with a knife or in a coffee grinder, and pass the garlic through the press. Tuck the salad with yogurt without additives and add nuts with garlic. Sell the salad to taste. Bon appetit.
Red cabbage has a good effect on metabolism and has the same properties as a white relative. If you are tired of white cabbage, replace it with red. I advise you to prepare a salad with red cabbage and avocado for lunch. The peculiarity of this salad, no doubt, in the dressing. Salad lovers of spicy food will like.

The ingredients
- 300g red cabbage
- 100g carrots
- 20g parsley
- 1/2 avocado
- 40g raisins
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 20g olive oil
- 20g pickled ginger
- 2 teeth. Garlic
- 1 tsp honey
- Get the gas station ready first. Mix ginger, honey, olive oil and garlic passed through the press, add lemon juice to the dressing.
- Wash the cabbage with a knife and rub the carrots on a large grater.
- Cut the avocado into thin plates, and soak the raisins for 5 minutes in water. Then pour the water and add the raisins to the salad.
- Cabbage, carrots, sliced parsley mix in one deep bowl and tuck. Salt and pepper can be added if desired.
Cabbage salad with sorrel is good for preventing anemia and cardiovascular disease, greens improve digestion and add a sour taste to dishes. If you like fresh salads, this recipe is for you.

The ingredients
- 300g young cabbage
- 70g sorrel
- green
- 30g vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- salt
- Wash the young cabbage and cut the sorrel. Cut any greens, the more, the better. You can take parsley, dill green onions.
- Mix lemon juice, salt and vegetable oil. Make the salad. Bon appetit.
Chicken salad with cabbage Protein salad is a light and hearty dinner. Thanks to protein, the body is saturated with a small amount of food, and in combination with fresh cabbage, lean chicken becomes an appetizing dish. Do not cook a few dishes, just make a salad if you are very tired.

The ingredients
- 250g chicken fillet
- 300g young cabbage
- greenbow
- dillbundle
- 1 tsp mustard
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp vinegar
- salt
- Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and roast in the pan.
- Cut the greens and cabbage. Mix cabbage with meat in a deep bowl.
- Make a dressing of mustard, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Make the salad. Bon appetit.
If you count calories, remember that in a salad, the most caloric ingredient is dressing. It is worth adding a little more oil, and its calorie content will exceed the calorie content of vegetables by 2 or even 3 times. Athletes and supporters of proper nutrition recommend adding a small amount of oil and using different dressings for salads, so that vegetables do not get bored, because they are an important component of a healthy diet. What spring salads do you like to cook?
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