Many people drink these drinks every day. And they're really poisoning!

Water is essential for our lives. And whatever your attitude towards it, you will drink it in any way. Smart entrepreneurs took advantage of this, creating everyone’s favorite sweet soda. After all, agree, drinking ordinary water is not as pleasant and tasty as sweet with bubbles. And in the summer, it's cool!

Few people think that delicious water can adversely affect health. And we're not just talking about the figure, but the whole organism. This is especially true for everyone’s favorite cola, which many drink in unlimited quantities. Even if it's marked Light. Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why you should limit the use of carbonated water today, and ideally, completely refuse.

Carbonated beverages should begin with the well-known fact that carbonated It's just a huge amount of sugar. But that was the case before, and now the chemical industry has found a substitute, aspartame (E 951). And in "Coca-Cola" and "Sprite" its number is generally sky-high. On this occasion, scientists from the University of Iowa began to sound the alarm.

Over 10 years of research, they found that consuming just 2 glasses of this sweetener per day increased the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. And the probability of death from a heart attack by as much as 50%! But these are not all the negative properties of aspartame.

It increases the risk of developing depression. It would seem that sweets should only improve mood, but not in the case of E 951. And, as you know, this condition leads to excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and hence again to heart disease.

Aspartame can provoke other diseases, including: lupus, Alzheimer's disease, panic attacks, dizziness and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Remember that we are talking about two glasses of sweet water a day, which is not much. In addition to this ingredient, there are still many preservatives, dyes and other additives in soda.

It’s not just sugar and sweeteners in carbonated water that are harmful to your health. Orthophosphoric acid is very harmful, which washes calcium from bones and destroys enamel. In more organic sweet drinks can use citric or malic acid, which is not so harmful, but still excessive ingress of acid in the body entails not the best consequences.

Everyone’s favorite bubbles are carbonic acid, which is added to the water artificially. Natural mineral water is saturated with natural carbon dioxide, which makes it useful and helps the body fight pathogenic bacteria. But carbonic acid irritates the stomach lining. And even a healthy person who drinks water with it can get gastritis. It also destroys tooth enamel.

And of course, sweet water has a negative effect on the figure. Besides being overweight, soda, even without sugar, is a potential cellulite. So if you sit on diets, do sports, but still do not reach the cherished slimness and fit, think, maybe you like heavily carbonated water.

Council of Reaction
No one tells you to drink sweet water and soda. After all, any product, if you look wider, you can find a negative effect on the body. Just decide for yourself whether water with dyes and sweeteners is worth it to become a regular patient of the local clinic. In addition, you can make yourself a delicious fruit water, which will also be useful. Just add some fruit, especially citrus fruits.

We wish you health! Share useful information with your friends on social networks.


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