A friend from Murmansk washes red caviar before eating, asked why she does it
It sounds like nonsense, but the request does exist. In some families, the question is very serious. spawn. Naturally, if there is a request, then we must certainly figure out how to do it correctly. Or should I do it at all? Well, because I doubt it.
Editorial "Site" I asked the subscribers whether it is really necessary to wash the red caviar and in what cases it is simply necessary. There are things. When caviar is in a tin jar, it is impossible to visually appreciate its appearance or understand how it smells and tastes. And if something is wrong with her, just do not raise the hand to throw it away.
Washing is a method that is used to save the situation. Just for the cases described above. Brought the can home, opened, caviar is either salted, or has some strange smell, or a preservative of murky color. Is there anything else you might not like? There is no time or desire to return to the store.
In other cases, washing salted caviar is not that it is not worth it, and even such thoughts should not come to mind. It is as if you had to wash the sprats or pineapple. The product is ready for use and does not require additional processing. However, there are people who “improve” caviar with soda or beer. All right, soda's gone nowhere.
Okay. The caviar looks normal., the smell does not cause suspicion, the taste is "the same", caviar, without bitterness and excessive salt. We go straight to the serving or meal. If something is suggestive, act on the next plan and do not rush to be frightened. Salinity is normal, so decided the manufacturer. Bitterness is the first sign of oxidation. Allowable. By the way, many people like the bitterness.
How to wash the caviar a small retreat before you take certain actions. All the methods presented here are from the people. Perhaps this is done in not very conscientious restaurants to hide the first signs of staleness or low-quality. Either way, you're in charge. We're just proposing ways.
The smell.
I don’t like the smell and black tea comes to the rescue. You need to make a fairly strong brew without sugar, strain it carefully and wait until it becomes barely warm. Add to a plate with caviar in a proportion of one to one and gently stir five to seven minutes. Pour into a strainer or gauze. If the smell remains, then brew the same brew again and try to wash again, but less in time. The smell has to go. If it does not help, perhaps caviar should not be eaten. species
The caviar looks crumpled or shrivelled, everything else is normal. Sometimes the appearance can be depressing. Boil some fresh milk and wait until it cools to at least 40 degrees (better less). Give them caviar and let them stay for ten or twelve minutes. You can shake a little. Another strain, another gauze. After fifteen minutes, when all the milk has drained, the eggs can either be served or served as is.
Editorial advice Do not wash the caviar with cold running water or boiling water. Water can be hard, impurities, and therefore caviar risks losing its caviar. taste. In boiling water, the caviar can elementary boil, become white and acquire rigidity. After that, you really have to throw it away. Beer or soda baths are unlikely to have any special effect.
Let us add from ourselves that every calf-washingIn our opinion, a questionable and probably completely inappropriate action. We've already said that, by the way. To eliminate such risks, it is worth finding a seller or manufacturer who will allow you to evaluate the product at least visually. And if it is possible to take a sample in person, it is better to buy there. Even if it's a little more expensive.
How to rinse caviarIf she doesn't like something. First of all, you don’t need to panic that the product is gone and that’s it. Secondly, it is better to overpay and get a guaranteed quality product. There are things. Read our article about why sandwiches made of loaf, smeared with butter and red caviar - the last century, because caviar can and should be eaten much more tasty and completely different! Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" I asked the subscribers whether it is really necessary to wash the red caviar and in what cases it is simply necessary. There are things. When caviar is in a tin jar, it is impossible to visually appreciate its appearance or understand how it smells and tastes. And if something is wrong with her, just do not raise the hand to throw it away.
Washing is a method that is used to save the situation. Just for the cases described above. Brought the can home, opened, caviar is either salted, or has some strange smell, or a preservative of murky color. Is there anything else you might not like? There is no time or desire to return to the store.

In other cases, washing salted caviar is not that it is not worth it, and even such thoughts should not come to mind. It is as if you had to wash the sprats or pineapple. The product is ready for use and does not require additional processing. However, there are people who “improve” caviar with soda or beer. All right, soda's gone nowhere.
Okay. The caviar looks normal., the smell does not cause suspicion, the taste is "the same", caviar, without bitterness and excessive salt. We go straight to the serving or meal. If something is suggestive, act on the next plan and do not rush to be frightened. Salinity is normal, so decided the manufacturer. Bitterness is the first sign of oxidation. Allowable. By the way, many people like the bitterness.

How to wash the caviar a small retreat before you take certain actions. All the methods presented here are from the people. Perhaps this is done in not very conscientious restaurants to hide the first signs of staleness or low-quality. Either way, you're in charge. We're just proposing ways.
- salt
Caviar is not very salty, it is true. To remove salinity, it is advised to do this: caviar is placed in a deep container and poured with warm boiled water. Water should be at least twice as large in volume as caviar. Three or four minutes of caviar need to be stirred, then drained together into a sieve or gauze. Wait a while for the remaining water to drain. You can put it on a plate and make sure the caviar is less salty now.

The smell.
I don’t like the smell and black tea comes to the rescue. You need to make a fairly strong brew without sugar, strain it carefully and wait until it becomes barely warm. Add to a plate with caviar in a proportion of one to one and gently stir five to seven minutes. Pour into a strainer or gauze. If the smell remains, then brew the same brew again and try to wash again, but less in time. The smell has to go. If it does not help, perhaps caviar should not be eaten. species
The caviar looks crumpled or shrivelled, everything else is normal. Sometimes the appearance can be depressing. Boil some fresh milk and wait until it cools to at least 40 degrees (better less). Give them caviar and let them stay for ten or twelve minutes. You can shake a little. Another strain, another gauze. After fifteen minutes, when all the milk has drained, the eggs can either be served or served as is.

Editorial advice Do not wash the caviar with cold running water or boiling water. Water can be hard, impurities, and therefore caviar risks losing its caviar. taste. In boiling water, the caviar can elementary boil, become white and acquire rigidity. After that, you really have to throw it away. Beer or soda baths are unlikely to have any special effect.
Let us add from ourselves that every calf-washingIn our opinion, a questionable and probably completely inappropriate action. We've already said that, by the way. To eliminate such risks, it is worth finding a seller or manufacturer who will allow you to evaluate the product at least visually. And if it is possible to take a sample in person, it is better to buy there. Even if it's a little more expensive.

How to rinse caviarIf she doesn't like something. First of all, you don’t need to panic that the product is gone and that’s it. Secondly, it is better to overpay and get a guaranteed quality product. There are things. Read our article about why sandwiches made of loaf, smeared with butter and red caviar - the last century, because caviar can and should be eaten much more tasty and completely different! Thank you for staying with us!
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It is a pity that beautiful ancient words disappear from the Russian language, and they are replaced by eerie newfangled words.