The husband revealed the desire to take a second wife and constantly talks about it, I can no longer listen to him, but I do not know how to dissuade the faithful from this undertaking.
Polygamy in Russia The topic is not that closed, but still they try not to pedal much. Yes, this happens, especially in regions where there are many men from Eastern countries. But only if all parties to the marriage have a positive attitude. Both men and women.
The maximum number of women in polygamy four. A man is obligated to support them and be an equally good spouse for each. Our reader has studied the subject a little, but still does not agree to share her husband with others. For purely psychological reasons and education. However, her handsome husband has already decided everything for himself.
I am 34 years old, I am the mother of three wonderful children. We have been living with our husband for 7 years, although we met a little earlier. I love him with all my heart. Yunus is a strong, obligatory man. I will never raise my voice to my children unless there is a reason for it. He provides for our family and demands nothing in return.
Of course, I learned a lot after meeting him. I developed female gentleness, tenderness. From being a stupid and fickle party girl, I became an understanding wife and, I hope, a worthy mother. I am a support, an adviser to my man. I can tell him something, support him any minute. Just like he supports us.
But recently, Yunus began to hint to me that he would like to have another wife. He said our love will only grow stronger. So is trust. What's more, he suggested that I find this woman myself, so that I wouldn't think he was driven by passion and desire. According to him, he wants more heirs, because this is what his inner sense of duty and ancient traditions tell him.
I am worried that this woman will become another full member of the family, she will have her own rights and duties. She'll be able to legally honor my husband and discuss everything with him, including me and my children. And I have to treat it as if nothing unusual is happening and everything is in perfect order.
Since the affairs of the spouse began to go uphill, and we began to have enough money for any whims, he often returns to this topic. And if it used to sound like a silly fantasy, now everything has changed. I think something needs to be decided now. But I personally am very opposed to such changes.
Perhaps we need to start with the main thing: in matters of faith, psychologists are powerless. If your husband’s idea of polygamy is somehow related to the heritage of his ancestors, no specialist can convince him. Just because he is not an authority. If the reason is preciselyfleetingThe desire to have children from another woman – a few conversations can bear fruit.
But in the first case, in the second case, you can help yourself. You just have to accept that there is no going back. Although, if you say that you can not live with another woman, you have nothing to lose. To do this, try to make it as accessible and categorical as possible to convey to your spouse that this issue concerns you. Divorce is the only reaction that comes to mind.
It is not necessary to scandalize or try to bring a man to emotions. All your words will only get negative for him. A game of characters will begin, which will smoothly turn into principle. Perhaps he will demand a whole harem. We don't need that. Take a few days to plan your conversation. You have to be firm and stand up for your position clearly. That's what matters.
The result can be either an understanding of your emotions on the part of your husband or an acceleration of an already impending divorce. In any case, nothing unusual and unobvious. But you should only do this if you are 100% sure that this life is not for you.
By the way, now the fashion for polygamy in marriage has appeared in the “typical” Slavs. Many successful Russians often let other women into their marriages, and their wives are well aware of this. Officially, such a relationship may be condemned, but for some it is not a reason to change their whims. The world is changing and we are changing with it.

The maximum number of women in polygamy four. A man is obligated to support them and be an equally good spouse for each. Our reader has studied the subject a little, but still does not agree to share her husband with others. For purely psychological reasons and education. However, her handsome husband has already decided everything for himself.
I am 34 years old, I am the mother of three wonderful children. We have been living with our husband for 7 years, although we met a little earlier. I love him with all my heart. Yunus is a strong, obligatory man. I will never raise my voice to my children unless there is a reason for it. He provides for our family and demands nothing in return.

Of course, I learned a lot after meeting him. I developed female gentleness, tenderness. From being a stupid and fickle party girl, I became an understanding wife and, I hope, a worthy mother. I am a support, an adviser to my man. I can tell him something, support him any minute. Just like he supports us.

But recently, Yunus began to hint to me that he would like to have another wife. He said our love will only grow stronger. So is trust. What's more, he suggested that I find this woman myself, so that I wouldn't think he was driven by passion and desire. According to him, he wants more heirs, because this is what his inner sense of duty and ancient traditions tell him.
I am worried that this woman will become another full member of the family, she will have her own rights and duties. She'll be able to legally honor my husband and discuss everything with him, including me and my children. And I have to treat it as if nothing unusual is happening and everything is in perfect order.

Since the affairs of the spouse began to go uphill, and we began to have enough money for any whims, he often returns to this topic. And if it used to sound like a silly fantasy, now everything has changed. I think something needs to be decided now. But I personally am very opposed to such changes.
Perhaps we need to start with the main thing: in matters of faith, psychologists are powerless. If your husband’s idea of polygamy is somehow related to the heritage of his ancestors, no specialist can convince him. Just because he is not an authority. If the reason is preciselyfleetingThe desire to have children from another woman – a few conversations can bear fruit.
But in the first case, in the second case, you can help yourself. You just have to accept that there is no going back. Although, if you say that you can not live with another woman, you have nothing to lose. To do this, try to make it as accessible and categorical as possible to convey to your spouse that this issue concerns you. Divorce is the only reaction that comes to mind.

It is not necessary to scandalize or try to bring a man to emotions. All your words will only get negative for him. A game of characters will begin, which will smoothly turn into principle. Perhaps he will demand a whole harem. We don't need that. Take a few days to plan your conversation. You have to be firm and stand up for your position clearly. That's what matters.
The result can be either an understanding of your emotions on the part of your husband or an acceleration of an already impending divorce. In any case, nothing unusual and unobvious. But you should only do this if you are 100% sure that this life is not for you.

By the way, now the fashion for polygamy in marriage has appeared in the “typical” Slavs. Many successful Russians often let other women into their marriages, and their wives are well aware of this. Officially, such a relationship may be condemned, but for some it is not a reason to change their whims. The world is changing and we are changing with it.
Husband drove away with his mistress on vacation, leaving his wife in a dilapidated house, he did not know what he would see when he decided to return.
The wardrobe with drawings on mirrors or photo printing was in trend during the European renovations, but now its place is definitely not in the apartment.