Eleven years lived happily together, and 2 weeks before the birth of the baby, the husband ran away
What if your best friend and life partner leaves at the most critical time? Elizabeth would never have thought that her husband after childbirth and the birth of the long-awaited first child will finally leave the family. After all, they were connected not only by a common life and mutual feelings, but by a common history that lasted more than 10 years.
Adding to the family Elizabeth was very happy to hear the news about her pregnancy. She and Arthur had been wanting a baby for 4 years, and now the turning point has come. However, Elizabeth did not suspect that the news of the upcoming addition would be a turning point in every sense.
The closer the date of the appearance of a new family member, the more often she noticed the strange behavior of her husband. In their dialogues, words ran through that love might run out and that Arthur feared it. Elizabeth did not experience anything like this, but the strange signs on the part of her husband evoked the idea that his words were grounded. She had no choice but to comfort herself with the hope that it was just such a period.
When the child actively kicked and his decent weight reminded of the imminent appearance, it became obvious that Arthur no longer loves Elizabeth. In the middle of the argument, he said he wanted to leave. When the couple got cold, Arthur said he needed to be alone. So he'll pack up his things today and go to his mother for a while.
- After the baby is born, I will come to you, he reassured Elizabeth, but there was no determination or confidence in his voice.
A week later, a beautiful healthy boy was born. Elizabeth called him Victor, the winner. After all, for her, the birth of a son remained the brightest moment in her life and a symbolic victory over all adversity. Even if his appearance was the beginning of the end of his relationship with Arthur.
As she thought, Arthur never came back. As he said later on the phone, life is much easier for him. Nevertheless, they continued to communicate. Arthur promised to help financially, and Elizabeth agreed to accept his help. True, even the simplest friendly communication on the phone caused Elizabeth unbearable suffering.
Peels What's wrong with her? Why did he stop loving her? After all, all these 11 years they were fine. They constantly worked on their relationship and supported each other’s aspirations. She tried to be his best friend and remain a great mistress. And she thought she was doing great. And now she needs Arthur more than ever. Their son needs him!
Once Elizabeth could not stand and dialed Arthur's number.
- Hey! I wanted to say that we should not communicate anymore - Elizabeth barely understood what she was saying from experiences. I don’t want to visit my son or anything like that. I just can't talk to you and hear your voice and know you're okay without me. It hurts too much. Therefore, I ask you to contact me as little as possible and not be offended by the lack of attention on my part.
When she hung up, Elizabeth could barely breathe with tears. They streamed down her red cheeks and fell on a sprained stained sweatshirt. I heard crying from the cradle. Elizabeth got up from the sofa, quickly lost her tears and approached little Vita. I picked him up and tried the diaper, not warm.
Peels - What are you crying about? - She asked the baby affectionately. - You want to eat? I'll feed you now and you'll be fine. Yeah, it's gonna be okay.
Husband after childbirth – How can news of a child lead to a desire to break up a relationship? Is there any chance that Arthur will want to return to the family? If that happens, should I take it back?

Adding to the family Elizabeth was very happy to hear the news about her pregnancy. She and Arthur had been wanting a baby for 4 years, and now the turning point has come. However, Elizabeth did not suspect that the news of the upcoming addition would be a turning point in every sense.
The closer the date of the appearance of a new family member, the more often she noticed the strange behavior of her husband. In their dialogues, words ran through that love might run out and that Arthur feared it. Elizabeth did not experience anything like this, but the strange signs on the part of her husband evoked the idea that his words were grounded. She had no choice but to comfort herself with the hope that it was just such a period.

When the child actively kicked and his decent weight reminded of the imminent appearance, it became obvious that Arthur no longer loves Elizabeth. In the middle of the argument, he said he wanted to leave. When the couple got cold, Arthur said he needed to be alone. So he'll pack up his things today and go to his mother for a while.
- After the baby is born, I will come to you, he reassured Elizabeth, but there was no determination or confidence in his voice.

A week later, a beautiful healthy boy was born. Elizabeth called him Victor, the winner. After all, for her, the birth of a son remained the brightest moment in her life and a symbolic victory over all adversity. Even if his appearance was the beginning of the end of his relationship with Arthur.
As she thought, Arthur never came back. As he said later on the phone, life is much easier for him. Nevertheless, they continued to communicate. Arthur promised to help financially, and Elizabeth agreed to accept his help. True, even the simplest friendly communication on the phone caused Elizabeth unbearable suffering.

Peels What's wrong with her? Why did he stop loving her? After all, all these 11 years they were fine. They constantly worked on their relationship and supported each other’s aspirations. She tried to be his best friend and remain a great mistress. And she thought she was doing great. And now she needs Arthur more than ever. Their son needs him!

Once Elizabeth could not stand and dialed Arthur's number.
- Hey! I wanted to say that we should not communicate anymore - Elizabeth barely understood what she was saying from experiences. I don’t want to visit my son or anything like that. I just can't talk to you and hear your voice and know you're okay without me. It hurts too much. Therefore, I ask you to contact me as little as possible and not be offended by the lack of attention on my part.
When she hung up, Elizabeth could barely breathe with tears. They streamed down her red cheeks and fell on a sprained stained sweatshirt. I heard crying from the cradle. Elizabeth got up from the sofa, quickly lost her tears and approached little Vita. I picked him up and tried the diaper, not warm.

Peels - What are you crying about? - She asked the baby affectionately. - You want to eat? I'll feed you now and you'll be fine. Yeah, it's gonna be okay.
Husband after childbirth – How can news of a child lead to a desire to break up a relationship? Is there any chance that Arthur will want to return to the family? If that happens, should I take it back?
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