I turned into a nurse for my husband, I can’t cope and want to divorce.

“I want to leave my family because I can no longer care for my husband. What should I do? asked the heroine of today’s story. Natalia is in a situation where she has to make a serious choice. At stake is the relationship with her husband and children, who, by the way, are not yet 18 years old. What a woman will do, read further in the article.

I have never complained about my life. At the age of 25, she married for love and gave birth to beautiful children. It seemed that nothing could destroy my happiness. But it's different now. A year and a half ago, my husband had an accident while returning home from a business trip. Due to his injuries, Kostya is now permanently chained to bed. And I became his nurse.

At first it seemed that this could be handled. He's my husband, and I love him. But at some point I realized I was just tired. First of all, there's only one breadwinner in our family, and that's me. There is not enough money for everything, our daughters are going to university this year. I have no idea what awaits us.

Secondly, I began to notice irritation towards my husband. My day is minute by minute, otherwise I just can't handle it. Costa needs my attention and help. I feed him, clean him and take him out for walks if possible. But every day it gets harder and harder for me.

I look at my husband and I no longer see him as the man I once loved. Like he's not that Kostya anymore, and I'm not that Natasha anymore. He's a sick patient, and I'm his faithful maid. The hospital advised to hire a special person who would be able to perform various errands related to her husband. But I don't have the money to do that.

Sometimes parents help, but I don’t want to take money from relatives. They barely make ends meet. The state pays pennies: being disabled in our country is a living hell. I began to think that I don’t want to live like this anymore. I began to think about leaving Kostya.

I want to leave my family because I can no longer care for my husband. I'm pissed off by any of his gestures or words. And he notices it, I feel it. That's why he became so silent, trying not to pull me again. I can't go far anyway. I'm lucky I'm working remotely.

I talked to my friends about it. Some were disapproving. It is a shame to leave my husband in such a situation. Others said I shouldn’t have to suffer all my life because of Bones. I'm afraid to talk to my mom about it. I don’t even know what her reaction would be because she loves Kostya.

I have mush in my head. I don’t know what to do or what to do now. The longer this goes on, the more my husband irritates me. I'm afraid I'll start to break. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he wants to let me go. He has a mother who can take care of him.

It's terrible to think about it. How will our children perceive our divorce? They have grown up, they should understand me. But still... I agreed to give my relationship another month. Maybe something else will change. Although the forecasts of doctors can hardly be called comforting. To be honest, I don’t hope for a miracle.

Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? Not all spouses are ready to live in sorrow and joy. Unfortunately, the test of strength does not pass sometimes even those couples who have lived in marriage for many years. We will not condemn Natalia for her position and intentions. After all, if you think about it, she still has the right to a happy life.

However, in this situation, it is important to think not only about yourself and your future. If the heroine of the story is ready to abandon her sick husband, you should worry about some guarantees for him. And we must admit that there are still many problems ahead.

What do you think Natalia’s children and other relatives would say if she left the family? What would you do in her place?


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