These cool tips may seem ridiculous, but in the USSR only survived!
In the Soviet Union, everything was in short supply, but at the same time people had the necessary things, and what was lacking, they did themselves. Repeatedly, I was surprised by the stories of parents about soda machines without disposable cups, about the prices of truly natural products, but even more fascinating are the stories about what tricks Soviet people went to.
The invention and genius of Soviet citizens are really surprising. Editorial "Site" I decided to talk and talk about it a long time ago. forgotten advicewhich will make life easier and save money. These tricks are both funny and useful at the same time.
Soviet life
Editorial Board
Once upon a time, people who did not have the Internet could think well and find solutions to many problems. It would be great to find old journals "Science and Technology" - a real storehouse of ideas.
Tell us in the comments what tricks you used in times of scarcity. And don’t forget to share interesting and useful information with your friends on social networks!

The invention and genius of Soviet citizens are really surprising. Editorial "Site" I decided to talk and talk about it a long time ago. forgotten advicewhich will make life easier and save money. These tricks are both funny and useful at the same time.
Soviet life
- Tuning baby carriages
It is now in the store you can find wheelchairs of whatever color, size and configuration you want. Once upon a time, you had to make an effort to transform such a necessary thing. And in case the house did not work elevator, magazines wrote how to simplify the lift and descent of the stroller on the steps. When the child grew up, the wheelchair was either sold or turned into a wheelbarrow. - Rotating TV
Most of the tricks of the time were aimed not only at saving money, but also at convenience and practicality. Not everyone could afford a rotating stand under the TV. But making it yourself was not difficult. For example, the popular at the time magazine “Science and Technology” advised to use for this business a health disk – a rotating floor disk for exercise. It was enough to fix it on the stand and put the TV on top. - Tuning dishes
In Soviet times, pans were not equipped with plastic or wooden lids. So that the housewives did not burn their fingers when it was necessary to quickly lift the lid, they used a cork from a wine bottle or a wooden bar. At the worst, there was a tightly twisted newspaper.
376244 - Hair tights repair
Capron tights were in great shortage. They were treated very carefully and worn on special occasions. If a puff or hole appeared on the tights, they were not sent immediately to the garbage can. It was jewelry work: the stocking was carefully pulled on the lamp and began to gently stitch. If hosiery became completely unsuitable for wear, then they were used in everyday life. They kept garlic and onions. And the magazine “Science and Technology” advised to use knapsacks to repair rackets for tennis or badminton. Through tights filtered juice or wine. In general, they saved in many domestic situations both women and men. - Match in lipstick
Shooting tights with hair is not the only ingenious invention of Soviet women. They knew how to save money on buying new lipstick. When it was no longer possible to paint lipstick in the usual way, a match was used. There was still a lot of money left. So the contents of lipstick were used to the last drop. - Flush tank cheating
This life hack will be useful now, because the cost of utilities, to put it mildly, bites. In the USSR, people, in order to save on paying for water, put a brick in a toilet bowl. Thus, less water was collected there. A few years ago, this idea of frugal Soviet citizens It was used by a California company. Only instead of the usual brick, the Americans used rubber. The principle of operation is the same – less water is used. The authors of the overseas project claim that this can save up to 11,000 liters of water per year. - Saving carcass
When the mascara dried up, they just spit on the brush. The saliva dissolved the contents perfectly, and the mascara dyed better than new. The women also knew that the carcass canister had a spare tank. Enough to pick out the inner cap, and the contents for another year will be enough. - Eye shadows
If there were no eye shadows or their shade was inappropriate, Soviet women used New Year's toys. On the eyelids applied cream or Vaseline and sprinkled on top with crushed sequins. The festive image is ready! - Wantooth instead of a pen
And again, we will borrow a useful and easy life hack from the journal Science and Technology. It often happens that the drawer suddenly fell off one of the handles. A man can be at work, and you need to get something right now. To solve the problem, use a vial. Apply it to a place where there is no pen and open the box. - Bigoud from the paper
We can safely say that women in the USSR were real inventors. If you wanted to curl your hair, and there were no ploys or bigots, newspapers were used. I took a small piece of fabric, wrapped with a newspaper of the desired thickness. Then the wet strand was wound on such curls and tied the tips. After a couple of hours or the next morning, there were luxurious curls on his head.
Editorial Board
Once upon a time, people who did not have the Internet could think well and find solutions to many problems. It would be great to find old journals "Science and Technology" - a real storehouse of ideas.
Tell us in the comments what tricks you used in times of scarcity. And don’t forget to share interesting and useful information with your friends on social networks!
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