To the stomach "retracted" in 3 days! Please drink on an empty stomach mixed with water.
Lemon juice contains acids that accelerate metabolism. As well as a large amount of vitamin C - a natural and strong antioxidant. The diet based on its use is effective and simple. Lemon juice should be mixed with water and drunk on an empty stomach before breakfast.
We suggest to adhere to this diet for two weeks. This is the optimal time needed to cleanse the body and accelerate metabolic processes. It is best to follow a certain plan.
First day
Mix the juice of one lemon with a glass of water and drink at a time.
Second day
Increase the proportions twice and drink the drink twice: in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast and before the second meal.
Each day you need to increase the rate of lemons by one piece and dilute the juice from each new fruit with an additional glass of water. You should not drink everything at once, but divide into portions.
Seventh day
Mix the juice of 3 lemons with 10 glasses of water and add a tablespoon of honey. Drink throughout the day.
Eighth day
Squeeze the juice from six lemons and mix it with six glasses of water.
From the ninth to the thirteenth day, reduce the rate of lemons consumed by one piece every day. The last day of the diet should repeat the seventh. Water with lemon and honey In the appropriate proportions – an excellent solution to complete the detox program.
Watch your feelings, you should feel comfortable and easy after drinking. Drink as much as you can at one time. And watch the time: consume the mixture about 1 hour before meals.
Experiment and listen to your body. Give him only what is useful and well-being. You will be happy with the result!
Important! If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to postpone the lemon diet until recovery.
Water with lemon on an empty stomach - a diet recommended by the editorial board "Site". It's quite versatile. Share information about it with your friends!

We suggest to adhere to this diet for two weeks. This is the optimal time needed to cleanse the body and accelerate metabolic processes. It is best to follow a certain plan.
First day
Mix the juice of one lemon with a glass of water and drink at a time.

Second day
Increase the proportions twice and drink the drink twice: in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast and before the second meal.
Each day you need to increase the rate of lemons by one piece and dilute the juice from each new fruit with an additional glass of water. You should not drink everything at once, but divide into portions.
Seventh day
Mix the juice of 3 lemons with 10 glasses of water and add a tablespoon of honey. Drink throughout the day.

Eighth day
Squeeze the juice from six lemons and mix it with six glasses of water.
From the ninth to the thirteenth day, reduce the rate of lemons consumed by one piece every day. The last day of the diet should repeat the seventh. Water with lemon and honey In the appropriate proportions – an excellent solution to complete the detox program.

Watch your feelings, you should feel comfortable and easy after drinking. Drink as much as you can at one time. And watch the time: consume the mixture about 1 hour before meals.
Experiment and listen to your body. Give him only what is useful and well-being. You will be happy with the result!

Important! If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to postpone the lemon diet until recovery.
Water with lemon on an empty stomach - a diet recommended by the editorial board "Site". It's quite versatile. Share information about it with your friends!
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