When is Radonitsa in 2022 and what prayer should be read on this day?
When is Radonica this year? So how do you spend the day? Easter and the dates surrounding it are extremely important. It is now that most people go to temples, and then to churchyards, to commemorate the departed loved ones and relatives. What do you need to do to meet Radonitsa usefully and conduct it as correctly as possible?
When this year Radonitsa Radonitsa is the first commemoration of the dead, after the celebration of bright Easter. In ancient times, it was believed that Easter is a holiday for the living, but after it you should pay honor to the deceased. Accordingly, it is necessary plant And pray for the departed. Well, the word “radonitsa” or “radunitsa” itself can have several meanings.
If you believe the first version, it comes from the Lithuanian “weeping and lamentation” and “prayer with weeping and lamentation.” But later it became more optimistic, as it meant the joy of visiting the place of sleeping angels, albeit with tears in their eyes. In 2022. Radonica is celebrated on May 3.
To hold Radonitsa need to approach very responsibly in two directions. First, spirituality is important. The priests would strongly recommend visiting the temples and participating in the universal prayer service. However, due to the unstable situation in Ukraine, You have to be very careful.. Listen to what the local authorities and priests advise. If going to the temple is not recommended due to potential danger, then stay home.
At home, you can light a candle and write down on a sheet of all deceased relatives. This is to ensure that no one is forgotten during prayer. By the way, you can buy special books, where the names of relatives fit. They can be sent to the church as soon as they can visit. The priest during the prayer will mention your dear people. But prayer And remembering all the names on your own is also an acceptable alternative.
Secondly, it would be nice to restore order on the parish, where relatives found their last refuge. Remove unnecessary branches, artificial flowers, garbage. Look around, maybe there is a place that has been abandoned, and it also needs cleaning. Do a good deed.Clean it from any contamination as well. You can also plant live flowers. In addition, you can visit the sleeping angels only where there is no potential threat from the air or the ground. Take care of yourself and always be careful.
Earlier, during Radonitsa, many arranged on the yards luxuriant. The people did not drink, but they did not drink. That's certainly not bad. It would be better if such meetings were held elsewhere. The priests do not see anything positive in such events.
Undoubtedly, you can bring sweets, water, pastries and leave for your loved one. But it would be even better if near Food will be given to the homeless or needy. Trust me, it's much more sensible than noisy gatherings on the churchyard. Make a feasible charitable deduction in favor of immigrants, children, hospitals, the elderly or animal shelters. You will immediately notice how the overall emotional state improves.
When this year Radonitsa and what prayers you need to know at Home, you can say quite simple words. Light a candle and remember this short prayer: Rest, O Lord, the souls of your dead servants: parents, relatives, benefactors, and all those who are no longer with me. Forgive them all their sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the kingdom of heaven.
To honor the memory of parents, you can say the following words: “Merciful Lord!” Receive my warm prayer for your servant and give him your reward. For the labors and cares of my education in faith and Christian piety, who taught me the first thing to see You, my Lord, in reverence to pray to You, to trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and diseases. Repay him, O Lord, by your mercy, by your heavenly blessings and joys in your eternal kingdom for ever and ever.
It is very important what thoughts Radonica will meet. Try hard. stay outDo not think about the bad, do not quarrel, do not eat negativity. Focus all your thoughts on the memory of relatives and friends who are no longer nearby. Give them maximum prayers and spiritual blessings. If possible, go to church, serve to those in need, visit the churchyard.

When this year Radonitsa Radonitsa is the first commemoration of the dead, after the celebration of bright Easter. In ancient times, it was believed that Easter is a holiday for the living, but after it you should pay honor to the deceased. Accordingly, it is necessary plant And pray for the departed. Well, the word “radonitsa” or “radunitsa” itself can have several meanings.
If you believe the first version, it comes from the Lithuanian “weeping and lamentation” and “prayer with weeping and lamentation.” But later it became more optimistic, as it meant the joy of visiting the place of sleeping angels, albeit with tears in their eyes. In 2022. Radonica is celebrated on May 3.

To hold Radonitsa need to approach very responsibly in two directions. First, spirituality is important. The priests would strongly recommend visiting the temples and participating in the universal prayer service. However, due to the unstable situation in Ukraine, You have to be very careful.. Listen to what the local authorities and priests advise. If going to the temple is not recommended due to potential danger, then stay home.
At home, you can light a candle and write down on a sheet of all deceased relatives. This is to ensure that no one is forgotten during prayer. By the way, you can buy special books, where the names of relatives fit. They can be sent to the church as soon as they can visit. The priest during the prayer will mention your dear people. But prayer And remembering all the names on your own is also an acceptable alternative.

Secondly, it would be nice to restore order on the parish, where relatives found their last refuge. Remove unnecessary branches, artificial flowers, garbage. Look around, maybe there is a place that has been abandoned, and it also needs cleaning. Do a good deed.Clean it from any contamination as well. You can also plant live flowers. In addition, you can visit the sleeping angels only where there is no potential threat from the air or the ground. Take care of yourself and always be careful.

Earlier, during Radonitsa, many arranged on the yards luxuriant. The people did not drink, but they did not drink. That's certainly not bad. It would be better if such meetings were held elsewhere. The priests do not see anything positive in such events.
Undoubtedly, you can bring sweets, water, pastries and leave for your loved one. But it would be even better if near Food will be given to the homeless or needy. Trust me, it's much more sensible than noisy gatherings on the churchyard. Make a feasible charitable deduction in favor of immigrants, children, hospitals, the elderly or animal shelters. You will immediately notice how the overall emotional state improves.

When this year Radonitsa and what prayers you need to know at Home, you can say quite simple words. Light a candle and remember this short prayer: Rest, O Lord, the souls of your dead servants: parents, relatives, benefactors, and all those who are no longer with me. Forgive them all their sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the kingdom of heaven.
To honor the memory of parents, you can say the following words: “Merciful Lord!” Receive my warm prayer for your servant and give him your reward. For the labors and cares of my education in faith and Christian piety, who taught me the first thing to see You, my Lord, in reverence to pray to You, to trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and diseases. Repay him, O Lord, by your mercy, by your heavenly blessings and joys in your eternal kingdom for ever and ever.

It is very important what thoughts Radonica will meet. Try hard. stay outDo not think about the bad, do not quarrel, do not eat negativity. Focus all your thoughts on the memory of relatives and friends who are no longer nearby. Give them maximum prayers and spiritual blessings. If possible, go to church, serve to those in need, visit the churchyard.
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